☼ May 09 Checkin 23rd - 25th * Memorial Day Weekend ☼

hey guys...what a past couple of days. Yesterday was just massive in the stuff to do (which included some massive competitive shopping on my part -- six gallons of paint for $24!) and it tired us out. I tried to work out in the evening, wasn't feeling it, and then the DVD player was acting up on me. I tried to kill it before it damaged the disc (We'll see). I took Evee out for a walk while I was all clammy too. Then today, ate like a pig but then got into one of those arguments where we're screaming at each other and then when I think about it later its like, we got into that massive a drama fight because of "X" -- god we're stupid! We're both still reeling from it I think though. I had to drive back to lab (where I am now, yay, alone in the ghetto at night -- I mean, suck) and I'm trying to finish up this one experiment that's been foiling me for a week. I don't know if I can even squeeze anything in by the time I get home but I'll try. Tomorrow is going to have to be extra good though...I'm going to try to dedicate 2 hrs to make up for this slacking. There's the urge to continue my Imax2 Monday thing that helps me start the week but I want to tack on some weights...do you think its ok to do a full weight workout? Or do you think I should wait and let my body recover slightly?

Joanne -- good luck with the race!
Chris -- hope work isn't too hectic!
Vilma -- I keep on forgetting you're not on fb...I will remember to put up pics of evee soon.
Beth -- YOU LIGHTWEIGHT! Are you eating enough? Alcohol hits me worst if I haven't eaten enough to counteract it. I think though Chris and I could drink you under the table...
Hi All!

Beth Glad you had a good time w/ your company and I'm sure that wine was good ;) I can't have any more than two drinks or I'll feel it badly. Lately dh & I have been going out for drinks once or twice a week and it does not do good when you attempt to eat clean and it does nothing to help with maintaining weight loss :rolleyes: I'm up 2 stupid pounds because of that so I am going on a bar strike :p

Chris here's hoping all was quiet and slow for you at work.

Hottie I swear I really need to get a FB account but for some reason the idea just doesn't appeal to me. I'm afraid I'll get sucked into that place or I just won't have the time to log in :confused:

Ack soon , soon I'll get one --- I think :p When I do I'll post it here so you all can friend me & I won't feel so left out :eek:

I know all about those darn arguements when you think back on them you wonder WTF was that all about anyway?

Waves to Joanne & Kathy.


Well the house is quiet as dh is at work , my 2 girls are sleeping and my son is over at a friends so I'll be working out here shortly.

Lean Circuit 3 end of week 3 w/ some cardio.

Dipped into the sympony brownies dd made last night and ugh :confused: why do I sabotage myself like that? I have no self control over baked goods of that sort dammit:mad:

Ah well its over and done but still why ? I need to do better and get some more veggies and fruits to snack on - blah.

Have a Great Day all !

Guess What?

I signed up for FB OMGosh! LMAO so do I need to be added as friends? Or what I wanna see Hottie's new dog photos :eek:

I am so lost but anyways I am ShyWolf Fae over on FB but I found my sisters in there and my adult nieces and nephews lol so I guess its all good

Ok I need to get off and get some work done around here

Good morning! Vilma, I tried to friend you on fb, but it couldn't seem to find you. Hmmmmmm.......

Hottie, sorry to hear about the big drama yesterday, but at least it sounds like you got a fair amount done. I had a great eating day for at least half the day and then it all blew apart and I ate way too much. Oh well......

I did cardio coach #3 this morning -- might be a new favorite, partly because I finally found a hill situation that matches the workout. I almost repeated the hill challenge I was so happy about it, but I did not. :) I did a 20 minute yoga for runners after that, and followed up with Tracy waist/abs which I haven't done in a long time and it was sooooo tough! Thought about Joanne doing it recently and that kept me going.

I cannot believe I am going to be starting the last week of STS! It's been great, but I am excited to make up a rotation. I want to do one week of CTX at some point, I think, but in general I think I will do 1 total body, 1 kettlebell, 2 circuits, and 2 cardios. I think I can handle that -- it's a little weight heavy, we'll see. I also want to work pyramids in there somehow, but I may use the total body premix as a total body.

We -- all four of us -- watched Marley and Me last night -- we knew what was coming, but still got all teary. Poor Gina -- one staple came out we don't know where and we are afraid she may have swallowed it -- she's been acting strange -- eating a lot of grass and trying to throw up. She finally did in the wee hours of the morning and seems a little better now, but still not herself. The another staple got a dried weed pierced through it, and in trying to get it out (which was very bothersome to her), we ended up removing that staple. Poor girl. She goes back for a check Tuesday, fortunately. I sure hope she's not going to need surgery to remove a staple!!!

I think we have another lazy day ahead. I'd love to see Star Trek, but Dylan's saying he doesn't want to see it and Travis has a report to work on anyway, so it may not happen.

Hope you all enjoy your Memorial holiday!!

Hey Girls!!!

Sooooo glad the weekend is over. Saturday was a great night, Sunday sucked you-know-what. On each night someone got canceled the entire night, but it wasn't me. I actually gave up my cancel on Saturday to the next nurse who asked me if she could have it. I was really hoping for Sunday, but it was some else's turn and she took it. It was horrible. I had a sick sick man with metastatic prostate cancer. He'd been sick a long time with it. But the tumor was invading his bladder, and he was urinating pure blood. Plus his clotting factors were all off, and he was bleeding even more. We gave him all kinds of blood products & meds to try to reverse it, but it wasn't working. His wife was with him both nights. Sunday night he couldn't talk, his words were coming out wrong and garbled. We had to take him for a stat CT scan of his head, where they found bleeding. His poor wife. She was so strong, but was a mess. It was so hard. .... And then I had the sweetest 96 year old man, he had THE sweetest smile, I could have taken him home with me. Plus a wife 30 years younger than him! He was having problems too, breathing problems AND also bleeding from his bladder. ... And to top it off at 7:30am this morning, a guy went out in the the bathroom and we had to code him. He did come around, but it was so freakin crazy. I woke up at 1:30 this afternoon and just couldn't go back to sleep, my head was still spinning and worried about those poor people.

I think I may need a drink with you guys today!!

I somehow mustered up enough energy to do Bootcamp! :eek: It's tough, but I do love moving so quickly from one thing to the next. Just that I *un*heart the plankwork. :p

Beth: You are a total lightweight when it comes to drinking! Sadly enough, I've become a lightweight too. But man, I used to drink many GUYS under the table in my day. Maybe I could work on it, kind of do an STS drinking program? ;) Sorry about your doggy. The poor thing!! I read Marley and Me, haven't seen the movie, yet. I know it's sad. I'm still trying to get over Dewey The Library Cat! LOL!. ... I blew it on eating Saturday, but did better Sunday. Back to business today! .... I'm now "over" missing STS. I'm loving this Circuit thing , I think it's working for me. Your rotation sounds tough! ... It was my Zach that played in the Mem Day parade today, with his band. I feel sad I couldn't go. Missed him 2 yrs in a row. What can ya do! He did well though!

Hottie: Sorry you've got stress there! The fights always seem so stupid after you're away from the situation for a bit. I love the pics of Evee on FB, but no really good shots of her face! Try to get a good one of her smiling!!

Joanne: Thinking of you today and your race! can not wait to hear about it!!

Vilma: I can not resist baked goods either! I was just talking with someone about even if I bake healthy, I eat way too much of it. Though right now having drinks and brownies sounds like heaven to me!!! ... Youre on your last week of CLX now?... I tried to look you up on FB too, and the only Shy Wolf I got was a girl with her back to camera and full butt cheeks exposed. :eek::eek: vilma??!?!?!?!?!?!??! LOL!... you can add me/find me by my comcast email address, you have that right?

okay, better get doing something , showering, suppering... same ol monday stuff, but I like it!
Chris, that's hilarious about the Shy Wolf you found!

Sorry you had such a hard night at work, and man did it sound hard! You really earned your time and a half!! I know I've said it before, but I just do not know how you do your job. My niece, who just finished up her second year of college, just heard last week that she was accepted to nursing school -- yea!!! If they didn't take her, I don't know who they would, because she's had straight A's all her life and high test scores, etc. She was so excited!

Yes, I'm getting very excited about the circuits and all -- it's going to be a fun month I think.

OMG too funny about that Shy Wolf but it's not me good lordy I am way too shy to expose myself that way lmao

I have no idea why I'm not showing up for you guys as the first name is ShyWolf 2nd name Fae - ShyWolf Fae

I have to go and look to see if I still have your email Chris.

Sorry about your work night sounds hectic crazy

Hi ladies!! Wow, I think this is our longest thread ever! Just thought I'd stop in - not too much time to chat, but I had to stop in and tell you all about the race. I rocked it! :) I think I may have come in under 30 minutes. The clock showed 30:20, but I was in the middle of the pack and your time doesn't start until you cross the start line. I was about 3 minutes less than last year. The weather was nice and cool, so that helped. It was alot of fun.

Chris, OMG, I'm so sorry -what a crummy night. Those poor people. You have an amazing job and as hard as it is, I'm sure you realize what a difference you are making in people's lives.

OMG, I'm dying at the Shy Wolf on FB with the butt cheeks!! I'm glad it's not our Vilma! I feel left out - I think I'm the only one not on Facebook here. Please don't forget me on our checkin here!

Hottie, what a tough weekend for you too! Sounds like the new dog is working out. I wish I could see the pictures. I'm sure she's a cutie!

Beth, we saw Marley and Me and the whole family was in tears. I probably mentioned this before, but poor Colin. He insisted he was crying because he drank too much pop, not because of the movie. Did you do the SqS waist and ab work. Wow, my sides were so sore all weekend I could barely move! I'm going to try to do it twice a week.

I did Biceps, shoulder and triceps Sunday. Saturday nothing but cleaning. I think I might do Bootcamp tomorrow. Have to run make sure homework is done and kids are clean..."see" you all tomorrow.

Joanne, not sure you'll see this but I have to write -- congrats on the race!! That's awesome!!! I'll bet you felt great.

Yes, I did the waist and abs work, and as I mentioned it's been a while, so it was really tough. I had a goal of doing it twice a week, and then I thought well, once a week, and .....well, I'm back to hoping I can get it in once a week. Though with the upcoming circuit rotation, I guess abs will sort of be built-in.

We had a good day -- low-key, but fine. I'm ready for bed but need to clean dishes, etc.......

Oh, I'm ending Memorial Day weekend better (though we get an extra day because we're both taking a day off tomorrow). I was super duper productive -- cleaning and organizing and dusting and I got in imax2 today and I'm still going to do more. Our french drain is almost done too...we just need to put the gravel down and voila, no more drainage problems. Joe just made his Joeburgers too which were just fantastic. Evee has just been oodles of fun too...I'm barely seeing a downside to having her around. So, going to finish the rest of the night much happier.

Joanne -- WTG!!!! You rock!!! I hope I can start to run this year too (though that might have to wait until fall since its going to warm up pretty quick over here.

Vilma -- I'm glad I didn't encounter butt cheek Shy Wolf! Thanks for the kind words about Evee!

Beth -- you can clean my dishes too if you're in the mood...

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