Recent content by timwatt

  1. T

    Question about firewalker loops & resistance tubing used in Cross Fire

    What strength is the firewalker loop and the resistance tubing Cathe uses in the Cross Fire workout?
  2. T

    Patiently Canadian...

    For those of you who already received the dvds, did you have to pay any import taxes? If so, how much did you pay?
  3. T

    Shock Cardio Clips?

    I agree! I'm dying to see the clips. After all, all the workouts (except MMA) are done!
  4. T

    Shock Cardio Project Update - Nov-20th

    That's great! But when will you post video clips of the completed workouts?
  5. T

    So which should I get Imax 2 or 3?

    Get both! ITA with what everyone says about Imax 2 and 3. Imax 2 is more fun (brighter set, Cathe is happier, and the music is more upbeat), but Imax 3 is more killer (tougher blasts and shorter recovery periods). I recommend that you eventually get all three Imaxes so you can rotate them.
  6. T

    Suggestion - Rebounder

    I disagree with the suggestion. Nothing wrong with the rebounder, but the last thing I need is more and more exercise equipment. Maybe you can suggest having a rebounder used as a separate bonus section in Cathe's workouts?
  7. T

    Canadians, who bought???

    Me too. I paid $139 CDN. I always skipped past preorders because I was unsure, but always ended up buying most of them anyway when they were released. Now I regret passing on those preorders, and paying so much more. Not this time. It's Cathe! Totally worth it, even with the poor exchange...
  8. T

    Sell me on STS!

    I, too, had a difficult time figuring out if I should buy STS because it's so expensive. But then I realized that since I was primarily interested in Mesocycle 2 (and not so much on Mesocycle 1 and 3), I bought only Mesocycle 2 on its own. So I saved money, AND got the chance to experience a...
  9. T

    Those against a modifier in high impact workouts, what's the downside?

    As long as Cathe's workouts remain advanced (high impact and/or high intensity), I wouldn't mind it if she had a modifier. If Cathe lowered down the overall intensity of her workouts to cater to the less advanced exerciser, that would bother me. There are far too many fitness dvds that cater...
  10. T

    BM2 pre mix question

    I've done both the Boot Camp and C&W premixes from BM2, and I like the Boot Camp premix better. IMO, C&W is more intermediate.
  11. T

    IMAX 3 or Rhythmic Step

    Imax 3 is much more intense but with easier choreography, whereas, Rhythmic Step has difficult choreography but moderate intensity. But as RapidBreath said, RS comes with Imax 1 and Maximum Intensity Cardio and those workouts are intense! I'd spend the $50 for the RS/Imax/MIC for something new.
  12. T

    BC/ME combo today..embrace the challenge with me!!

    You've inspired me to revisit this combo, and I just did it this morning. OMG! I felt lightheaded for a couple minutes after I finished that grueling workout, but still, I felt great! It was fun not knowing what exercise was coming up next.
  13. T

    Maximum Intensity Cardio

    Am I the only one that gets a headache after doing MIC? I love this workout because it's so intense, but the constant jumping during the hi/lo always gives me a headache afterward.
  14. T

    BC/ME combo....what a challenge!!

    I did the BC/ME combo once two years ago, and I haven't done it again ever since. It was pure torture!! I don't know when I'll ever have the guts to do it again.
  15. T

    Any Guys Out There? 9-11

    Hey guys, I did the 30 minutes standing leg work from GS Legs today. I'm starting to feel the muscle soreness slowly creeping in. I don't think I"ll be able to do any cardio tomorrow because of it!