April 23, 2015

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live Subscribers:

This Thursday, April 23rd at 9:15am EST, we will be doing "Lower Body Burn" Live.

This lower body workout is full of sweat and sting. A high energy warm up builds up to a five minute high/low cardio segment to ensure a thorough warm up, calorie jump start & calf pump. Non stop leg work continues on to get the job done.

Equipment needed for this workout:

A set of 12 pound hand weights
A set of 15 pound hand weights
Gliding disc (or paper plate )
Firewalker loop
Fitness Mat
Just finished it and it was awesome. I was just trying to figure out which lower body workout to do that includes glutes and Cathe did this workout today. It was the right amount of heavy weight vs. body weight and the right amount of cardio bursts. Loved the floor work as well. Thanks for another great one:D
I agree Firemedic - a good mix. I didn't do the floor work, but foam-rollered instead (I was running a bit tight on time, and my legs felt VERY tight after the w/o!) Fun cardio at the beginning! Loved doing the twist....
This is a great workout that I've done twice already, a great combination of Great Glutes and Lean Legs and Abs(minus the abs). I can never decide between the two and this one fits the bill for me. Oh, and the walking lunges BURN!! I am loving Cathe Live!!

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