Recent content by tsut

  1. T

    Calorie Burn With Shock Cardio

    I did the 34 minute premix from Cardio Core Circuit. My GWF said I burned 135 calories compared to 196 cals on my Polar HRM. My HRM overestimates calorie burn around 20-30% in general.
  2. T

    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    I'm dying to know what Danielle did!! I thought she might have hired someone to beat Dina up. Caroline wouldn't have been so mad if it was something so petty.
  3. T

    Love Cardio Drills! Suggestions please???

    Here's another vote for the cardio only premix in Boot Camp (Intensity Series) and the drills in Kick Max.
  4. T

    No NJ Housewives Reunion thread??

    Did everyone see this link? It looks like Danielle lied about her past. I'm not shocked.
  5. T

    What happened to the blog link on the homepage?

    I haven't been online for a few weeks. Has it been removed? I can't find it.
  6. T

    4DS KB & BC cardio--YOWZA!

    Is the BC cardio easy to modify for a smaller workout space? Thanks!
  7. T

    Review of Bis & Tris, Boot Camp and Kick Box

    Thanks for the detailed review. I can't wait to try these!!! The cardio in BC sounds like a blast!
  8. T

    Speaking of slobs......another work rant

    Sorry Laura. I misread your post. It is probably best that she is transferred to a different department.
  9. T

    Speaking of slobs......another work rant

    While I think the employee is wrong for not following the dress code, I would not appreciate my boss saying I dressed like a slob even if it was in a joking manner. That is unprofessional. I have to agree that this has went on a long time letting her dress in jeans. She probably thinks you...
  10. T

    Exercising too much? How much is too much?

    "If you want to get even leaner, you're going to have to really watch what you eat." I would agree with this statement. Diet usually determines how low your BF% can lower.
  11. T

    Running in place???

    I do running in place/high jogs in between my weight circuits and I don't have any problems with my 37 year old joints. I do a joint mobility warm up before doing high impact and I have no problems.
  12. T

    New series--please consider showing us how to modify......

    I have found a good replacement for richochets. I do repeater knees.
  13. T

    Already my least favorite?

    I'm a klutz when it comes to choreography. What I do is watch the workout one time through before attempting it. That usually helps me get the steps down 99% of the time. Personally I do not want a breakdown chapter. I'd rather that space on the DVD be used for another premix. I am...
  14. T

    Low Max and Low Max Circuit

    I love both of these workouts. They are both easy on the joints. There are premixes on both DVDs that allow for shorter workouts. I think LIC is a bit more fun because it also includes some lower and upper body work in between the cardio sections. Low Max is slightly trickier in choreography...
  15. T

    Cardio only premixes

    Please make some premixes with just the cardio sections only. Maybe you could string all of them along so we can have one long cardio challenge. Thanks!