Are walking lunges the best out of all the lunges - need to firm up


I'm postpartum, and my thighs collect cellulite no matter what but in pregnancy they really just collect there more. I only gained 18 lbs, I have lost 22, but still have this cellulite to kill. It was down more prepregnancy, and I want it down as much as possible by summer. I'm trying to put in as much workouts as I can squeese in my time, but seem to only get in about 4 hours a week - hopefully with good weather soon I can get in more. I am doing lower body weights at gym by machine 2 x's a week and doing the elliptical as many times as I can squeese in. I am also doing lunges: cross overs, back lunges, forward, static - but am wondering should I chuck these for walking lunges? Cathe seems to add them a lot to many rotations and I'm wondering is that cause they are better? I really need to firm up my legs so any help would be great.

eta: I'm 5'1" and 115 lbs and in my targeted weight zone
I'm not sure I'd say walking lunges are better than any other lunges. I think just the varation of different lunges that you have been doing is the way to go and prevent yourself from getting bored. Personally I feel reverse lunges are the best for me, as I can really focus on my glutes...:)...Carole
I was wondering what your answer was going to be, Carole. I LOVE the reverse lunges! I like them the most of all of the variations, but I also do all of them just for variety.

Hey Gayle....try the reverse crossover lunges....I think Cathe does these in L&G...Yeow!!!....:)...Carole
RE: Are walking lunges the best out of all the lunges -...

Great responses so far, I'd just like to add, watch your diet and get plenty of cardio. Lunges in all variations are awesome, try adding some dumbells for an extra challenge.

Unfortunately cellulite is stubborn!

I'm sure you look great, we're always our own toughest critic!

RE: Are walking lunges the best out of all the lunges -...

Plyometrics and walking lunges DO get rid of that "cottage cheese", a.k.a. cellulite.

I had bad cellulite, and started doing P90X. This program has PlyoX. You can purchase this DVD seperately from

And during this workout, walking lunges are incorporated with the proper form. If you try this 1-2 times a week, you should see results in a month. Ask any trainer, especially female trainers, walking lunges do help in reducing cellulite.

But remember, eat clean.
RE: Are walking lunges the best out of all the lunges -...

Thanks I'll check that out! I can't cut my diet to much as I'm nursing - BUT I'm eating mostly whole foods, and cutting the sweets ;)

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