Search results

  1. S

    Core Max / Stretch Max

    I have both Core Max and Stretch Max and use them weekly. I couldn't be without them. Core Max has whipped my abs into shape. I use both Stretch Max and Total Body Stretching weekly to add more stretching following a run or workout. I did Kick Max once and really didn't care for it. I...
  2. S

    Help me build my yoga collection

    I want to add to my yoga collection and I'm not sure what to buy next. I'm considering Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness and Pure and Simple Yoga. I have his free downloads which I really like (there's just something about his voice that is very calming) and I think I would like his DVDs...
  3. S

    Cathe, you look AMAZING!!!!

    Cathe~ Hi, how are you? I just previewed the videoclips for Drill Max and Low Impact Circuit. I just had to tell you that you look AMAZING!!!! I love the intros for the workouts and I'm impressed with how you and your crew work so hard, but still manage to look so GOOD!!!! What is your...
  4. S

    When you first started doing Cathe workouts....

    did you experience soreness? Especially in areas that you never were sore before? I just started doing Cathe workouts in mid-late July after doing the Firm for over a year. I wasn't being challenged anymore and needed to go to the next level. Cathe definitely is challenging me (be careful...
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    I need help with Core Max segment #2

    Hi...I just did Core Max segment #2 tonight for the first time and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Here's my problem: I can't remember the name Cathe calls this move, so I'll try to explain it the best that I can. It's when you're on your back and you are passing the ball back...
  6. S

    Core Max and Ab Hits

    I couldn't decide which to buy so I just decided to buy both Core Max and Ab Hits. For those of you that have both, how do you rotate them into your workout schedule? Thanks for your help. Shonda
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    I never had ab soreness....

    until I did Ab Hits!!! This DVD is amazing !! :9 I just got Ab Hits this week and have done it 3x. The 1st time I did it, the next day I felt a little sore, but it wasn't too bad. The 2nd time... OH MY is all that I can say. I was so sore the next day I couldn't believe it. By the 3rd...
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    Workout Journal/Log

    Last year I found a fitness journal at Border's which I loved. Unfortunately the pages ran out earlier this year and I haven't been able to find it since. So, I've tried creating my own journal/log using Excel spreadsheets. Nothing that I've come up with has really clicked with me. I've...
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    High Step Value Package

    I need help deciding what to do.... I already own the original club step with 4 risers. I'm interested in buying the high step workouts next: High Step Circuit, High Step Training and High Step Challenge. Should I just buy the package deal and save money? Or should I just buy the high...
  10. S

    My first time doing Cathe workouts

    Hi, everyone. I finally did a Cathe workout!!! :9 So far I have done Basic Step, the lower and upper body add-ons, the stability ball ab workout (that are on the Basic Step + Body Fusion DVD) and Low Impact Step. I've been working out with the Firm and just no longer felt challenged. Heard...
  11. S

    Cathe and The Firm

    I'm currently using the Firm and doing yoga. I wanted to add Cathe to change it up a bit and to challenge myself by doing more cardio. However, I think I may have bought too advanced workouts from Cathe to begin with. Do you think I should start over with Basic Step + Body Fusion? And Low...
  12. S

    Stretching and ab DVD questions

    Hi...I'm new to the forum and new to Cathe. I'm not new to working out though. Recently I've been noticing that I need to do additional stretching (athletic type following a workout) and ab work. So here are my questions: which workouts would you suggest I begin with? Core Max or Ab Hits...