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  1. P

    Slide n' Glide disc problem

    I also work out on horse stall mats and find that furniture movers are not a problem at all. Pretty cheap at walmart for a set up four.
  2. P

    Homemade Protein Bars

    You might would like them better with another Tablespoon of peanut butter and omit the flax seed. The best way to spread them is to lightly wet your hands with water and mold into individual shapes.
  3. P

    Homemade Protein Bars

    Just a quick note on the first recipe, they will stick to your teeth. So, don't eat them in public. I usually just toss in the microwave for about 10 seconds, that way they don't stick so bad. They are really good especially compared to the store bought protein bars.
  4. P

    The female Athlete Triad

    Thank you for posting this link. I have suffered from this (Amenorrhea) since 2005 and it has been so hard to realize that what I was doing to be healthy was actually hurting my body. No matter how much I read and research this problem, I still trying to overcome the mental aspect of...
  5. P

    personal question, sorry!

    Hi! I was diagnosed with Amenorrhea/F.A.T. in 2005. It has been a very long and hard road that I have traveled and it hasn’t been easy physically or emotionally. One thing you can begin to do is google Amenorrhea and F.A.T. (female athlete triad) you will be directed to an enormous...
  6. P


    I responded to your post in the Ask Cathe forum. Remember that EVERY women is different. Some can handle a lower body fat than others and still have a period. Some can't. Do a google search on "the female athlete triad" it will answer some questions that you may have. I was...
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    I have suffered from amenorrhea since October of last year, so I do know where you are coming from. Even though you are in a "normal" range, some women do need a higher body fat percentage to have a normal cycle. Do a search on the "female athlete triad" and you will get an abundance of info.
  8. P

    Anybody gardening this year?

    Don't forget that planting radishes near your eggplants will act as a trap crop for flea beetles.
  9. P

    Continued Weight Loss Concern

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to be unkind, but if >you can't stop losing weight or if you are no longer having >periods it's an indication that there may be a problem, don't >you think? > I know you don't mean to be unkind, but it could still hurt just the same, don't you think? As I...
  10. P

    Continued Weight Loss Concern

    I hope you get more responses. I am also in the same predicament. Except I no longer have periods, which has prompted my doctor to advise me to add more calories and lessen the intensity of my workouts. It is hard to do this when we all have worked so hard to get into shape and to be "healthy".