Anyone Workout & Deliver the Same Day?


Hi Everyone!

I'm a little less than 3 weeks away from my due date now (biting my nails as I type this, LOL!). This is my first pregnancy and I'm still managing (and enjoying) working out, albeit in a vastly modified manner. I find if I don't work out for a day or two, I get very restless and really miss it, although I am also listening to my body and taking plenty of rest (and food!!) as well.

As I am getting so close to my due date now, I'm just wondering if I should stop working out completely? Did any of you do a workout and then end up delivering/going into labour the same day? If so, did the fact that you had done a workout mean you were overly tired, or did it give you more energy stamina for the actual birth?

I would love to hear your experiences, either way!

Kaz x

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Well, sort of!
I worked out in the morning - I did a (modified of course) Kathy Smith Hi/Lo video; it's about 27 minutes long. I was in a rush because I had an appointment that morning at my Ob/Gyn. He told me that I would probably have the baby by the end of the week. That night I went into labor at 11:00 and had my son around 5am the following morning. He was 8 days early.
I would say that working out helped me in my labor. I had to push for an hour and a half - it was like running a marathon! Throughout my pregnancy exercise made me feel stronger, gave me more energy, and definately helped my "pregnant" body image. But I don't think that because I worked out that day that I was any more or less tired when I went into labor. I think continuing to work out throughout my pregnancy gave me the stamina to get through labor.
I think that the night before I had my son was the last time I had a full night's sleep! UGH!
I did the Firm's Tough Tape 2 and Tough Cardio Mix two days before giving birth. I had been working out about 6 days a week (but not on days where my body told me not to), then I lost my motivation completely. No interest. So I just stopped and decided I would pick up again after giving birth.

Two days later I had my little boy, and I started again (light workouts, no impact) three days after. Listen to your body.
I did a Spinning class on August 12, a Yoga tape on August 13, and had my C-section August 14. (It was planned, so I can't say the workouts brought it on!) My workouts really helped my energy level, my ability to relax and my ability to sleep. Also, I think they helped my recovery. I was doing modified ab work within about a week and was back to full activity by 4 weeks after my daughter was born.

Sidse is right, listen to your body and it will tell you what you can handle.
It has been almost a year for me as my little guy will turn 1 on Jan. 18. I had a planned rest day and I woke up at 5:00 a.m. wide awake so I decided to go to the gym. I worked out pretty hard (while still listening to my body). It seemed like everyone was asking when the baby was coming. My due date was still 3 days away. I went home and while eating breakfast, labor started and kicked in fast. I actually felt very good and it did not seem to take away from the energy I needed to push a baby into the world.

Yup, did 45 minute walk on my treadmill in the am, then water broke at 7pm, gave birth 6 hours later at 1am. LONG day!!! But when you are in labor endorphins kick in. But after you are really really tired. My dr. said my labor was probably so fast with my first because I worked out the whole pregnancy.

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