Are you a phone person?


I ask this because in this era of the super fast internet, it is so nice & easy to keep in touch on line and be "social" this way, too. I mean, look how chatty we all are on here! Hee. It's often that safe & comfortable place to be, you know?

Oftentimes I find myself wanting to keep in touch this way because I'm not feeling chatty or going through the whole "shtick" of being on the phone. I remember when I worked (before SAHM) I didn't want to touch the phone after work. Other days, I love the phone and want to talk to everyone I know. Yeah, I know I'm weird.

Just my curiousity here and something to liven up the day since the weather is majorly sucko outside ;)


I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her.
Ellen DeGeneres
I love email, HATE the phone. Have always hated the phone - I was brought up by "children should be seen and not heard" parents, and I always feel like I'm held captive by other people's chattering, I just smile and nod and it's really hard for me to get a word in edgewise or to talk about myself. It's ok in person because there's something about seeing the person that makes the communication better, but on the phone I almost always feel trapped. I avoid the phone unless absolutely necessary. My cell phone battery hardly ever needs charging! And it's weird, because with emails and message boards sometimes I ramble on and can't shut up LOL...
Email = good. Phone = uncomfortable. At least at work. I hate it when people call me at work - I screen my calls at work. It's so much easier for me if they just send me an email, then I have TIME to think up a response, or do some research, and I can then be thoughtful about my reply email. I always feel so cornered when people call me.

In my personal life, I prefer email too (it's just easier for me), but I don't feel uncomfortable on the phone with friends/family like I do with work people.
No, not a phone person. I'm amazed at the people I see out in public who are having the most ridiculous conversations on their cell phones! I barely answer my phone at home! I'll catch up with friends once a week or so, but I don't need to talk on the phone while I'm shopping or driving or waiting at the DMV or at a restaurant (or in a public bathroom...that'll never stop being weird to me!).

I have no problem at all with only myself as company. And when I'm at a place where I have to wait, I usually make sure I have a book with me. Or I can always listen in on the very personal cell phone conversations around me (since they are usually done very loudly), and am in awe, once again, at the people who populate this world.
Definitely not! As far as I'm concerned the phone is for making arrangements only. I'd much rather socialize face to face.

Plus I spend so much time on the phone at work schmoozing. I just need a break during the off hours.
I hate talking on the phone. At work I am on the phone quite a bit, so when I get home the last thing I want to do is talk on the phone.
Dh also hates talking on the phone, so when it rings at our house its like this Me: Answer the phone DH: No, you answer the phone.
Me: No, I picked it up last time. DH: No, I did. Thank goodness for answering machines.

This is such an interesting thread! We all so far hate the phone, but everywhere we go there are people chattering on cell phones all the time! I wonder if most of us video exercisers are sort of introverted (I definitely am), and that translates into not being phone-chatterers, and preferring working out at home with videos to going to gyms...
I hate talking on the phone and avoid answering it when it rings. I definitely prefer internet conversations.

You're right. Who ARE those people out there blabbing on cell phones all the time!!!

But, I'm not really introverted. Maybe I'm just not into multi-tasking. Talking on the phone is too distracting to me to do it while I'm running errands, enjoying time to myself, etc.

I think that some of the people blabbing out there just have a need to be entertained constantly or can't stand being alone for very long.

Hmmm....quite the conundrum.x(
I don't like talking on the phone either. I only pick up the calls from my MIL because I was told I need to. :)

I hate talking on the phone too. Everytime it rings, I just cringe. I have to admit though, when I was a teenager, I lived on the phone. I was always having late night chats with my bf's and gf's and really enjoyed it then. But now with things as busy and hectic as they are, I just don't have time for it. E-mail is so much easier and I agree it gives you more time to think through your answers. Sometimes I feel like a stammering idiot on the phone - HATE leaving messages too! Yikes!
I LOVE the phone!! My landline that is, I really hate being bothered in the outside world by inconsiderate cell phone users. But, as a stay at home mom, I really do love talking on the phone during the day because it makes the menial tasks go so quickly. I do some of my best cleaning talking on the phone.

I like the phone but maybe it is because I have moved away from family and friends so I like to just chat. I don't chat with them in public on my cell though. It's too personal. I hear lots of stuff from other ppl on their cells. TMI. Anyway I guess I a phone talker.
HATE .. the phone .. (b/c I am on it all day working collections)

and someone asked "Who ARE those people out there blabbing on cell phones all the time" ... aaahh .. that would be my BF and my AUNT .. OMG .. they drive me insane ..they are attatched to their phone ..

they know I have an aversion to the phone and they still call 100 times a day ..

I hate it so bad .. they know the only way I will pick up the phone on the weekend is to leave a message with some sort of vague leading question they HAVE to have the answer to (I call it their version of the news teaser) ...
I'm not crazy about the phone. It rings at work all day and I rarely answer it at home. That's DD and DH's job. Sometimes situations just need a human voice though. Every now and then I feel the need to pick up the phone and talk to a friend or relative. I'm always embarrassed, though, when my cell rings in public.
I have a reputation for not answering the phone ever. The funny thing is at home when the phone rings, none of us budge. :p I really don't like being on the phone at all. The only time I don't really mind is when I'm at work so I can chat and work at the same time. :) :) If anyone wants to call, my work number is....}(

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