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  1. N

    Allie is the Biggest Loser!

    I loved Allie and her mom! Did they mention Paul ...Kelly's Ex? Last I saw he was sick in the hospital.
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    Strengthen shoulders without injuring the rotator cuff?

    RE: Strengthen shoulders without injuring the rotator c... I hate to keep this going in the Ask Cathe forum. But, I too have a shoulder problem. I have been seeing a Doctor of Osteopathic manipulation for 8 WEEKS now!!!! He told me to stop exercising 3 weeks ago to see if that was prolonging...
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    What kind of workouts to do..

    Update: Went to the Doctor this morning. He says I am better but wants to be cautiously optomistic. He told me to stay on the Advil and Muscle relaxers until Friday. No exercise (he's killin me) and he wants to see me next Tuesday. I am so bummed. I have been working out (no weights and...
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    What kind of workouts to do..

    Thanks. I was thinking of trying an upper body rotation..I guess I will have to listen to my body during the workouts. This really took a long time to heal (8 weeks). I have been seeing a doctor about it and I have been on advil and muscle relaxers for a week now. I see him tomorrow and...
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    What kind of workouts to do..

    after a shoulder injury. First let me say I don't get to post often because I don't post from work (I just Lurk). But, everyone here gives such good advice and I am home so I thought I would ask. I have had this pulled muscle that starts in my shoulder blade and goes up my trap to the base...
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    What songs really get you motivated!!??

    All Fired Up by Pat Benatar I hope Cathe looks at this! :-)
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    involuntary rest period

    I was wondering how anyone exercises consistently in the winter. (I am in New York). Last week I had a cough that was deemed "viral". Then my son got Chickenpox (yes he was that doesn't matter anymore) Then I got the flu. I am 2 weeks out and can't wait to start again. I had...
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    Dying to do Boot Camp...Should I?

    Thank you so much for your help everyone! To be honest, when I saw this post drop like a stone on Friday I thought "well I'll go back to lurking with the occasional post". I don't post often because I am afraid of getting fired. I check in everyday during my breaks and lunch and just read...
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    Dying to do Boot Camp...Should I?

    Hello all, I have had a nagging shoulder injury since end of September. I am no longer in pain but still feel a touch of tenderness in the spot that is the source of pain. My upper body is mush because of course I don't want to do anything involving weights again until I am without pain for...
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    My hips tilted

    Add one more person to the list of tilted hips. I was playing volyball and landed on my tailbone and "saw stars". I had xrays and I didn't break my tailbone but I bruised it. It took a LONG time to heal. I had such bad lower back pain for months until I finally went to a Doctor of...
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    anyone try proactiv?

    I'm 36 and can't go a day without it. I buy it at the mall when I need refills. I WISH I had it at age 16. I tried an Arbonne product and broke out immediately. You have to use as directed and a little goes a long way. I LOVE it and for me it was worth every penny. That and I stopped...
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    sinus surgery???

    My husband had this surgery. He was miserable for about a month after it. The Doctor VACUUMED out the "scabs" in the nose once a week for like a month. Guess what? He still has sinus problems and really bad headache's. I don't think he thought it was worth it. Have you tried something...
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    Can't see Blog!

    Hello, The blog is blocked at my place of employment and our computer at home is being fixed. I am DYING to see anything at all. Is there a "backdoor" way of seeing this? Last time there was a way to get into the Blog another way. Help!
  14. N

    Going to Vegas!

    We went there when our friends got married. The Rehearsal dinner was at this place off the strip called Roy's Hawaiian Fusion. They had AMAZING Sushi among a lot of other choices. (Take a cab it is too far to walk) When we left the owner of the Venetian (he built...
  15. N

    What would you do if you had 6 weeks until vacation?

    Hey all, I have 6 weeks until the family vacation at the beach. I need to tone up legs and upper body and recently (a month ago) started adding more weights than cardio to my workout week. I am a reformed "cardio only" person (after reading the forums of course). I thought Cathe's June...
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    Your Fave "Someone Ripped My Heart Out" Songs

    RE: Your Fave OK, I haven't heard "Wasted Time" by The Eagles in FOREVER what a good one. Not a song but favorite "ripped your heart out movie" About Last Night (1986). This shows my age but you get to see a young Rob Lowe (as if he doesn't look good now?!) and a pre plastic surgery...
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    IMAX 3

    I know this sounds weird..but take it to the floor. I LOVE IMAX2! But, somedays I just don't have it in me to do everything on the step. It actually lets me really turn the intensity on when it comes to the high intensity stuff.
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    Overhead tricep press

    I think I can "rig" something up. I will try to make it stable... it would be hard to explain that injury to people at work. How high do you think? (Using my body as a forehead or above?)
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    Overhead tricep press

    Any ideas how to do the cable press down in the comfort of my home? A band? a weight? What do you think? It looks like it really does the trick.
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    Am I wrong to find this incredibly awkward?

    I am torn with this one. I have a son who is 7 almost 8. Maybe I have been watching too many Dateline to catch a predator's. But, it's really hard to send the son's off into the bathroom alone and hope they come out the same person we send them in as. I struggle with this when it is just...