
Performing arts (especially dance) college football (Go Gators!) Interior decorating
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
I was 250lbs after having my 3rd child and desperately needed to lose weight. The minute I saw one of her workouts, I knew they'd do the trick
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I found out about Cathe workouts from watching FitTv. My immediate reaction was "Whoa! She is no joke."
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
I love doing Cathe workouts so much because they are always challanging for me and they absolutely deliver results. The step choreography is so much fun to do and I really get into the kickboxing combos because they're so well put together
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
Kimberly Spreen's "Play Ball", Cheetah 3.0 treadmill workout
My Fitness Goals
Lose an additional 25-30lbs
My Success Story
Though I've managed to lose the majority of my excess weight, I feel I still have quite a ways to go, so I'm still in the process of writing my success story
Broward Sheriff's Office ICJS Fitness Specialist