30-40 minutes to work out--Is it enough?

This summer I was killing myself working out at least 60 minutes a day, 6 days a week. I thought that I had to do that to lose weight. Then I took two weeks off due to traveling, during which I rested and relaxed a lot, didn't overeat, but didn't eat terribly clean, either, and no exercise. I LOST inches! I looked better after my rest break than before. I came to the conclusion that I had been pushing myself too hard and my body just didn't like it.

So now my goal is to work out 5 days a week, (2 strength, 3 cardio) w/ 2 rest days (one can be active rest like yoga, stretching or maybe pilates.) I work out for no more than 60 minutes, usually more like 45-50, using a lot of the DVD premixes (I've got Hardcore, Body Blast and the Low Impact Step DVDs.) I feel better, am sleeping better, and look better in my clothes. I've stopped weighing myself because it just makes me crazy, I do better when I go by how I look in the mirror and how my clothes fit. :)

Today I worked out for just less than 40 minutes - did an Imax 3 premix and worked my hardest!

So, long answer to your question, yes, I believe that 30-40 minutes of working out can be enough. Just work hard when you are exercising, eat clean, and get adequate rest. The most important thing, IMO, is to LISTEN to your body.
Just found this thread and it's just what I needed to relieve my guilt! BUT, I was wondering, any ideas on rotations for the just 45 minute workout? I have a couple of the CTX videos, and just got the Timesaver DVD. But what about some premixes?

I'm relatively new to this site (and I absolutely LOVE it...so many good tips), so maybe a rotation of this type has been presented before.

Love ideas from any of you!

coffee bad?

What is wrong with drinking coffee in the morning? I have heard that it is a diuretic, drains water from your system and thus dehydrates you, any other negatives that anyone knows about?
Can't imagine getting going in the morning without it.
RE: coffee bad?

>What is wrong with drinking coffee in the morning? I have
>heard that it is a diuretic, drains water from your system and
>thus dehydrates you, any other negatives that anyone knows
>Can't imagine getting going in the morning without it.

so many conflicts about it. i drink a cup or two in the morning, no cream no sugar. i have no issues other then waking up a little faster. but if you get to much caffiene you become to dependent on it during the day and may not even get a good nights sleep,but that is the worse i hear about it. some ppl don't even get effected by caffiene.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Here is my Oct. rotation:
Mon. Cardio & Weights (C & W) step premix + abs
Tues. Supersets Upper Body premix
Wed. Step, Jump, & Pump (SJP) step only premix + abs
Thurs. Supersets Lower Body Premix
Fri. Step Blast Combos 1,2,3 premix
Sat. Core Max
Sun. Stretch

Mon. SJP HiLo only + weights only premixes
Tue. SJP Step only premix + abs
Wed. KPC Kicking & Punching premix (skip abs) + Legs & Glutes Floorwork premix
Thurs. Step Heat Combo 1 + cool down
Fri. C & W Strength premix (includes push ups and abs)
Sat. Power Max
Sun. Stretch

Mon. C & W Step + Abs
Tues. Push Pull upper
Wed. SJP HiLo + abs
Thurs. Push Pull lower
Fri. Step Blast combos premix + abs
Sat. Core Max
Sun. Stretch

Mon. SJP Cardio + SJP Weights (two separate shorter workouts)
Tues. SJP Cardio + abs
Wed. KPC Cardio conditioning premix+ L& G standing premix
Thurs. Step Heat Combo 1 plus cool down
Fri. C & W Strength premix (includes push ups and abs)
Sat. Off/Stretch
Sun. SJP (all)

Mon. KPC Kicking & punching + abs
Tues. SJP Weights only premix

Most of the workouts are 40-45 minutes. On some days I try to get 20 minutes in over my lunch break. I had it and thought I'd share since you asked. I am planning to really TRY to do all of Step Heat since the second combo is also the most fun!

Hi Muffin Top! ABSOLUTELY! You will still get great results with shorter workouts. Just lay out your game plan weekly and stay focused.

I don't know what your typical weekly hour long workouts consisted of so if you post that I can post you a sample weekly program (of shorter workouts) that will help you. Also, what are your fitness goals? What do you enjoy doing most, least?

Take Care!
Thanks Cathe! I would normally do two steady state cardio workouts, one circuit, one total body strength, and one interval cardio per week. My fitness goals are actually just to continue on the same path. I would also love to build more muscle in my upper body and tone my lower body more. Unfortunately, weights are my least favorite exercise. I just don't get the same endorphine rush as I do with cardio. I am looking forward to the Low Impact Circuit the most of the new workouts because it sounds like I could have a week long rotation with just that DVD and still have a different workout each day!:)

Thanks so much for taking the time out to help us all out. You are the best!!
Hi Muffin Top!

Here is a two week shortened workout sampler that will still give you the results you are looking for:


Mon: Leaner Legs (don't do the abs)

Tues: Step Jump and Pump (just the hi/lo and weights...no step part and no abs)

Wed: Cross Train Express: Step and Intervals (eliminate the 10 minutes of chest)

Thursday: Pyramid Upper Body (leave out abs)

Fri: Maximum Intensity Cardio (repeat the warm up from Hi/Lo and go right to step workout). Do your own ab/core work for 5 minutes.

Sat: Imax 2 (do 5 minutes of abs/core work)

Sun: Do segment one of Coremax or abwork of your choice


Mon: Cross Train Express Kickbox (leave out biceps and only do 6 minutes of the ab work)

Tues: Imax One: Warm Up and first 5 interval only plus 5 minutes of your favorite core work

Wed: Maximum Intensity Cardio (warm up and hi/lo only)....Push Ups (4 sets of 8)....200 crunches

Thurs: Rhythmic Step (warm up and step section one and two only)

Fri: Circuit Max (as much of it as time allots)

Sat: Power Hour

Sun: Coremax (your favorite segment)

Have Fun!
Thanks Cathe! I was looking for this also! I go for my hour workouts but lately can't get them in. And thanks for all your hard work on the new series, looking forward to it!:) x( }( :7
Hey Cathe!

Thanks for posting the sampler! I was wondering if you could post one for me, or for those of us that only have your hardcore series??? I enjoy running mixed in with this series for my cardio workouts. I currently have attained my goals and would just like to maintain and keep up the hard-earned results. I went from 165 to 135 from being introduced to your awesome workouts to add to my running, along with eating healthier. I think the biggest thing was your strength workouts and the mix of cardio that made the difference. Ex: in Kick Max; you took me to a whole new level w/all kinds of moves in the blast challenge, whoa! And I instantly fell in love with Muscle Max because you taught me the proper way to strength train, as well as mixing up the reps and counts. Then High Step, can you say - LOVE IT?!?!? All of these workouts "shocked" my body and burned off everything I gained! I haven't totally gotten into the Gym Styles - I'm so used to working out every muscle group all at once. Maybe in the midst of helping me with this you can add those in where I could be using them??? Thanks so much in advance for your advice and help! I'm getting married in June 2007, so I want to make sure I stay lookin good:+ ;-) I preordered your new workouts, so I can't wait to receive those and add them into the mix!!!:7 :7 :7

Thanks again Cathe! Muffin Top's right, YOU'RE THE BEST!!!:* :7
I just checked this post now, and I saw your question...
I do a lot of the premixes on the DVDs, I also use the option where I can do partcular segments of a workout (the name escapes me now). Here's an example of a week of workouts for me:
Mon: 45 minutes of Cardio Party 3 (Turbo Jam)-I just cut the warm up and cool-down short.
Tues: ME-I do the workout in order most of the time, but I shorten the warm-up, and I may substitute other exercises for ones on the workout (ex: running over the the Bowflex and doing sets of biceps on that-my muscles get just as exhausted, but in less time). Sometimes I will just do 2 sets of an exercise and move on.
Wed: 25 min cardio (Fat Blaster-Turbo Jam)-cut cool down short and add some of circuit max. I work out in the morning, so I can easily finish the rest of the segment later in the day.
Thurs:Supersets or Push and Pull (one of the premixes that are about 30-35 minutes)
Fri: Kick Max (I use the feature that lets you pick and choose segments). I do the warm-up, then the challenge (I can't remember the actual name of it), then I will do segments of my choosing
Sat: Gym Style Legs-I do it in order, but shorten sets
*To be honest, some days I don't get out of bed, so I just make sure to do a workout the next day. I don't beat myself up over missing a day (or 3) of workouts. At least I am doing something!

I try to alternate cardio with weights. I don't worry about not working out enough because, compared to last year, I am working out so much more. I cut down on sugary foods and think about what I put in my mouth. I have to be more conscious now since I don't work out for a full hour like I used to.
Hope this helps.

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