Anyone watch The Bachelor???

Gemini girl

I'm was THRILLED to see Trish go! I can't wait until next week when she comes back! Let the drama begin...LOVE IT!!!!!!
yes - she's going to "get her boyfriend back". In the preview, it showed her making a grand entry while he's on a date with the pagent girl. She walkes up to them and pulls him away, and gives him her room key! I will be in the Bahamas while the show is on, my VCR better not fail me!
It seems so fake to me... almost staged. There just isn't much to it this year other than the Trish drama. BUT I STILL watch it every weds!
I watch the Bachelor. Although I won't miss an episode, I do agree that ABC seems to be staging this whole thing. Why else would Trish KNOW where the overnight date was going to be (everything is so highly secretive!) and how would the cameras know to follow her? I feel bad that they are doing this to Mandy Jaye on her special night to win Jesse over. Something is up with this!


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