Search results

  1. D

    Attack of Conscience

    Hi Cathe and Everybody, Last week, the UPS dude comes and hands me a package from SNM. And I can tell you I was immediately flushed with guilt. I hadn't ordered anything. I thought you all had made a mistake in my favor. I tell you for a hot minute, I sat there sweating, do I tell you that...
  2. D

    Don't You Just Love It When

    As Cathe would say, "you're on!" You know those days when you feel you can load a barbell to 75 lbs and twirl it on your pinky? When you thought you picked up 5s by mistake and they're actually 15s? When you can get through MIC? Okay, somebody pinched me. I'm up from the dream....but seriously...
  3. D

    Convince Me

    Hi all, I rarely post on the site, but have been using Cathe since 1998 (and I've had two babies in that time too). Here's a query to all who use the DVDs. I have a separate room in my basement that I use for working out. Two years ago, I bought a TV/VCR combo JUST for Cathe tapes. I've...
  4. D

    Plug for a Pregnancy Video

    Hi Cathe: I haven't posted on this board in AGES, but I do lurk every now and then. I came back today and saw you are pregnant again. Sorry I am so late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Permission to beg. Please do a pregnancy video. I found you in late 1998, and you changed my life and my body. I got...