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  1. L

    The Master Cleanser

    Ok, last night I began my first fasting program ever. A friend of mine does this every 6 months or so and the doc who wrote some of my favorite nutrition books swears by this. I picked up The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs and started this lemonade fast. Even got the laxative tea. I think...
  2. L


    I haven't been on here in ages, my life's kind of gone all topsy-turvy lately, but I had such a fun workout today! I haven't done 10-10-10 in ages (been doing lots of other Cathe stuff) and I didn't remember exactly what it was like. Let me tell you, I sweat like a pig, had a smile on my face...
  3. L

    let's hear your interesting Cathe combos

    I've been having fun lately using different Cathe combos for fun and to shake things up a bit. The other day I did the warm-up from Interval Max (which I love), the middle section from Powermax and the step portion of MIC. Then I did chest and back from MIS. And it made me think, I'd love to...
  4. L

    hey fellow winos!

    Thank you guys from the bottom of my drunken heart for all your help with teaching about wines and giving me recommendations. I am sitting here sipping a Rodney Strong 1996 Cabernet that is absolutely fantastic! So smooth and yummy. I also tried a Beringer Cabernet and a Sterling Merlot. No...
  5. L

    starting new routine

    Don't ask me why I'm posting this or why I'm so excited about it, but I am! In an effort to be time efficient and regain some enthusiasm for my workouts, I'm shaking things up a bit. I'm going to start doing weights in the early part of the day, before school, then doing cardio when I get home...
  6. L

    Shenanigans and Tomfoolery!

    Ok everyone, I always love these kinds of quizzes and I was curious to see what your responses would be... The Desert Island Scenario! You know the story...if you were to be stuck on a desert island, answer the questions below: 1.) What one man (or woman) would you want there, basing your...
  7. L

    Starting School

    Yikes! Tomorrow I start school! It's a new school for me, Glendale Community College. The education snob in me hopes the teachers are good, I was going to Northwestern University College in Chicago, but I need abour 30 credit hours of really good grades before I can apply to a University. A CC...
  8. L

    My own guinea pig!

    I am doing a little experiment on myself regarding sports nutrition and exercise... I do not subscribe to the high protein, low carb craze, but after studying how the body uses fuel I decided to try something. Since I workout out in the afternoon, between 1 and 4pm, I decided to try eating...
  9. L

    Top 10 Movies of 2000

    I usually, for some odd reason, send movie reviews and stuff like that to my friends and family via email. At the end of the year, I like to look through a list of what was released during the year and put together my very own TOP 10 List. So I figured, why not share that here and see what the...
  10. L

    Interval Max...Yow!

    Ok, I just did my weekly Interval Max self-torture hour and I was wondering... What are everyne else's favorite and least favorite intervals? Personally, I love the 2-footed jump onto the board with the ski jumps in between. It makes me feel like such a stud. But I also like the skating leaps...
  11. L

    Cardio Kicks-Yikes!

    Ok, today I did MIC, which I only recently found myself able to complete. Big accomplishment for an asthmatic! I've been using that and Circuit Max and Interval Max. I like to beat myself up. Tomorrow I was thinking of trying Cardio Kicks for the 1st time so I was watching it again to refresh...
  12. L

    Red wine?

    Ok, I have always been more of a sweet-booze gal, but recently my palate has changed and I am starting to appreciate the less sweet varieties. For example, now I really like a glass of really good single malt scotch with a splash of Pellegrino. And whereas I only used to like sweeter white...
  13. L

    Daily Nutrition Hint

    As I read through an amazing book and learn about nutrition myself, I decided to post a daily (or near daily) "hint" derived from what I'm absorbing. The book I'm using is "Staying Healthy With Nutrition" by Dr. Elson Haas. I thought it would be a nice thing to give back to the forum for all...
  14. L


    I forgot how much darn fun this workout is! I did the CTX 6 day rotation for 4 weeks and just switched to a totally different one and did Powermax today for the first time in months. This is such a fun step workout, I especially love the middle section! It reminds me of the live classes that...
  15. L

    Stevia (natural sweetener)

    On another string we were all discussing diet colas and nutrasweet and how bad it is for you when someone brought up the topic of Stevia. I love stevia as a natural sweetener and I posted a bunch of info and I thought I'd repost it here so everyone could have a chance to learm more about it. You...
  16. L

    Brownies to die for!

    I can't eat a lot of baked goods because I don't tolerate wheat very well, and I recently tried a new brownie mix and it is soooooo good my honey just raved about them and I gave him some to bring to work. He didn't tell anyone they were "special" brownies, meaning wheat and gluten free, and...
  17. L

    DVD feedback

    I just got my 8 pack DVDs today and I can't wait to check them out tonight. But I do have one suggestion to make regarding shipping, I figured I'd post it here and send an email to SNM Videos. You sent them in just a little bubble envelope and the package was crushed enough at some point in...
  18. L


    The following exerpt is taken directly from the book "The Chinese Way to Healing, Many Paths to Wholeness" by Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac. "There are several herbs that are often misused and may cause significant health problems if self-presribed. Echinacea and goldenseal are often taken by...
  19. L

    Mindy Mylrea video

    Just to shake up my own routine a little, I ordered 2 new, non Cathe tapes while I wait for the Cross Train Xpress series to be ready on DVD. I have about 9 of Cathe's tapes, but after months of rotating them creatively I figured it would be fun to throw in a couple of different style workouts...
  20. L

    yummy pancakes

    Ok, I haven't been able to really enjoy some pancakes or any kind of baked goods in a while. I am allergic to wheat so for the longest time I've cut out breads entirely, but I just tried Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix, after trying her wheat-free cookies and loving them, and I have to say it is...