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  1. MARY1616

    My 1st mammogram...

    I am having my 1st mammogram in 3 hours and I am a little nervous:confused:. Has anyone had it done? does it hurt?
  2. MARY1616

    Recovery week sts?

    Hello, I was wondering what cardio you do during your recovery week? Do you do any light weight training or no weights at all? Thanks
  3. MARY1616

    Recovery week?

    Hello, I was wondering what cardio you do during your recovery week? Do you do any light weight training or no weights at all? Thanks
  4. MARY1616


    I hope it is ok to vent a little to a gang of people who I know will understand. I have been eating clean (1 cheat day on weekends) cut out wine except on my cheat day and I have been doing a sts/cardio rotation for 4 weeks and I have not lost 1 single pound. Every time I get on the scale it...
  5. MARY1616

    Question about wine?

    I was wondering if anyone finds they are able to enjoy a glass of wine at night without it effecting your weight? I find that I carry all of my wine consumption smack dab in the middle(urgh!) Thanks for the input mary
  6. MARY1616

    Gestation diabetes??

    Good mornin' ladies... i was wondering if anyone had any knowledge about gestational diabetes(gb). my dh and i are considering having a 3rd baby and i am concerned about gb. i developed it with my 2nd but only because i have such big babies(9lbs. and 9lbs. 10 oz,) i did not gain a significant...
  7. MARY1616

    Barrys Bootcamp??

    Hi everyone...I feel like I have been mia from this forum but I was hoping i could get an opinion...I have barrys bootcamp and i want to try a rotation but i feel like i will be doing 2 of the same body parts back to back if I follow a 5 day routine(consecutive days) does anyone have this set...
  8. MARY1616

    P90X users

    hello ladies...just a quick question for the p90x users...i am almost 3 weeks into the classic rotation and everytime i do yogax my wrists KILL ME!!! i have the stamina to complete the workout but all of those upward dogs and downward dogs just plain hurt. does anyone else have this problem and...
  9. MARY1616

    Weight Watchers ***monday***

    good morning everybody... i am hoping that no one else posts while i am typing. i hope everyone had a super dooper weekend!! i am thinking a nice run today with my upper body work!! i have to check on something so be back:-)
  10. MARY1616

    ****Weight Watchers Thursday*****

    Good morning everyone...i am finding it hard to sleep so I figured i would post now at 1:10 a.m.(it is thursday )My mom is not doing well, we had to move her to a hospice facility and the nursing staff says that we probably only have a couple of days left with her. we have decide to sedate her...
  11. MARY1616

    I have a question?

    my husband was working out with me yesterday...he decidied to do pub(biceps and he does not work out) and now is sufferimg from a bad pain in the left arm right below the crease of his arm but only when he trys to straighten it out. we will be going to the dr.s if it does not get better but i...
  12. MARY1616

    postpartum check-in oct 23

    hello everyone...things have been so crazy with my mom being sick and handling work, children and house hold duties. my mom has begun chemo and just got out of the hospital today because of an instestinal blockage. the cancer is in her liver now and is considered to be stage 3. the dr.s are not...
  13. MARY1616

    Just checking in....

    good mornig ladies, i just needed to vent a little. as some of you know my mom was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer in sep. of 05. she completed 3 rounds of chemo and was considered to be in remission . sept of 06 she went into the hospital with abdominal pains and they told us that the...
  14. MARY1616

    any advice?

    i hope everyone is doing well. i needed to get some advice or opinions about my situation. my ds. who is turning 3 in october started nursery school. i thought everything would go smooth but instead it has been a bumby ride. 1st of all he is tring to stop going on the potty and he has started...
  15. MARY1616

    postpartum check in august 20

    i have not posted in a couple of weeks , things have been so crazy but andrew is now sleeping much better and i finally POTTY TRAINED!!! my jake. i cant tell you how excited i am and it was so much easier than i thought it would be. my work outs are going great but i do need to clean up my...
  16. MARY1616


    How is your little man doing? I have not seen you in the preggo forum in a little while. Are you thinking of a 2nd perhaps;)?
  17. MARY1616

    I feel so bad...

    Andrew got his shots today. He cried so hard when they gave it to him but than he was ok. He weighed in at 15lbs. 9 oz. and 24 inches long, they want me to start cereal because he is eating too much formula. I dont know if he is ready yet but I will give it a try. Hope everyone is feeling good!!
  18. MARY1616

    Power 90 vs. turbo jam??

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback about these 2 systems. I want to know if 1 is harder and if you would recommend them. I have been a cathe user for about 4 years and I was looking for something a little different. Thanks for any input.
  19. MARY1616

    I went for my 6 week check...

    and everything looks great!!!I did have a cyst which I had the dr. drain at the time of delivery but it has returned so they drained it agian. My dh is so upset because we must abstain for another 2 weeks until I get the incision looked at. The good news is I am all clear for high impact!!See...
  20. MARY1616

    cathe...question about cardio stamina?

    I was wondering if you noticed a difference with your cardio vascular stamina with yout increased muslce mass?