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  1. D

    Cardio Kicks

    Hey Cathe, Just wanted to let you know that I did Cardio Kicks for the first time this morning and I absolutely love it!! It's a very welcome addition to my step and interval workouts throughout the week. I've tried other kickboxing workouts that I found disappointing because of the fact...
  2. D

    Running counting as interval training?

    Guess Cathe's not responding Well Deb, We were both anticipating what Cathe's response would've been, but, I guess she isn't going to. :( Too bad, I would've liked to hear what she had to say. Well, thanks again for your response. Best, -Deirdre-
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    Running counting as interval training?

    Thanks for the response Thanks for your input. I, too, did Imax today, and boy did it kick my butt also. However, I am curious and looking forward to hear what Cathe's response will be. I appreciate your reply. Thanks. -Deirdre-
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    Running counting as interval training?

    Hello Cathe, I have recently added a run/walk program to my cardio workouts, of which I do about 2 days/week. I start off with stretching, then I walk for about 5 minutes, then I go into 12, 90 second intervals of walking/running (run for 90 seconds, walk for 90 seconds, etc...), which takes...
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    Workout program

    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-28-00 AT 09:41PM (EST)</font></center> Happy Memorial Day Cathe! I have a question regarding a new workout program that I would like to put together. I have been training with a weight program that I put together for the past 6 weeks...
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    Breakfast after cardio?

    Hi Cathe, I work out in the morning, and I recently read that it is more beneficial to eat breakfast after doing Cardio because more fat is burned. Is this true? I've been trying it out, but, I was just curious to see if you knew if this was a fact.
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    Arm Definition

    Workout Schedule <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 09:59PM (EST)</font></center> LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-00 AT 10:38 PM (EST) Hi Cathe, I was just wondering if you could take a look at the schedule I planned for developing more visible definition (cuts) in my...
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    Arm Definition

    Clarification Hello Cathe, My name is Deirdre Gentile and I am new to the forum. I have been lurking about for a few weeks now, and I have a question about the advice you recommended. I've chosen to follow your recommendation for "Arm Definition", but for how long should this program be...