Search results

  1. M

    bermuda shorts

    Just wondering what kind of legs look best in these. I'm a little heavier in the upper thigh and thought they would look good because of the coverage, but then I don't know how my knees are going to look as the first thing sticking out all by themselves! Are they for skinny legs? I hate...
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    spare tire around hips?

    I had a baby last May and even though I've lost all my pregnancy weight, I have an excess band of fat that goes around my hip and butt area. I can actually grab it with my hand...yuck! I've really upped my cardio and have started to watch what I eat like a madwoman, but is there anything else...
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    question for all the runners

    New and old runners: Just curious what you have found to be the biggest change in your body because of running. I am starting a beginners program yet again and am looking for some motivation! TIA! Michele
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    strained hip flexor?

    I am/was following Cathe's January rotation and did Step Blast for the first time in a long time last week. Towards the end I noticed that my right hip flexor was a little achy, but didn't think much of it and since I was in "the challenge," I kept going and took two Advil at the end...
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    question about timing for interval run

    I'm hoping someone sees this soon because I'm doing this for the January rotation in about an hour! When doing your "own" interval workout, what kind of timing do you use for the aerobic, anaerobic and then recovery phases? If I'm doing intervals in five-minute increments, how much time...
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    Anyone else doing the December rotation?

    Hi all! I'm just wondering what results anyone has seen. For me, I honestly think my legs are looking better. I'm not a huge cardio fan and I think doing that on a "scheduled" basis has made a huge difference for me. This is the first Cathe rotation that I've actually started and finished...
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    Disney's dining plan

    My husband and I are planning a trip to Disney World next year and are wondering about purchasing the dining plan. Has anyone done this; and if so, would you purchase it again? TIA! Michele
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    building cardio endurance

    Hi Cathe! I had my third baby in May and while I've lost all my pg weight, I need to get rid of this little tire going around my middle. I'm guessing cardio is the answer. What's the best way to build up the endurance? Thanks!
  9. M

    building cardio endurance

    Hi all! I'm really trying to build up my cardio strength and I know intervals are the way to go. Just wondering, out of all the IMAXes (I have all three), which one is the best place to start. TIA!:)
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    dealing with son's anxiety...

    Hi all! My son just started third grade in a new school and is having some anxiety, which I know is normal. My question is how to deal with it. He will complain that he doesn't feel good or that his stomach hurts, in school and out. In fact, his teacher just called me to say that he...
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    are you friends with your kid's friend's parents?

    That's a mouthful! My son is starting a new school this year. We're taking him out of our public school and putting him into parochial school, so we haven't moved or any of that. In the past few years, I have become very friendly with his friends' moms - three women to be exact - and have...
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    relaxin post partum

    Hi all! I'm three months post partum and having a really tough time with getting back into workout mode. I started a running program, as well as incorporating a little CTX cardio, and my knees are making me pay big time. I did a search for relaxin on here and read that it can stick around...
  13. M

    Bouncing back after baby #3

    Hi Cathe! I'm looking for a little of your expertise here. I had baby #3 (Isabella Cecelia) on May 5th and I'm just starting to get back in the work out mode. I've started out slowly and have just started doing the CTX workouts, hoping to kick it up a notch. I'm also waiting for a pair...
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    new runner - knee question

    Hi all! I'm just starting out on a running program - taking it slow - but my knees are really sore. Is this just a matter of them gaining strength or is it a sign that my knees can't take running? I'm just getting back into working out again after having a baby in May so I don't know if I'm...
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    anything like Ali McGraw's yoga?

    I really enjoy this DVD - the pace, the setting, the music, etc. - and was wondering if anyone can recommend something comparable. TIA! Michele
  16. M

    nursing and hungry ALL THE TIME!

    Please tell me this is normal... My daughter is six weeks old today and is really doing great nursing. Is it normal to feel ravenous constantly? This is my third child and I don't remember feeling this hungry witht the other two. I spend most of my day - when I'm not nursing, of course -...
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    for those of you with kids in private school...

    Can I just ask a few questions??? Our public school, where my son is in second grade, literally sucks. While I think we have excellent teachers, there is a severe behavior/discipline problem that has developed since the school got a new principal two years ago. I won't go into details, but...
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    does this product still exist?

    Hi all! I was looking through my 7-year old DS's baby book today (sob, sob) and saw an ad that I had cut out way back then. It is for an Infant Advantage Sound and Motion Bassinet and Crib Mattress which is/was supposed to ease womb-to-world trauma and help your baby to sleep. The ad says...
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    Christmas gift question

    Hi all! Other than family/friends, who else do you buy for? For example, my son is in second grade so I am buying his teacher and classroom aide a gift. Do I need to buy his speech teacher and gym teacher something? He takes swimming and skating I need to buy those instructors...
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    cardio question

    Hi all! I'm at 16 weeks, finally past all the fatigue and nausea, and just started doing some cardio again - Cathe's Low Impact Step - and felt really good. I was a little winded, but not too bad. Do you think it's okay to up the intensity a little, say with Rythmic Step or Step Blast? I'm...