Recent content by SnowyOwl

  1. S

    A good book on stretching exercises ?

    RE: A good book on stretching exercises, try this one. . . LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-02 AT 09:13PM (Est)[p]I really like Kit Laughlin, and have found a lot of really useful stretches in two of the books listed here: the only...
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    Hi Lori, another way I like to fit yoga into a rotation is to use short videos or segments of videos as a tack-on after a cardio or weight session. For instance, after going for a run I'll do the last half of Yoga Zone Power Yoga, which has a lot of hip openers and hamstring lengtheners. Or...
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    Advice -- Powerstrike on carpet?

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-02 AT 01:57PM (Est)[p]Hi Kathy! I'm trying to figure out a solution myself. I'm glad I'm not the only one who got toasted the first time trying a Powerstrike - after Millenium #1 I couldn't even take a deep breath the next day without feeling it in my ribs! Anyway, I have...
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    Yoga - Bryan Kest?

    If you're in Canada, and you don't live in a large centre where you can find them in stores, you can try Chapters/Indigo on-line, which is where I got mine. I've heard mixed reviews about their service since the merger took place, but all my experiences with ordering...
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    What have I DONE???

    LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-02 AT 08:50PM (Est)[p]sheesh, sorry for yet another double post...
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    What have I DONE???

    Kimba, CTX is without a doubt the best used tapes in my collection. They're so versatile and there's so many ways to use them. That said... I remember from previous posts you have said that you sometimes have problems with high impact. The cardio in CTX is VERY high impact - fun, but high...
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    Interval Max survey

    LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-02 AT 03:41PM (Est)[p]sorry, double post!
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    Interval Max survey

    FWIW I think the tuck jumps are also a core strength thing. I love/dread IMAX and managed to avoid doing it for 6 months, then tried it again last November. And to my surprise, I could do the tuck jumps - and they LOOKED like tucked jumps. Believe me, I wasn't practicing these in the interim...
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    Ttap Brush

    Stacy, do you read the FitPrime forum? I just posted on this topic today. If not, let me know, and I'll C&P it here. Sophie
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    Devil Dog Trifle

    I'm so glad someone else asked this! I've never heard of them either. The only thing I can think of up here (western Canada) that might match the description is maybe a Hostess cupcake or King Don. Is that even close? Sophie
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    Learning new choreography--ideas please

    Yep, you definately jumped into the deep end! Of the DVDs you have on order, I would suggest working with the step portion of MIC or Body Max for a while. Actually, since these are half an hour (more or less) in length, you could actually use them to replace the cardio portions in CTX for a...
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    have you seen results w/Xpress series?

    RE: Sophie! Gosh, no, I didn't double up the cardio although I know there are others here who did. They be better women than I, matey! I just looked at my journal and all my weeks are "messy" - meaning I always deviated from what I actually had planned, but here's one that's not too bad: M...
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    YES, Yoga!!

    Hi Lorrie, I'm not Cinza, but I would like to recommend Rodney Yee's Yoga for Athletes if you're just getting started in it. He does have a tendency to overwrite his script a tiny bit, but he has great form and well designed routines. Y4A is broken into three parts so you can do the whole thing...
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    YES, Yoga!!

    Really interesting post, Cinza! I've been focusing on yoga and pilates this quarter mostly because the studio I go to has unlimited classes with your fee, so I try to make it twice a week. And then a friend talked me into taking a Pilates class with her - it's been fun to do "live" things for a...
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    have you seen results w/Xpress series?

    I'm revisiting the CTX series now! I did my first rotation of these last October/November and loved it. I could eat a TON while doing it! I had to modify the schedule, though - I'd only do the cardio three times a week, but stack up the body parts (eg. Power Circuit, plus the bicep section from...