Recent content by lundquist93

  1. L

    Mascara Fanatics - Need some help!

    Max Factor's Stretch and Separate is the only thing I will use and it it does just that...stretch and separate your lashes. It is never clumpy and it separates my lashes perfectly. Nothing else compares and I've tried all brands from inexpensive to overly expensive.
  2. L

    20/20-"The Cardio-Free Diet"

    RE: 20/20- Jennifit - I totally agree.
  3. L

    Real Stories of What Happens When You Do Less Exercise

    rnyogamom - I totally agree! I am over the strict standards that I set for myself for so many years. I do love a good workout, but I have found that I look and feel better doing less. After I changed my program I actually lost weight as well, although that wasn't even my intention. And YES...
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    Real Stories of What Happens When You Do Less Exercise

    Mary Beth, I had maintained a strict and intense workout program for years and recently modified my exercise program to scale back. I went from 7 intense workouts per week to 5 per week (3 intervals, 2 easy/steady cardios). I incorporated one easy/steady cardio in between each hard interval...
  5. L

    Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type

    Just curious, does anyone still believe in calories in/calories out? There is so much debate over all of the different diets these days that it just seems that people make weight loss/weight maintenance too hard. I guess I still believe, and have found to be true in my own experience, that...
  6. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    RE: Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you n... Jenni, Good luck to you and your husband! I usually find that most of my nervousness and fear come in the middle of the night or when I'm super tired. Do you have family close that will help you?
  7. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    RE: Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you n... Jen, I am 33 and my hubby is 42. We feel the same way in that we committed to trying for a certain amount of time and with a certain amount of assistance. But, after that I think there is a degree of fate that I am not comfortable...
  8. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    RE: Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you n... Shopaholic, Congrats on your wedding anniversary! That is wonderful! Any plans to celebrate? I tried to send you an e-mail, but it came back undeliverable. I tried it twice. ??? My e-mail is [email protected] if you...
  9. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    RE: Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you n... Can I just thank you all for being so honest and open about this subject. I know it may not be a popular thing to say "yes, I was nervous about giving up my life as it was". But I am so glad that there are people willing to say yes, I...
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    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    Shopaholic, Are you selling the maternity clothes on e-bay or ya-ya? I'd like to take a look at what you have. It might be nice to already have a few pieces on hand before I get preggo (God willing). I plan on exercising through my pregnancy as well. I currently workout six days a week...
  11. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    Stardust, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree that it's all the "unknown" that can make me nervous. That is wonderful that you were able to get pregnant before treatment! I do think that once I actually get pregnant I will be much more excited. All of the doctor appt's and testing...
  12. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    Shopaholic - Your post hit home with me. DH and I have been trying for months and are currently seeing a specialist to get pregnant. I am nervous about all of the things you mentioned and it makes me feel so much better that I'm not the only one who felt this way. LOL! Your post made me...
  13. L

    Who is TTC or pregnant with your first? Are you nervous?

    Just a question for all of those out there who are trying to convceive or pregnant with your first. Although excited, are you any of you nervous about how your life will change? How do you deal with the roller coaster of emotions?
  14. L

    Recommended nutrition books?

    I second Gayle's recommendation of The Sports Nutrition Guide by Nancy Clark. This is probably the best book written on sports nutrtion.
  15. L

    Clean eaters....what are you giving out as Halloween treats?

    The Easter ones are my favorite too. It's my rule to only buy them when the holiday ones are out. They are so popular that most of the time I can never find them in the stores so I only end up with a few anyway.