Anyone Heard Anything About Rhythmic Step, Yet?


I'm still waiting...waiting...waiting...for my backorder. I heard it would be available in July, but so far, nothing.

Where oh where has my Rhythmic Step gone? Where oh where can it beeeeee?
I am still waiting, now customer service won't even tell me how much more time to wait, they asked me if I wanted another DVD instead, I have most of them.
I emailed customer service to ask them when to expect it and what the delay is, but I haven't heard back. I also mentioned that I think they need to re-evaluate their process of charging someone's credit card before an item ships. That's the one that has me a bit irritated. My credit card shouldn't have been charged until the item shipped.
argh! You read my mind by posting this. lol

I was wondering WHERE in the heck that Rhythmic Step vhs is, too. Super irritating. And such a shame, as I really have gotten hooked on Cathe's step tapes. It casts such a bad shadow on her, and I don't know how much real imput she has here with this video company. Is this her company? or is this a company she hired to do her video productions? If it's not her company, she really ought to consider looking for someone else. I own my own business, so I know that sometimes things can go really wrong. And it seems that sometimes, things just get worse and worse, the more you wish them to get better. But, I'd never ignore a client's requests for info. If I have the info, regardless of how negative it will be, I do relay it. Sometimes the end result is out of my hands. So, I relay that as well. Stuff happens. I know that. But, it's the "lack of info" that is grating at my nerves here. I'd rather be told "sorry, but we've decided to no longer produce this video ever ever again. You must chose another one, as we will not refund your money ever!".

That, as horrible as it sounds, would be better than the "it's coming, but we don't know when, and can't find out!" answers I've gotten. They have offered for me to chose another tape, but as long as it MIGHT be coming in, I've waited (it was the "freebie" to my order). x(
As an ex-customer service representative, I know that they can ALWAYS find out where a product is if they REALLY want to and try hard enough. It was NEVER acceptable for me to to be able to give my customers the "I don't know" answer without following it up with, "but I'll find out and call you back." And I ALWAYS found out...and NEVER settled for someone not being able to give me a definite answer. Then I ALWAYS called my customer back.

Additionally, if we worked with a company that couldn't deliver what we needed to satisfy our customers, we found someone else that could.

This not being able to provide a backorder for four months OR a reason why it's taking so long AND a definite availability date is completely unacceptable customer service. If I were Cathe, I'd be pulling rank on someone's arse.
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this site and fairly new to Cathe's DVDs (about 10 weeks) and I love them. I used to follow the Body for Life plan but didn't see results as quickly as I am with Cathe's workouts. As far as Rhythmic Step is concerned, I too have been patiently waiting for the DVD and just yesterday received an answer back from customer service saying they are hoping for it's release by the end of July. I know you can find the VHS version online at some warehouses but not the DVD. Ebay has the DVD but be prepared to bid 2 arms and a leg.

You know what's weird...I ordered RS yesterday. I foolishily thought that since my Order went through that it must have been off of backorder. Usually when you place an Order with a company they tell you at that time that it is on backorder so you have the option of waiting or choosing another item.

Boy, that was stupid of me!!!:-(
Maybe you should post to a Roadtripper to ask Cathe about this when they are in her gym this weekend.:)
Well, I completely GAVE UP, on waiting for Rhythmic Step. I did find another vhs tape to exchange it for. RS was the "freebie" in my "buy 4, get 1 free" order. So, at least there will be one more RS available for all of you still waiting. Hopefully, the RS will get in by the end of July, but I was just tired of the wait. :/

Now, watch RS ship in a day or so! lol
Conni...Great idea! I think I will pm Debbie, although, I hate to bother her because I know she is very busy with the Roadtrip.

Thanks for the advice.
I e-mailed and got a response that it was expected in any day. That was on Aug. 2nd. I hope this is true, but am still waiting, waiting, waiting. I check every day to see if it is in stock. I have been wondering if this has anyting to do with the new ones being made. Like they waited to make these or the new ones are holding old orders up?
Trying to be patient, Colleen
I heard that back at the beginning of June. "We expect it in a couple of weeks or sooner." Still waiting. Well, actually I'm not still waiting. See my new thread (which will be posted soon).
I got an email from stating they now expect RS in this week. Hope this isn't more wishful thinking. I've been waiting 4-5 months too. I too have already paid for this dvd as I bought it as part of the 36-dvd pack.
Hi - I just noticed on the DVDs page that the Rhythmic Step DVD is now marked as IN STOCK! Yay, I ordered it a few days ago and am looking forward to having it back in my collection!
Just received an email that mine is on it's way. Estimated delivery is Aug 9th. Good luck to all the rest of you to get yours soon.
Rhythmic Step DVD, Shipping?

I just checked Track Your Order and have one coming August 10th! Must be my Rhythmic Step DVD! F I N A L L Y!!!!!!! I am so excited! Now all I have to be patient about is the New Totally Series supposed to ship sometime in August! Colleen

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