10 inch step vs. 8 inch step?? Harmful??


My dad made me a ten inch stepper for Christmas at my request, and I have used it several times, but its very intense and I almost wonder if its too high for step workouts? Does anyone else use a 10 inch step for step aerobics, and if so - did it take you awhile before you could use it the whole way through the videos?

I have an eight inch step as well, and usually have to switch back to that one halfway through the workout....:( Those extra two inches are killer, but I also wonder if it could negatively affect my knees or cause my legs to get bulky (I have heard rumors that step aerobics can increase bulkiness in lower half??)
I used to always use a 10 inch step when i started stepping but when i found Cathes videos most of them well all of them except for some of her really old ones and are just to fast paced and intense enough w/out the extra 2 inches and I do think unless you are really tall it can cause knee and hip problems. I never noticed bulkiness from the extra 2 inches hope this helps
You could do low impact step aerobics on a 10 inch step. When Gin Miller released the first step aerobics tape, it had some exercisers (they were male, tall and athletic) doing the workout on a 10 inch step, but this was a low impact workout. I don't know how tall you are, but people that are taller generally use taller steps. When it comes to Cathe's step aerobics I really don't recommend using a 10 inch step even if you are super tall. The highest I've seen in a Cathe workout is 8 inches and that is intense. The higher you are on a step the tougher the impact your joints will have to endure when you do the higher impact moves. That might end up hurting you in the long run.
I remember Cathe answering a similar question a long time ago and she said that the risks of going over 8 inches outweighed any benefits. The risk of injury must increase quite a bit at 10 inches. I know that there are people on the forum who step at 10 inches and are fine, but I think it's better to step safely.

From 1989 til 6 months ago, I used a 10-inch step for Cathe and everything else without any knee problems; 6 months ago I switched to 8-inches. Here's the cool thing: my HRM says that I am burning just as many calories on the 8-inch. I ascribe that to the fact that maybe I leap a little higher, and am more able to put my all into the choreography on the 8-inch without worrying so much about foot/knee placement. (Or maybe it's because I'm older and stuff is just harder as I age! ;-))
Coming out of lurkdom, because no one has addressed this...

As a former step instructor, I have to say that the higher the step, the more challenging it is to keep perfect form... coming all the way up (unloading the knee w/o locking it), and coming all the way down (ball to heel), keeping the chest up, keeping the lean from the heel rather than from the hip... You have to move faster at the higher heights. I'd think, like Cathe said, the risks outweigh what little benefit (if any) there would be.
Thanks so much for the response to this question! I think I will stick to an eight inch step! I can still use the 10 inch for lunges and other things, but my feet or ankles have been killing me lately, and I think this might be why! Thanks :) Really appreciate!
I have always used a 8" step as I am 5'11" and it fits more naturally. But as I am increasing the number of times I workout per week - my knees have really been aching. Like Cathe - I have recently switched to using a 6" step when I do the more intense workouts and it has really seemed to help my knees and my ability to workout several days in a row. Just my 2c as well... :)

Anne :D

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