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  1. S

    STS 2.0 packaging is so Beautiful!!!

    I agree… the case is gorgeous! I’m happy that it takes up so little space.
  2. S

    CLX out of stock

    Wow, I would make another call to customer service if I were you. I ordered my CLX on the 24th and received a shipping notice today! (I also received my STS shipping notice today... now I don't know which to do first!) Hope you get things resolved with BB soon! Sandra
  3. S


    You need the subscription to upload the data to their website and see all the cool charts like calorie burn throughout the day and even the quality of your sleep! However they also sell a separate watch-type display that syncs with the device to display your calorie burn and steps (no sleep...
  4. S


    Gowear fit It's the cheaper version. Tracks calories burns without the nutrional component of the bodybugg (same company). I just got one and it is very enlightening! I ordered mine thru amazon with a three month's free subscription...
  5. S

    tracy staehle parts series dvd

    You can have mine Just send me a SASE and its yours. I only did this workout once and just couldn't get into it. PM me and I'll give you my address.
  6. S

    Anybody from New York?

    Born and raised in Brooklyn, currently living in the 'burbs but working in Manhattan. Missing Brooklyn very much. Sandra
  7. S

    Blogs - before and after

    Try this for inspiration: Sandra
  8. S

    A new P90x+ workout?

    The workouts are being scored by Jason Scheff (of Chicago) and he talks about them and even shows a brief clip of the Total Body workout on his my space video page. Looks like lots of compound moves. Also there...
  9. S

    Page breaks on blog?

    This is a good point. I'm sure it takes quite a while to view the page if you have dial-up or a slow internet connection. While I'm sure they are posting using a standard blogger template, it can easily be edited to display just the current post with links displayed for previous posts...
  10. S

    What happened to all the rotations?

    Edit preferences to diplay more posts The forum by default displays one month of listings. You can customize you preferences to display more if you like. if you look somewher on the upper part of the page you will see a bunch of links like this: 'Choose dcf view | Expand topics | View in...
  11. S

    equipment question

    This sounds like it: I think this might be useful for the "firewalkers" in the upcoming Butts & Guts DVD. Sandra
  12. S

    triceps horseshoe teardrop

    I think thats the vastus medialis (sp?)
  13. S

    Butts n' Guts

    Yes, I can feel the butt DOMS just by looking at that picture! The breakdown posted today looks good. It seems Cathe is really going to focus on the glutes instead of overall leg, yay!! This is the one I'm most looking forward to!!!! Sandra
  14. S

    high step max weight

    Yes bettina you can use it. I weigh a little over 90kg with my dbs and the high step feels very sturdy and secure to me. I have not had a problem. Sandra
  15. S

    Hard Core rotation?

    Yes, if you look a little above your post, there is a post listing all Cathe rotations. Here is the link to the Hardcore Series Celebration rotation from March 2005. (There are actually three rotations : Building Strength, Muscle Endurance and Fat Loss)...
  16. S

    Muscle Building & Cardio Rotation - June

    Looks awesome, as usual! Thanks Debbie! Sandra
  17. S

    ? about Mindy's All About Legs

    Actually, you can order just the discs (for either carpeting or hardwood floors) from for $14.95 plus FREE shipping. Sandra
  18. S

    Index for Cathe Rotations - 2

    RE: Index for Cathe Rotations - 2 (NEW UPDATE) Reconsolidated the Index, hope I got them all... sorry I don't know how to do the bold formatting! --- This original index was posted by Sharon. I've consolidated and updated. It is so helpful!!! (note to Cathe forum admin - please...
  19. S

    Legs & Glutes vs. GS Legs

    Both are great to have. You can minimize the dread factor in GS Legs by doing the standing work one day, then doing the floor work a few days later. That stability ball work is KILLER!