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  1. M

    If you could only get one new DVD, which would it be?

    I'd like to add one DVD from this new collection of workout and am leaning towards X10. It seems like this one has a lot of variety, good music and lots of premixes. So, if you could only buy one, which would you add?
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    Legs vs Glutes question

    Hi, Cathe: I have a question regarding legs/quads vs. glutes. My glutes/hips have lost a 1/4 inch but my legs haven't changed at all. I've been doing Gym Style Legs, B&G, and Legs & Glutes for about 8 weeks. For cardio, it's been a combination of step and running 3x/week but only the last 4...
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    Need Suggestions for a companion DVD to Gym Style

    Hi, everyone, Any suggestions for a good total body workout to roundout the Gym Style series? As far as weights go, the Gym Style series are my favorite. But I'm looking for another total body workout to compliment GS. I'm considering Muscle Max. Are there any others to consider? Thanks! Terri
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    What are your Favorite PreMixes

    I rarely do the original workout and am always looking for new ways to shake up a workout. So, what are your favorite premixes? You know, the ones that get your heart pumpin' and make you feel like you've really kicked some you-know-what! Terri
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    4DS Premix List

    Does anyone have a list of the premixes, including times, for the 4DS they can share? I have to admit, they are my most unused workouts of all the Cathe series. Thanks! Terri
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    I need advice from my fellow Synthroid/Levoxy friends

    I didn't want to hijack tneah's thread about synthroid so I started a new one. When you take your dose in the a.m., do you wait an hour before eating? On my weight lifting days, I'd like to have a pre-workout shake but am concerned that having a shake will interfere with the medication's...
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    GS + 4DS - Cardio = Results?!?

    I have to admit I've been a HUGE skeptic about weight training. Afraid of building large muscles, bulking up, etc. Well, after reading some of the posts re: STS and other articles, I thought I'd dump the cardio and go for the weights, and HEAVY weights at that. Well, guess what?! I'm LOVING the...
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    Cathe's Dumbbell Rack

    Does anyone know where to purchase the dumbbell rack that Cathe uses in 4DS? It would be perfect in my weight room - takes up little space and has all the weights I need. Thanks! Terri
  9. M

    Any updates on the new website?

    Good morning, Cathe: I was just wondering if there are any updates regarding the new website? I'm so excited about all the changes and the new STS workout. It couldn't come at a better time! I'm turning 40 at the end of the year and want to be in the best shape of my life. Your workouts and...
  10. M

    Just how many is too many?

    After my DH's response to STS ("what?! more dvd's?!")I thought, just how many is too many workout DVD's? I have 29, mostly Cathe. I don't think that's too many, especially when you consider how many times I've done them. You know it's bad when you hear, "Fill me, buttercup..." and your body...
  11. M

    What are your workouts pre-STS?

    Well, I like many others, was on the fence regarding these workouts. However, after reading the latest blog and the posts regarding weights vs. cardio "debate" I'm convinced that I need to shift my focus to weights. Now, I can't wait for STS! Here's my question: what workouts are you doing...
  12. M

    Why are the last 10 pounds so stubborn?!

    Can someone please explain why it's so darn difficult to lose the last 10 pounds?? I've been "trying" to lose the "last 10 pounds" for three YEARS! I didn't realize this until I looked at my weight loss chart that I've kept since 2005 a few days ago. That got me thinking that I'm obviously not...
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    All-time favorite step aerobic DVD's

    After a "vacation" from working out, I pulled out IMAX 2 and instantly remembered how much fun this workout really is. It's an "oldie but a goodie." Also, Low Max, while a bit redundant, is a great leg workout. These two are probably my absolute all-around favorite Cathe workouts. So, while...
  14. M

    Sunday: early morning risers, well, not so early today

    good morning, everyone! It's Sunday and where is everyone? Sleeping in again? I know I did! :-) This morning, I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme. I haven't done it in a long time and really enjoyed it. Tomorrow's an off day. Deanie: those pancakes sound delicious - can you share the...
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    Early Risers Jan 5 - did we sleep in?

    I did! It was wonderful to sleep in until 7:00 a.m.!! Is everyone sleeping in? Karin: I'm with you. Getting up early became more difficult as the week went on. That's why I take Fridays off from working out. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Terri
  16. M

    Early Risers Jan. 4

    Morning, everyone! It's Friday, which means tomorrow I can sleep in 'til 6:00 a.m.! Today is an off day but I'm gearing up tomorrow for Low Max, one of my favorites. Hope everyone has a great day. I'm off to work and will check back later. Terri
  17. M

    Early Risers: How do you stay consistent?

    I'm a naturally early riser and when I stayed at home with the kids, it was easy to get up at 6:00 a.m. to get the workout in by 7:00. Now, I am employed outside the home and the only time to workout is before I go to work which is 4:00 a.m. I am willing to do it but I know there will be days...
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    OMG! I can't believe that no one has posted yet? How am I supposed to lurk around if there's no posts?? Terri
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    Eating Clean vs. Working Out

    Which is more important or effective when it comes to fat loss? Eating clean or consistently working out? For me, I have to do both in order to lose a pound. I always have to workout and I always have to eat clean. Does it seems like eating clean is really the key for weight loss? For me, that's...
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    How long should I give a rotation

    Before I know if it's working or not? I'm 10 days into my posted fat loss rotation, working out twice a day like Debbie has suggested. I've "lost" 2 lbs. but haven't taken my measurements yet. Do you give a rotation a week? Two? A month before you know if it's working? I tend to be a little...