Search results

  1. R

    I did it!!

    I did Imax 2 on the 8" step! I'm not sure if I've ever done the whole workout on an 8" step. I know I've done parts of it, but not the whole thing. I didn't give myself much choice to do the whole thing because I duct taped my risers together so I couldn't lower it to 6". I must be insane. I was...
  2. R

    6 inch step vs. 8 inch step

    I've been working out for 20+ years and just switched to Cathe exclusively. (Sometimes I'll do a Firm workout if I need something a little easier.) My question is this. I've always done step aerobics on an 8 inch or 10 inch step (Kathy Smith, Gin Miller, The Firm, Gilad), but since I have...
  3. R

    My Brother Did Kick Max

    I posted this on the "Cathe your not going to believe this" thread, but I just had to share this for all. My brother, the arrogant cyclist who's in great shape calls my workouts "girly." Well, here is his response after doing Kick Max..... I’m pissed!! I’m so flipping sore that I don’t...
  4. R

    Woodchucks in KPC

    I'm having a hard time doing this move right. It seems like the leg I should be pulling in is the one on the floor. Could you explain this move to me? Thanks.
  5. R

    Order From Korea

    If someone wants to order Cathe workouts and lives in Korea, any ideas how they can go about it. Apparently UPS does not deliver to Korea.
  6. R

    Cathe, You are Going to Love this.....

    You are going love this one. My brother is a hard core cyclist and has done Taebo in the past. He was wondering what he's going to do to keep in shape over the winter. I was telling him about your workouts and offered the use of my workout room and workout dvd's (only Cathe) to him anytime he...
  7. R

    New Workouts

    Forgive me if this has already been answered, but does anyone know when the new workouts will be shipped?
  8. R

    A Firmie Who LOVES Cathe

    Hello all. I have been doing The Firm since 1989 and I consider myself to be an advanced exerciser. Last summer I decided to try out Cathe because I felt The Firm wasn't challenging enough.....especially the newer workouts. I wasn't sure if I was going to like Cathe's workouts, because the...
  9. R

    New to Cathe and Question about BPM

    Hi! I'm new to this forum. I just started doing Cathe's workouts and I love them! I've been working out consistently for about 22 years and I consider myself to be in very good shape. A few months ago I purchased a Polar Heart Rate Monitor to keep track of calories burned, heart rate, etc...