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  1. S

    Istrength workouts

    Hi Gang, Do any of you use I-strength workouts in the weightroom at the gym? Can this be done or will I look silly? I am thinking of ordering and downloading one, but if I can't use it at the gym, I won't use it.... Thanks in advance for your help! Steph
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    Teaching while pregnant

    Hi Cathe, DH and I are going to start TTC very soon, and I started to wonder about my step class that I teach. The last Wed. of each month, I kick the class up a notch and teach intervals (very similar to the format of your IMAX's). My question is.... when you found out that you were...
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    Circuit workouts

    Hi everyone in Catheland! First of all, Happy Holidays to all of you! I wanted your opinion on something. I happened upon an old issue of Self magazine.... It is te Feb. issue, 2005 with Eva Longoria on the cover. It says that you should skip circuit training because "despite its...
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    Ignore - just testing something

    Hi guys, Just checking to see if my photo link comes up.
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    Best Baby Shower Gift Ever?

    Hi Everyone! I am going to a baby shower on Saturday, and I really want to get her the most fabulous gift. I am making her a diaper cake, but I want to get her something else also. We don't know the gender of the baby yet. Do you guys have any recommendations? I am looking to spend about...
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    What is your favorite protein shake?

    Happy Saturday you Guys!!!! (well, if that isn't the Joisey coming out in me :-) I am sitting here on my patio, drinking my protein shake after a Cathe workout - I did CTX Step and Intervals, Leaner Legs, and the ab workout after Leaner Legs, and I feel amazing..... and, here I sit...
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    Gym Slackers

    Okay you guys.... since I have been doing Cathe's tapes, I have increased the intensity of the step classes that I teach at the gym. Only one of my step students like it..... the others say they sweat too much, don't like to work that hard, etc..... In my body shaping class, if I even...
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    Just a Note of Praise for SNM and Cathe

    Cathe, I ordered a few of your videos on Tuesday and they arrived on Wednesday!!! I was so impressed that they arrived so soon (I did not do priority shipping). I adore your videos - I have been doing your step videos for about a year and have seen amazing results in both cardiovascular...