Anyone heard of this happening??


Hi everyone! I have been away for awhile but wanted to see if any of the very educated crowd has heard of something that happened to me about 3 days after I gave birth to my daughter. I had a vericose vein rupture inside my vagina. I was virtually paralyzed from about the hip flexors down for a week and then once I could get out of bed, walking was extremely painful and slow going. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if they know anyone that it has happened to.

I spoke with my doctor the morning that I woke up and couldn't move and she told me a brief synopsis and then instructed me to go to the emergency room at the hospital that I delivered. Unfortunately, I have not spoken with her since. I have left a million messages and she has not returned any of them. Needless to say, I am getting a new doctor ASAP.

When I was in delivery, I waited about 45-60 minutes to push until my doctor showed up. Could that extra pressure have made the veins worse? I only pushed for two contractions so delivery was very easy once she got there. I am not "sue-happy" at all!! I just want some answers and hopefully someone here can give some to me.

I would appreciate any feedback if you have had experience with this.
Ruptured vericose vein sounds like a ruptured hemorrhoid. If that's the is very common. There's usually bright red discharge from the area & may be painful...but doesn't last. Maybe you have a blood blister or a hemotoma in the area? Those can be really painful. Of course, this is all guessing from my end. I'm saddened that you're in pain. :eek:( I"m also saddened that your dr hasn't called you back. Hmmm. In their defense...perhaps they're out of town? One can only hope that your dr wouldn't be so rude as to ignore your calls. As far as waiting 45-60 minutes to push...isn't this fairly common? I'm not sure...but maybe this is why you only had to push a couple of time? Again, just postulating here. I didn't have the urge to push with either of my kids. The 1st one DH told me when to push based on the monitor (I had an epidural) & second one I just didn't have any urges (finally had a Csection).
Sara, I don't know if I helped at all. But I will pray for your speedy recovery. :eek:)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Sara--an update?

Hi there, I didn't respond at first because I have never heard of this happening and had no advice, but it sounded so troubling and painful and frusterating (the Dr.'s lack of response)--I just wondered how you were feeling and if there was any improvement?

take extra good care,
RE: Sara--an update?

Hi Maggie and Melanie - Thank you so much for your concern! I was stuck in bed for about a week (couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom). Eventually I was able to get up but recovery was slow going. I am doing really well now. I am still not 100% but I am working out ( and have been since last Sunday) and that seems to help.

Unfortunately, I never even heard from my doctor. I go next Thursday for my six week follow-up and then, needless to say, I am going to change doctors. It is just such a disappointment. I am not bitter about the whole thing (the rest of my family feels differently) but I just wish that she would have returned one of my many calls. It is hard not knowing what is going on and also very scary!

I am just thankful that the whole thing is nearly over. Besides, I have an amazing little girl now and I wouldn't change a thing about that!!!! :) Thanks again girls! Maybe I will join in on the postpartum workout thread soon!

Sara :)
Zack 7/17/01
Makena 4/24/04
RE: Sara--an update?


I am glad you are getting around and hopefuly feeling much better. I wish I could give you some insight, but I wouldn't want to begin guessing without the benefit of more information (physical exam, sings and symptoms, etc.).

Let me apologize on behalf of the OB/Gyn community for you doctor's failure to return your call. Many calls and no return. I would be flying in on my broom next Thursday if I were you. :) I would definitely change doctors. Be sure to mention this to your doc... she may not have received the message... okay, doubtful.

The important thing is you are recovering and enjoying your beautiful Makena!

Take care!
RE: Sara--an update?

Hi Autumn! You are so right about "flying in on my broom!!!" I think that I will wait until after the exam, if you know what I mean! ;)

Sara :)
RE: Sara--an update?

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Look forward to "seeing" you on the Post partum thread!


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