A-Jock's Famous Track Workout for the Unrunner


Greetings, Catheletes! Here by popular lack of demand is my magnum opus, a system by which people who don’t like to run around a track at the gym but DO want to utilize said track effectively can . . . well, utilize said track effectively.

In this system, you simple walk, jog or run around the track for one complete lap; then, at the end of said lap, you belt out an interval from the list of drills detailed below. The interval can be as long or as short as you wish, but it should be a true interval that gets you up near the higher end of your aerobic training zone; thus the walking / jogging / running lap becomes your “recovery” and/or mid-range aerobic cycle. I have been using 32 reps as a rough guide, but you are certainly free to shorten or lengthen the rep count as you see fit. I personally do not like to try to time the intervals because I find myself watching the clock rather than doing the work.

At your track, you’ll want to find a point on it where you can safely belt out your interval without interfering with other runners / joggers / walkers. They do not like to be knee-capped or kicked in the ‘nads. I know this from personal and recent experience.

I have organized the list of intervals into rough categories:
PLYO LOW (Frontal plane)
PLYO LOW (Sagittal plane)
MIXTURE DRILLS (mixes above categories)

I have also, as much as possible, listed various workouts where you can find the drills (including Cathe’s, Amy Bento’s, Mindy Mylrea’s and Shaun T’s INSANITY workouts) and I’ve adopted their names for moves as much as possible so that you know what I’m talking about. If you have any questions about a specific drill please let me know. And please know that THIS IS JUST A STARTER LIST; ADD TO IT WITH YOUR FAVORITE DRILLS AS YOU SEE FIT.

What you will need is:

A printer;
One 8-1/2 X 11” clear plastic page protector; and
An absolute lack of any sense of self-consciousness about looking like a total weirdo in public.

Here’s what you do:

Copy the entire list of drills below onto a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet and save that as your main template;

Develop your preferred order of drill categories; one sample would be:

PLYO LOW (Frontal plane)
PLYO LOW (Sagittal plane)

Copy your own list of drill categories onto a separate Word document, and then simply select drills from each category from your template onto your workout for that day; save that workout and print it (making sure the font size is such that you can read it easily). Slide your print into the 8-1/2 X 11” page protector, and then take that to the track and have at it.

Certainly you can order the drills any way you want, depending on your goal for each session. This is the beauty of this system; you can tailor it entirely to your needs for each session. Note too that you can select certain drills and use them as a “challenge lap” around the track in lieu of a power walk / jog / run lap OR in lieu of an in-place interval; in fact, last night to finish off my session I did one complete lap of high-knee forward bounding (found in Drill Max #5) and about died by the end. (That was fun.)

Hope this is of some use to those of you who wish to start self-creating your workouts as a nice addition to your home-ex and gym programs! Let me know if you have any questions.


PLYO LOW (Frontal plane):
Plyo jacks (Cathe interval workouts)
3 Power hops forward + 180-degree turn (Cathe workouts)
Ice breakers (Cathe workouts)
Hammer smash lunges with core twist (Cathe KPC)
Zig-Zag bounding jumps forward + turn (Cathe 4DS-BC)
Curtsey leaps (Amy Bento A-Team Boot Camp)
Line taps (Cathe Drill Max #1)
Lateral shuffles dynamic arms (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Xtreme)
Lateral leaps low (Cathe Drill Max #2)
180-degree turn squat jumps (Cathe HiiT or Imax3)
Squat + roundhouse (Cathe Kick Max and other KB workouts)
Lateral shuffles + power jumps (Cathe 4DS-BC #1)
Lateral leaps high-knee (Cathe Drill Max #2, lifting non-landing knee high)
Side-to-side slalom jumps (Cathe interval workouts)
Sumo squats (Cathe Original Boot Camp)
Plie jacks, power hops + jacks (Cathe I-Max 2)
Dynamic windmills (Cathe KPC)
Globe jumps fwd / right / back / left (INSANITY)
Elbow-strikes in a lateral moving squat (INSANITY)
Plie jacks pure and simple (Cathe I-Max 3)

PLYO LOW (Sagittal plane):
Plyo lunges (“Power Scissors”) (Cathe interval workouts)
One-legged hops in place (Cathe I-Max 2; INSANITY for slower version)
Sustained plyo lunges (one side) (Cathe HiiT)
Bounding jumps forward + turn (Cathe Drill Max #5)
Vertical jumps floor-to-ceiling (Cathe STS Plyo Legs)
Rear lunge into front kick (grounded) (Cathe 10-10-10 warm-up)
Power Knees straight leg, bent-knee, LOW one hand on floor (INSANITY)

Vertical jumps (Cathe interval workouts) (shallow landing, faster pace)
Tuck jumps legs in (Cathe interval workouts)
Tuck jumps legs wide (INSANITY)
Diamond jumps (INSANITY)
Airborne jacks (Cathe interval workouts)

Sequential power kicks (Cathe Original Boot Camp)
High-knee runs in place legs wide (Cathe HiiT)
Power knees (INSANITY)
High-knee runs in place legs in (Cathe interval workouts)
High-knee bounding forward (a la Drill Max #5)
Wide high-knees slow (a la Mindy Mylrea’s Interval Express blast #7)
Heismans (INSANITY)
Vertical switch kicks FAST! (INSANITY)
Vertical switch kicks SLOW HOLD! (INSANITY)
1-2-3 Heismans (INSANITY)
Switch kicks on floor! (INSANITY)
Side scoots + core knee repeater abducted (Cathe Cardio Core Circuit)
Running Man (Cathe SJP)
High-knee runs with core twist (INSANITY)
"Explosive Running Man" touching floor (Cathe; INSANITY)
Grounded push-kicks extended sets each leg FAST PACE (INSANITY)
Kick / step back (Charleston-esque) (INSANITY; Cathe step workouts)

Football runs feet in / feet wide (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Xtreme “football weave”)
Football runs with boxer’s flurry (Cathe KPC)
“Peg-Legs” (a la Mindy Mylrea’s Interval Express blast #10)
Sprint run and Heisman "hurdle jump" (INSANITY)

Plyo jacks + vertical jumps
Plyo jacks + airborne jacks
Plyo jack + airborne jack + vertical jump
3 Low step-touches then airborne jack
4 One-legged hops fwd / jack back (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Dome Challenge)
Deep side-step with vertical jump (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Dome Challenge)
Line taps to one side + high-knee run back (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Dome Challenge)
Ice breakers + high-knee runs (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Dome Challenge)
Forward running suicides (Cathe 4DS-BC)
Power hops fwd / vertical jumps back (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Xtreme)
Fast football feet + plyo lunges (Amy Bento A-Team Boot Camp)
Jacks + plyo lunges
“Hit The Floor” (INSANITY)
Triceps Dips 1 leg elevated (INSANITY)
Football runs + push-ups (Cathe 4DS-BC #12)
8 ice breakers and 8 push-ups (INSANITY)
High-knee run / low sprint / plank runs aka “Mountain Climbers” (INSANITY)
Wide fast feet fwd / back touch down (INSANITY)
8 Tuck Jumps + 8 ice breakers (INSANITY; Cathe)
Football runs + Low Plank (“HIT IT!”) (INSANITY)
Side-to-side slalom jumps + plyo lunges (??)
2 plyo lunges and 2 power hops (Cathe; INSANITY)
Belt kicks with ice breaker arms (INSANITY and my own spin with the arms)

Squat-thrust climbers (Cathe Original Boot Camp)
Squat-thrust leg-abduction jack (Amy Bento Hi/Lo Knockout)
Sprawl & Jab (Cathe HiiT)
Sprawl & Hook / Uppercut (Cathe HiiT with my own spin with the arms)
Squat-thrust push-up
Squat-thrust + vertical jump
Squat-thrust tuck jump
2 Jumps forward / squat-thrust / jack & turn (Cathe Cardio Core Circuit)
1 Jump forward / turn / squat-thrust push-up (Cathe Circuit Blast)
Drop roll into explosive push-up (Cathe MMA Fusion)
Roll back / triangle leg up (Cathe Cardio Core Circuit)
Squat drop & roll (Cathe Cardio Core Circuit)

Moving push-ups (INSANITY)
In/out in plank position feet wide (INSANITY)
In/out in plank position feet close (INSANITY)
Ski abs for obliques (INSANITY)
Butt Kicks / Floor Hops (Cathe HiiT / STS; INSANITY)
Power push-ups jacking feet (INSANITY)
Rock Climbers in Plank (Cathe STS Plyo Legs)
Mountain Climbers in Plank (Cathe Cardio Core Circuit)
In-Out + power push-ups jacking feet (INSANITY)


Have fun!

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This is awesome!!! I love the creativity. I have been doing bodyrock and other non-video workouts lately and this is great for getting me outside! Thank you!!
Amazing Annette!

You certainly did not disappoint! I'll cut and paste this into my Evernote list until I can work on it!

Annette - I love workouts like this - it looks GREAT! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it so accessible and explaining so thoroughly :D

Annette........ Fabulous workout!! My heart was pumping hard just reading through it!!
Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to the track I go (literally, my workout today will be at the track doing your workout- I am leaving in 10 minutes)

I bow to your creativity and cardio awesomeness!!!
Hey Annette!
I've spent the past few days studying this. I love it, just really love it. But sadly I can't do it. All that impact would destroy me. :( But girl, I sure have had fun reading through and imagining it! :D I love your creativity and energy. Keep it up, and I'll come back and read more!!
Leaving now to do the "mixture drills!" A-Jock - YOU ROCK! Thank you for doing this!!!

Glad you're finding use for it, JenniFit! And again, remember that that list is just a starting point - add to it as you see fit, and also have fun playing around with the formatting!

Enjoy -

Good golly A-Jock you've done it again! All I can say is:


Thanks for the time you spent developing this fine piece of work!! :D:D
Glad you're finding use for it, JenniFit! And again, remember that that list is just a starting point - add to it as you see fit, and also have fun playing around with the formatting!

Enjoy -


What did you say? I am too dizzy to read! hahahah That was GREAT! (I swear my butt was lifting as I was going!) These are great. Thanks, A-Jock

Thank you!


I've been in the process of creating these types of resources for core, legs, upper etc, so you just saved me a ton of time.


No one's sharing their mixes..... here's what I have planned:

1. side to side slalom
2. high knee runs w/ legs wide
3. airborne jacks
4. burpees
5. bounding jumps forward & turn
6. football runs with boxer's flurry
7. tricep dips with one leg elevated
8. in-out jacking feet pushups (not quite what you called 'em)

Ajock, do you ever visit bodyrock.tv? I've been doing her workouts (and tweaking them) and it really is fun to create this stuff and mix and match. There's a checkin group over at vf forum where one gal makes longer workouts by mixing in kettlebell exercises.

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