Anyone else order Physique 57?

after reading this thread i ordered these workouts. i'm looking for a change of pace. i've been having lots of aches and pains from years of running my body into the ground with weights. so i've decided to give these a shot along with cardio and yoga and see how i feel. thanks for the recommendation
I too am a diehard Cathe fan and use her w/o's almost exclusively. But I got Physique57 and I really like them. They are the only barre dvds I have. I have done all 3 and like them all. The Classic left me with DOMs in my legs that I haven't felt in years. Some have said they find Tanya annoying but I don't. I find her funny, motivating and she definitely has me keeping my leg up!
Pure Barre or Physique 57?

I'm trying to decide which set of DVDs to order. Anyone know the difference between the two?

Traci, I've done pure barre only once through netflix. I think P57 is just packed with more reps and less time "wasted". If you have netflix, you may want to try pure barre that way first.
No, I haven't ordered them but I want them. My family has not celebrated my birthday yet and I'm really hoping my mom got these for me. If not, I'm making a wish list and starting a change jar for workouts that I really want and these will be on the top of my list, along with Tracie Long's new filming venture, KCM's, whatever Cathe comes up with after Shock Cardio (I preordered Shock Cardio before my cricumstances changes...woo hoo), oh, I'll stop now...the list just keeps growing!!!
AH - I live in the UK and they don't ship here!! This kind of thing drives me nuts as the selection of home grown DVDs in the UK is rubbish!
I will have to wait for them to come up on ebay! Oh well - save my cash for a while!

Tan, P57 announced on Facebook a couple of weeks ago that they hope to have international shipping available in the Autumn. HTH
Equipment: hand weights, playground ball, and sturdy chair or something to hang onto for barre work. Oh, I guess a mat, too.
Great - i will have finished my current rotation by then - just in time to have a barre blast before Christmas.
All I can say is I'm really enjoying Physique 57. It' a nice change of pace....a really good purchase for me.

As for purchasing the barre, I do admit after a few weeks of barre work my butt is certainly a bit higher (yay for that since I never had one to begin with)... so I have to say I'm pleased with that purchase too. I guess the squats and deadlifts I did previously didn't really do it fully for me.;)

I should also mention I'm getting more definition in my hamstrings and calves. :)
Ah, It's all good!
Robin.... I have decided to try an experiment where I do Cathe for upper body work and barre work for my lower body. I'm trying to do some lower body work multiple times a week (adding some barre work in after cardio, for instance). So far, my legs are definitely feeling worked!

I just received mine today. I was all geared up to do the 57 minute one, but decided (thankfully) to do the 30 minute express one first.

Holy cow, it was tough! My legs were shaking and the lactic acid burn in my butt and thighs was burning.

I'm now a little afraid of the long one. :eek:

But seriously, I really enjoyed it and I was dripping with sweat after. I haven't seen barre work this difficult ever. I LOVED it.

Some say that the instructor is annoying but I didn't notice it I think because I was crying out in agony too much to care. LOL. I will admit I didn't care for all the "getting sexy" and "burning fat" comments though, but the workout is so thorough and tough that I think I can deal with it.

BTW, I did find it funny that they sent a "complimentary tape measure" with my order. I guess it's to measure your inch-loss after doing the DVDs. (Yeah... I'm going to need another glass of wine before I'm brave enough to take my measurements. :p)


You're funny, Becky! Have that wine! :) (I used to joke that I had to lose weight before I went to the gym..... I suppose a lot of people make that one!)
I know this is a little late, I see these posts are from ages ago...but if anyone is still interested in Core Fusion, they do have them on Fit TV now...and I have dvr'd many of them. I think they are pretty great, short and sweet. In the first two weeks, I really felt them. They seem to work the 'little' muscles that are overlooked sometimes...
Oh my I did the Express today. But if you like these, you might enjoy Squeeze and Squeeze Stronger. I had major DOMS from SS yesterday. I did notice a slight increase in flexability.

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