anyone try new firm dvd


push pull or steamin cardio dvd what do you think? no way as good as cathes push pull. they say this is a new system but it seemed easy and i dont like the instructors. Cathe remains the leader!!!!
I'm not sure how it happens but somehow over the past few years I've gotten the addiction of buying new workouts. I started with the Firm and have virtually everything in print. I also bought the WHFN Fitprimes and KickButt series which produces Steamin Cardio and Push Pull. Now, I'm working on the Cathe tapes. LORD HELP ME!

Anyway, to your question. The WHFN series has 12 workouts. 6 in the Fitprimes and 6 in the KickButts. They are a nice fusion of weights/cardio/pilates/yoga. However, they are in no way shape or form as intense as a Cathe workout or even a firm workout. They still have value in the workout world but not so much if you are a seriously advanced exerciser. The only benefit might be the pilates/yoga component for flexibility.

But, even with all this said, they are well choreographed fun workouts. My motto there is a place for everything and a workout for everyone! Whatever it takes to get you up off the couch and moving!!
They're not Firm workouts - they're Women's Health And Fitness Network workouts made by the same person who started the original Firm - Anna Benson.

I have all 12 and really like them. I use them for "easier" days and for extra add-ons when I am so inclined. They're a bit different, but I enjoy having so much variety out there to choose from. To each his (or her!!) own!!


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