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  1. JAFitMama

    Just a reminder...

    Debbie- I am so sorry for your losses. My blessings are simple and I am ever grateful for them all. My DH and children and Dad and extended family and kitties. *** We live next to a major gas line that has been updated in the last two years, and I am so very appreciative of that ! ***
  2. JAFitMama

    To the top and back in a day

    Hey Elaine! ( Former Cheetah ) Congratulations on completing such an amazing hike! I recall you had a very long bout with Plantar Fasciitis. How did your foot manage the hike? Are you running long distances at all? Anyway, it is good to read about your great accomplishment 22...
  3. JAFitMama

    Jim MacLaren (Press Play)

    Jim will be sorely missed. I just finished the CCPP workout to honor him. If you have CCPP, at least listen to it, or join the CCPP Saturday event periodically to keep his memory alive. "Choose Living" Jim
  4. JAFitMama

    23 Years of Sobriety: Reflections

    Anette- I look for this post every July. Congratulations on another year of sobriety and fitness! Your advice and comments here are among the most inspiring in Catheland. I am thankful to have chatted with you on these forums for so many years. (Although I have become more of a lurker...
  5. JAFitMama

    Tough decision - advice? input? (long)

    MC We have had this problem. We have 4 full time cats (indoor/outdoor) and our son brings his cat home on school breaks. When the 5th cat moves in, the peeing begins. What has worked for us? 1. We separate the 5th cat from the rest of cats. 2. We clean soiled areas with a product called...
  6. JAFitMama

    Is anyone out running in the cold?

    Like Lynn and Erica I do run in the cold. But I also use the treadmill. I try to get outside about once a week in the winter months and use the TM for my other runs. As mentioned previously, the snow really forces a slower pace and requires stabilizing muscles to work much harder. I...
  7. JAFitMama

    Well Wishes For A-Jock

    Annette- My deepest sympathy to your and your family
  8. JAFitMama

    *Another* Major Personal Accomplishment

    Katie- Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishment!!! Keep it up :)
  9. JAFitMama

    <--what a lovely way of saying how much you love me

    <--- is shocked to see OAL thread <--- haven't been to Catheville in quite some time <--- waves to friends old and new <--- is very un up to date on OALers <--- but send hugs anyway :) <--- congrats all the expectant mamas out there <--- loves autumn!!!!!!
  10. JAFitMama


    Congratulations "AJ" Anette!!!!!!
  11. JAFitMama


    well said Robinella! AQJ- I look here each and every July 20th for your annual sobriety post. Thank you for sharing your continued journey with us.
  12. JAFitMama

    My one year anniversary

    Carola- I have followed you posts here in Catheland, and have marveled at your accomplishments. You are truly an inspiration for everyone . What you have accomplished because of your changed outlook is nothing short of AMAZING! ...... Life is so short, and there is no time for misery...
  13. JAFitMama

    Happy Birthday Cathe!!

    Happy Birthday Cathe! And many many more!
  14. JAFitMama

    Good luck, Christine (andtckrtoo)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes! Major pats on the back Christine!
  15. JAFitMama

    ? for you current/former weight watchers...

    The fact is WW leaders are not very well trained. I followed WW in 1998 to the point of not ovulating. ( poor goal choice) The leader's comment was "if you are not trying to get pregnant what is the big deal" She had no knowledge of the risks of bone loss etc with extremely low body fat...
  16. JAFitMama


    Hey Wendy- Have a great Birthday and enjoy celebrating! Lotsa luck if you are still in AC!!!!!!!!
  17. JAFitMama

    Cardio Coach Press Play Saturday!!!

    Hi CCPP friends I'll be doing this on Monday hopefully outside. And I will dedicate it to all CCPP friends here Christine ~ EllieMom~ Carola and all the rest of you fantastic ladies and your intentions. Robin- way to go! I did not know you were running again!!!! I am so very happy for you!
  18. JAFitMama

    The best darned....? anywhere!

    Another Roochestarian here!! Wegmans has to be seen to be believed. I shop at the flagship store also. PS- When two Catheites ( Buffetgirl and Allwildgirl) came to visit me, I took them to Wegmans! Adding on: Max's Chop House on Monroe ave- I am a seafood eating vegetarian, and their...
  19. JAFitMama

    Beta 2.2 of the Workout Manager Now Released

    This is the best improvement yet. Thank you SMN!