10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may not know...

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Great idea, Jillybean; this is fun!

1. I'm 39 years old with 40 approaching fast and furious.
2. I met my DH when I was 16 when we worked together at a supermarket, started dating him at 17, and we'll celebrate our 15th anniversary in May.
3. We have no children; I would love to have had them, but things didn't work out, and I feel ok about that.
4. I get way more excited about seeing cute puppies and kittens than seeing cute babies.
5. I love Bruce Springsteen--Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuce!
6. Beer is my favorite beverage.
7. I'm ashamed to admit how much I can't wait to retire from working full-time and start living the leisurely life!
8. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do.
9. Aruba is one of my favorite places to visit.
10. I love sports, but baseball is my favorite. I'm really hoping (as countless others have done before me to no avail) that the Red Sox win a World Series before I die.

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Fun thread Jilly!

1. Have lived in Minnesota all my 42 years.
2. Married 21 years (we met on a blind date set up by friends!).
3. Have 2 kids (son 16, daughter 12).
4. Retired insurance agent to spend more time w/kids & volunteering.
5. Went back to college after kids to finish bachelors degree.
6. Working toward my black belt in Taekwondo.
7. Have a Blue Headed Pionus parrot & 12 yr old Sheltie.
8. I love, love, love German food and beer.
9. Favorite singer is Dave Matthews.
10.Love surfing the net, shopping online, ShopNBC jewelry, etc..

:) JJ
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Fun thread!
1. I will be 34 in August.
2. I met my husband in October. We were engaged in December and married by May of the same year.
3. I am all or nothing....it is black or white....wrong or right....I'm either following my diet to perfection or I'm completely off the bandwagon...when I'm good I'm very, very good and when I'm bad I'm very, very bad.
4. I am strong willed.
5. I would love to play soccer.
6. My life is forever changed b/c of the work of Christ on the cross and His resurrection.
7. My favorite show is 24!
8. I have family all over....Germany, Japan, Romania, and currently in Israel!
9. My husband and I have been married 5 years this May...no children yet.
10. And I KNOW no one on this site knew this...but I ADORE my Cahte workouts and hope to one day meet her and take a live class!
OOPS! Edited to add there are 2 more things you should know about me...
11. LOVE M&M's!
12. Favorite coffee - Dunkin Donuts.....can't beat it. I get their beans and grind it fresh....yum!
1)I'm 46 (soon to be 47!)
2) I've been a vegetarian, and then vegan, since 1976
3) I have a degree in fashion merchandising that I've never used
4) I speak French fluently (and can get along in Spanish)
5) Cats are my favorite people ;-)
6) I started working out with weights in 1978 (but not too seriously)
7) I turned my entire front yard into a bird and butterfly garden (with some room for tomatoes and herbs)
8) I am child-free by choice
9) I'm a sci-fi fan
10) I will soon be the owner of a Toyota Prius (environmentally friendly)
I rarely post, but couldn't resist.

1. I am probably close to the oldest on this forum, 61.
2. Other than aches and pains from getting older, I am probably in better shape now than I was in my 20's.
3. I am prejudiced in thinking my two kids (34 and 32) are the best in the world.
4. One goal I have is to have my own art show in a gallery by age 65.
5. I am addicted to American Idol--the only tv show I watch.
6. I am a mystery buff, espec. police procedurals.
7. I am now single longer ( 19 years) than I was married (18 years).
8. I will eat any food that has nuts in it, no matter how bad.
9. I am very left handed.
10. I can't chew gum or eat bagels because I have a tmj(jaw) problem--total deprivation!

Great thread!

Facts about me.....

1. 36 years old on the 21st of this month

2. Corporate banker by day (16 years). At night I dream of becoming an group fitness instructor and personal trainer :7


4. Favorite store - Trader Joe's

5. I love peanut butter on toast w/sprouts and cheese! A bit ecentric or weird but really good!

6. I'm fascinated by Myers-Briggs personality typology. I am an ENFJ.

7. I love Bill O'Reilly of the Factor.

8. I have the hots for Arnold Schwarzeneger (sp)

9. I hate the mall

10. Don't like to watch much TV either.

11. Love being a mom to my two boys - 17 and 11

12. Currently reading "The Pursuit of Alice Thrift"

OK, so I went over by couple....got carried away.

learning alot

1.I love york pepermint patties
2. I use to personal train and teach aerobics
3. use to hate lunges
4. can't swim but would love to learn how(I dream about drowning)
5. married 13 yrs
6. one child 11 Devin
7. postal employee
9. Love hip hop music and even emeinem
10. 32 years old
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Don't post much but couldn't resist

1. I am 39 yrs old
2. one daughter and one stepson
3. Live in St. Louis, MO
4. Husband is an airline pilot with American Airlines
5. I am stay at home Mom
6. Watch the O'Reilly Factor
7. Won a sweepstakes-$15,000 prize value, $10,000 of it was cash!!
8. Love to workout
9. Love the mornings
10.Enjoys the simple things in life
great thread!

1. am vegan
2. have moments of weakness at Dunkin' Donuts once in a while
3. am trying to get preggers
4. married my high school sweetie
5. am a liberal democrat
6. would hook up Johnny Depp if he came to my door (dh is okay with this)
7. do not miss workouts BC (before Cathe)
8. do not believe in any higher being
9. do believe in being non-judgemental
10. love sharing my cathe addiction with others here!
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

What a fun thread

1. I met my husband 14 years ago in Narcotics Anonymous--we've been unseperable ever since--married almost 11 yrs.

2. We have 5 kiddos so far.

3. Our 4th child has Downs Syndrome.

4. I am terribly afraid of spiders.

5. I listen to classical music (mostly).

6. We love to hike and read classic literature aloud as a family.

7. I discovered Cathe because of a link from a homeschool message board to Videofitness.

8. I love to make desserts, unfortunately I love to eat them too.

9. I am news junkie.

10. Have 14 years without a drink or a drug and 12 years with out a cigarette, but I cannot and will not give up coffee and chocolate, to which I am thoroughly addicted!

11. Eating noises irk me (weird I know)

12. We live in Portland, Oregon.

I'm learning so much about everybody!

1. I'm 40 and in the best shape of my life!
2. I've known DH since I was 15, we've been married almost 16 years.
3. I have two DD's ages 4 and 5.
4. love to cook, read and travel.
5. am an RN, now SAHM.
6. love to ski
7. favorite place to visit is Paris.
8. favorite movie was Reds.
9. love history esp. Victorian, Russian, Civil War and maritime history.
10.love the O'Reilly Factor
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

OK, what the heck.

1. I have lived in Chapel Hill 33 years out of my 46.

2. My first job was teaching horseback riding (English).

3. My father is from Key West, my mother from the Canary Islands.

4. My academic training is in evolutionary biology and I want to work in a conservation nonprofit but have been forced to sell myself to the highest bidder for 20 years (legal prostitution, otherwise known as corporate America)

5. I do not like chocolate and I never have.

6. I do not get poison ivy.

7. I have a 19 yr old daughter in college.

8. I love scuba diving.

9. The love of my life was a bunny named Nubby.

10. My marksmanship skills are legendary.
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

So Interesting!

10 things about me...I:
1.Cannot resist chocolate or french fries

2.Met my husband at age 14... married at 24...celebrating 10th anniversary this June

3.Have never worked full-time

4.Love watching forensic, makeover,and home decorating shows on TV

5.Have two children, Devon 9 and Ariana 6

6.Co-own a hair salon with DH...but you couldn't tell by my hair

7.Love Seal (the singer not the animal)

8.Love to read; Obsessed with self-help books

9.Just finished my MBA, but don't really want to get a job

10.Hate talking about myself (I'm an ISTJ)
This is great!

1. 39 years old and married almost two years
2. knew my husband for 10 years - lived together 9-1/2 of those 10 - before we even got ENGAGED
3. never learned to drive
4. obese as a teenager
5. newspaper junkie - I read three daily papers cover-to-cover each day
6. developing a serious taste for high-maintenance beauty - regular haircuts and color, pedicures, waxing, facials...
7. battle a binge-eating disorder and probably will all my life
8. am happily unemployed and enjoying my life of leisure
9. talk to my mom long-distance every day
10. bigger sports fan than most guys I know - football, basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing, golf, tennis, you name it

RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Well, here goes ....

1. I have been born again for 10 yrs this yr :7
2. I only listen to praise music
3. I was born Nov 3, 1959
4. Going to go see The Passion of the Christ
5. I hate winter
6. Getting addicted to exercise equipment:p
7. In better shape now than I have ever been
8. Hubby and I born in the same yr and the same month
9. Have been working with developmentaly disabled for almost 9 yrs
10.I like antiques

God bless ya'll Rhonda :*
1. I just turned 40 and am loving it
2. I started dating my husband when I was 14, we dated for 5 years and have been married for 20 years.
3. My boys are going to be 18 and 16
4. We have a Boxer. I never knew you could love an animal so much!
5. I have lived in Iowa my entire life
6. My family loves to vacation/travel. Our favorite vacation is going on cruises.
7. Someday I want to go to Australia.
8. I am a Christian
9. I am taking college classes and working full-time and raising a family and exercising daily. No, I have no life.
10.Our family hobby is to ride four wheelers and dirt bikes.
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Ok I will do it too.

1. I will turn 40 next month kinda mixed feelings about it:p
2. I have a BA in Biology that took me 7 years to get:+
3. I have been married 14years to the same man
4. I have 3 boys whom I homeschool
5. I can't swim either
6. Lived in VA, MS, NC, TN, MD, and currently in PA
7. I am a Christian and a preacher's daughter (PK)
8. I love working out
9. Glad I found Cathe
10. Hope to lose the last 10 pounds soon

this is a fun thread
:7 :D
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Okay....here's me:
1. Gonna be forty in April!! YIKES!
2. Live in Virginia, but miss New England!!
3. Have two great kids, and two great Labs
4. Work in a bagel shop and must face those darn yummy things day after day
5. My husband works for Cisco(the computer networking people)and I know NOTHING about what he actually does everyday....cause I hate computers!
6. Graduated from culinary school and someday want to open a small gourmet food store
7. Love Hilton Head, SC and wish I could live there year round
8. Am a HUGE Dave Matthews fan...nothing else is in the 5 cd changer in my truck
9. Love red meat, really rare...mad cow or no
10. Have to check in with all my Cathe friends at least once a day.
11. Am addicted to Bath and Body Works products and OPI nail polish.
This is the most fun I've had in awhile :)


1. Became "athletic" around 13-14 when a doctor told me I had asthma and should take it easy - one year later I could out push-up everybody in my 50+ person P.E. class (boys included :D ).

2. Have been in love with the same person since we were 12 years old - and he doesn't love me back.

3. My favorite foods are french fries, twinkies, and cheesecake.

4. Have been actively pursuing an education in math, though I haven't been able to understand a single class since the third semester of Calculus 4 years ago.

5. ME TOO!!!! --- my BIGGEST pet peeve is listening to people chew, whether their chewing is "normal" or not.

6. Am related to Lady Godiva on my dad's side.

7. Have 4 "babies" - 2 old grumpy cats and 2 hyper, teeny-tiny grumpy dogs.

8. Am a not-very-productive artist :)

9. Am a coffee addict in every sense of the word - I even paint with it!

10. My favorite show has always been ER.
RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no...

Hi, I'm new to the boards and thought I'd jump in, too!

1. I'm 44 years old.
2. DH and I have been together for close to 18 years.
3. We LOVE animals and have a Keeshond (Spitz type of dog- she's our baby and she knows it!...)
4. We are child-free by choice- we love and enjoy kids but decided this was the way we wanted to live our lives.
5. Taught martial arts for over 15 years (own a school with DH).
6.I enjoy reading, cooking, baking (I end up giving most of it away- just enjoy the act of baking and giving), working out, spending time with DH and our pets.
7. Help with pet adoptions once a month- very gratifying to find homes for these babies...
8. Among my fav movies are *When Harry Met Sally*, *You've Got Mail*, *Moon Struck*...
9. Goal is to lose at least 6% body fat, to lean out this year.
10. Worked out with the Firm- they helped me tremendously and I'm grateful I found them but I'm ready to mix it up and *shock* my system a bit with Cathe.

Very happy to *meet* everyone!

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