
When I began doing Cathe Workouts
I began doing Cathe workouts exclusively in Feb-2007.
How I found out about Cathe Workouts
I found out about Cathe workouts from the old Firm forum back in 2000.
Why I love doing Cathe Workouts
Cathe workouts give me the results I want! They are beautifully produced, and Cathe is just the best there is.
Where I work out most often
Other Workout DVDs that I own
I started with The Firm and own them all up to about 2006. The Firm workouts are soooo fun and I love them, but I get better results with Cathe.
My Fitness Goals
Build muscle. I want BIG muscles. Yeah, GREAT BIG muscles.
My Success Story
I was a pathetic weakling that couldn't open a jar of pickles -- underweight and yet overfat due to lack of muscle tissue. I started working out at a gym, and after 10 years of that, I moved on to home videos in 1999. I still don't look it, but I'm strong and very fit for my age. I didn't think it was even possible to achieve the level of fitness that I have achieved.


