Any recommendations for losing over 100lbs?


Active Member
Hi. :) Here are my stats:

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 271
Age: 31
Goal Weight: 150 (?)
Body Shape: Pear Shaped, but 42DD - fairly well proportioned
Activity level: I have a desk job and am frustrated with the amount of time I spend on my butt. lol I take two dance classes (an hour each) once a week. I've taped all of the Cathe workouts from FitTV and would like to start buying the DVD's. I've tried several of the workouts, modifying them, and I really enjoy them. I workout in the mornings mostly, but I tend to be on and off about it. On average, I workout 2-3 days/week.

Thing is, I'm just kind of winging it and I don't feel confident that I'm doing what's right for me. I want to start a program that helps me to lose weight without overdoing it (which has happened a few times - I overdo it, then I'm too worn out for the next couple days). Or underdoing it - A doctor (that I went to for migraines)recommended walking, but I generally don't feel like I'm doing enough when I'm just walking. I enjoy dancing, and I used to play basketball and volleyball at the YMCA. So I like activities that are a bit more challenging than walking.

Any thoughts, rotations, or advice? 4 years ago I weighed 317, so I have lost some weight, but I feel I need some direction. I've been hovering in the 270's for too long.

Thanks. :)
Hey SaraSeth,

I'm obviously not Cathe--but as you may know, she's been pretty busy with the road trip coming up so I'll try to get you started.

First of all congratulations on deciding that 271 isn't healthy! You might want to read about some of the members of this board & their journeys by going here...

Your doctor was right about walking. Someone as overweight as you are needs to be very careful about how much they do when starting a fitness routine. Walking is a great place to start. The high impact of Cathe's stuff may be too much for you so modify--just don't jump.

Another great place is with weights. Don't try to do 50 lb bench presses because you'll only end up hurting yourself. Start light. A set of dumbbells (3, 5 & 8) are all you need as a beginner. A barbell (with 2.5 & 5 lb plates) would also be great to have. Pick one of Cathe's all weight training tapes & just start. LIGHTLY Don't even think about trying to match her weight. She's an animal.

You also want to watch everything you put into your body. Portion control is a huge factor in weight management. Buy an inexpensive food scale.

And most importantly, when you get discouraged, talk to the Cathe crowd. You'll find a lot of support here!

Good luck!
Not Cathe either but I have to say WOW! You have already done an awesome job! I just thought I would add to the wonderful advice you already have and suggest that you set short term say 5 or 10 lb goals and reward yourself after reaching each one. I lost around 80 lbs and I set mine kind of like this: for each 5 lbs I would reward myself with lipstick, bubble bath, anything non food, at every 20 I would get a pedicure, new hair do, manicure, etc., and when I reached goal of course I started on a new wardrobe! I made sure I rewarded myself with things that made me feel pretty because dieting can get a little discouraging sometimes and we tend to get really down on ourselves so it is nice to have a lift!
I've lost over 100 lbs, and you can too! Of course it's not easy, but do-able.

I stopped drinking soda pop, cut out white foods - rice, pasta, etc..., no refined carbs at all, and added in lean meats and vegetables. I kept the fat higher at the beginning and then had to taper off to lose the last bit of weight.

I started with very light cardio first. There was a woman here named Donna/gettinfit at 38, who lost a huge amount of weight and she started with Denise Ausin, so I did too:) I kind of followed her plan back then. After mastering Denise, I moved up to the older step videos, like Step Blast, etc... After losing about 35 lbs. I began using weights with MIS. I then moved into regular rotations, and I would say at 40 I'm in the best shape of my life. I weigh less than I did in high school, and I still can't believe it.

Cathe kicked my fitness level into high, and I'm so glad that you are starting your journey already knowing about her. There are so many options, with all her new workouts. I'm sure someone can make you a beginner rotation.

Good Luck to you! If you want to start a check-in I would love to offer you encouragement!
I appreciate all the encouragement! :)

FitnessGoddess – Thank you for the link to the Inspirations page! I do have dumbbells, they’re 5, 8, and 10 pounds. Generally, I don’t even use the 10 pound weights when I’m doing a Cathe workout. Getting a set of 3 pound weights and a barbell sounds good. I think I will do that.

Kathy – I love the idea of rewarding myself every 5lbs or so with something to make me feel pretty. Maybe I’ll reward myself with a new Cathe DVD after 10lbs or something. ;) Congratulations on your 80lb weight loss.

Dawn – It’s so great to hear from someone who’s lost 100 pounds. When I think about “100 pounds” it seems like so much, but hearing from people like you is very inspiring! About starting a you mean participating in the check-in posts in the Open forum??
Omigosh, thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiring stories! I have lost 30 some lbs, but still have >80 to go and some days it just seems so overwhelming! x( It's wonderful to read your stories and feel not-so-alone in this!

I lost the 30#s by walking on the treadmill 3-4x/wk and doing total body stuff @ the gym 2x/wk, then added Cathe's Wedding tape and an old TaeBo Live Basic tape into the mix to keep from getting bored w/ just walking as my cardio. I've cut back on a lot of the junky stuff I was eating, but could still do quite a bit better. Baby steps, I tell myself. ;-) I purchased a heartrate monitor as a Christmas gift to myself; although I can't walk really fast (I swear my inner thighs will catch on fire if I go faster than 3.0 mph! :7 ), I increase the incline to keep myself in my target HR zone. I use that objective data plus RPEs (some days I feel powerful, some days I feel puny!) to judge if I'm working hard enough vs too hard.

In addition to the Wedding tape, I also already own the Pure Strength series. I recently purchased several Cathe DVDs and have been playing w/ rotation ideas while waiting for them to arrive. ;-) I found them here @ the forums. Unfortunately, I don't have the links and cannot give the author credit, as I saved them into a Word doc for future reference, but here's what I found, if this helps! (I am actually wrapping up my 1st week of the mixed rotation as I have pretty much been doing a generic total body rotation for a while on my own.)

You can do a generic total body rotation. Start with 2 total body workouts and 3 cardio workouts. You will have to add cardio and maybe a total body workout later.
day 1- total body
day 2- cardio
day 3- stretch
day 4- cardio
day 5- total body
day 6- cardio
day 7- rest

You can do a generic upper/lower body split rotation.
weeks 1 & 3
day 1- lower body
day 2- cardio
day 4- upper body
day 5- cardio
day 6- lower body
day 7- rest/stretch

weeks 2 & 4
day 1- upper body
day 2- cardio
day 3- lower body
day 4- cardio
day 5- upper body
day 6- cardio
day 7- rest/stretch

You can do a mixed rotation
day 1- lower body
day 2- cardio
day 3- chest/triceps/shoulders or chest/back
day 4- back/biceps/ or biceps/triceps/shoulders
day 5- cardio
day 6- total body
day 7- rest/stretch
Have you ever tried or thought about Weight Watchers? I've lost 60 lbs with them (I still have 25 to go), and I am a true believer in their program. It is so hard to lose weight by yourself. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's really hard to do without direction. They encourage healthy eating habits and exercise. I know that I can do their program for the rest of my life and I will never be as heavy as I was ever again.

As far as where to begin on exercise Cathe's Low Impact Step is a fun beginner workout. Most of the others can be modified. You'll know if you're able to workout on a step yet. If you do, you can use a 4" step or even no step at all. Like the others said the weight workouts would be a great place to start as well. I really like Pyramid Upper Body, Power Hour, and Legs and Glutes.

Good luck and have fun! Give Weight Watchers a thought!


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