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  1. M

    What's missing from these workouts on Fit TV?

    Hi there! I recorded these workouts from Fit TV and was wondering which parts were left out from the original tape: Boot Camp Push Pull Supersets Thank you for your help!
  2. M

    Please look at my regime...

    No flaming please! I just need your honest opinion on advice given to me by a sports nutritionist. I am 5’1” and 117 pounds and 29% body fat. I want to lose 10 pounds, and although I know I can’t spot reduce, my visible fat is just around my stomach. I went to a sports nutrition store and was...
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    Rotation for Pyramids, GS, SH, and 4DS help!

    Hi everyone, Could you please help me put a rotation together using the Pyramids, Gym Style, Slow & Heavy and 4 Day Split? My goal is to tone up, necessarily lose weight. I just want to know how to rotate a series for maximum results. Thank you so much!
  4. M

    HSTA or Muscle Endurance?

    Which is more fun and effective between High Step Training and Muscle Endurance? I know they both have leg presses, and I'm okay with that. How's the music, order of exercises, effectiveness, etc.? I'm just planning ahead and trying to acquire these DVDs for an endurance/circuit rotation...
  5. M

    How much cardio with Slow & Heavy?

    Hi! I am planning to do a rotation with the Slow and Heavy series for 4 weeks. I read that doing too much cardio can be detrimental for muscle growth, so how much cardio do I need to do on this rotation? I don't have weight to lose, but I do have a flabby midsection and back fat that I know I...
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    Boot Camp or Body Max 2?

    Help me pick between Boot Camp or Body Max 2 please! I'm trying to collect all the videos recommended by Muscle Guy for his 5 week Muscle Building rotation. Thanks in advance!
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    What's next after Gym Styles?

    I've done a rotation using Gym Styles for 5 weeks. Next week I would like to do a different program. My goal is to build muscle and definition, not really weight loss (I am 5'1" and 110). I've had great results with Gym Styles so I just want to build on that, but I don't know if I should...
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    Can you gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit?

    Hi Cathe or anyone else who can help! Please help me understand why it’s been said that you can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. If I am eating at a calorie deficit and using Gym Styles, does that mean that I won’t build any muscle? I’m currently using the Gym Style series and...
  9. M

    How to use Pure Strength as a rotation?

    Do you do each tape just once per week since there are three tapes and just cardio in between? I just don't think hitting each body part once a week seems enough.
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    Pure Strength or Gym Styles?

    I know that GS is an updated version of Pure Strength, but which one is more enjoyable? Which series has better music? Are the exercises pretty similar? I want to build muscle and get definition. If you've used any of these series, could you please post your results? Lastly, can I just...
  11. M

    What toning set to get after Pyramids?

    I prefer my lower and body workouts to be split. I do cardio on the treadmill so I'm only looking for toning videos. Thanks in advance!
  12. M

    Pyramids - can I use this system solely?

    Hi, I only have the Pyramids UB/LB as my strength training video. Can I use this solely for toning up? I plan on doing it 4 days a week (2 days lower 2 days upper) and step aerobics 3 times a week. Also, what would be a good supplement to the pyramid system? My main goal is to tone up...
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    Results with Kick Punch & Crunch

    I think Kick Punch & Crunch is so fun, but I don't want to lose weight--just tone up. Would this be a good video to do twice a week for my cardio? I primarily use the FIRM workouts. If you use KPC, what kind of results did you see from doing this video compared to other types of cardio (like...
  14. M

    Pure Strength or Gym Styles for building and toning?

    Are they similar? Which would you pick for actually building muscle (particularly the legs) and toning (particularly the arms)? I have Legs & Glutes but for some reason I think the FIRM builds more muscle because I used heavier weights (two dumbbells on my shoulders for leg press as opposed to...
  15. M

    How often to Kick Punch & Crunch?

    How often can you do Kick Punch & Crunch if you're using it on a cardio day? (Actually, is that how you're supposed to use it) On alternate days when I do weights, I use Legs & Glutes or FIRM tapes. I just did KPC last night, and I got DOMS! Is it okay to do it again today? I thought this...
  16. M

    What are plyometrics for?

    What is their purpose in a cardio program? I just wonder if it's beneficial to do them or just stick to the beginner modifications (in the FIRM videos). Thanks!
  17. M

    Do I need cardio too?

    I've been hearing conflicting information about the role cardio plays when you are trying to tone up, not lose weight. I have been doing the FIRM videos, alternating between toning one day and cardio the next. My goal is to build muscle and get definition. Do I need cardio too? Thank you in...
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    Risers for the leg press?

    I just ordered Legs & Glutes and was wondering if Cathe used the same number of risers for the leg press for all the exercises that used the leg press. I have the FIRM's Transfirmer, which at its highest is 14". Do you think that's too tall? Thanks again!:-)
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    Killer butt and legs!

    Hi, I 5'1" and 105 lbs. and am looking to build and define my butt and legs. Which Cathe (or any other) videos would you recommend? Currently I am using the FIRM but I want to take on more of a weight lifting approach rather than circuit training since I'm looking to build muscle, not lose...