Recent content by jdollprince

  1. J

    Came home, found my sweet baby kitty, dead

    That is SO very sad. I am so sorry for your loss. jes
  2. J

    Cathe Friedrich...THANK YOU!

    Fantastic post Jonzie! I totally agree with your sentiment. I was at a RT years ago with all my Texas girls and we LOVED how awesome Cathe was in person. It is no surprise that she is also a lovely online persona as well:) AND SO MOTIVATING!!! Love ya Cathe!! jes
  3. J

    Any odd (but awesome) benefits from strength workouts?

    I forgot to mention that my posture has improved dramatically!
  4. J

    Just started STS yesterday...

    It will SORTOF get easier. You will really feel stronger by meso 2 but the workouts get harder so it is still kicking your butt. Im in week 2 of Meso 2 and im seriously AMAZED at how much weight I am able to use and how much core strength I have gained. This is the first time I have EVER...
  5. J


    These workouts have given me enough extra strength in my legs (im only in week 2 of meso 2) to do an entire step workout!!! I havent been able to do do step b/c of my knees in over a year. I was only going to do the first 15 mins and then hop on my bike. But i did the entire thing and never had...
  6. J

    Any odd (but awesome) benefits from strength workouts?

    Yall have gotten some great benefits! Mine isnt that odd, but i am on week 2 of meso 2 and today i got a wild hair and decided to attempt a step workout for my cardio. I did the 48 min step only premix of Low Impact Circuit. I havent been able to do a step workout in over a year because of my...
  7. J

    Reviews on the Pull-Up aka Push-Pull Tower?

    Thanks for posting this question A-Jock! I ordered the tower last week and and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. It was lovely to read reviews! Im in the second week of Meso 2 and i really needed it for all the chest and back work PLUS i will absolutely have to have it for its squat rack...
  8. J

    Starting undulating rotation tomorrow...

    Can someone explain what undulating means please?
  9. J


    TGIF!! I just finished week one of meso 2. Those paper plates are a B!tch:eek: This is the first series where i have ever looked forward to a workout and not prayed for it to be over the whole time. good times. p.s. my push/pull tower shipped yesterday:) then im really in for it! jes
  10. J

    Sex and the City 2!!

    NO. There was not a boom mic in our showing thank god. that would have been crazy! I really liked the movie. I dont think it was quite as good as the first, but it was very GLAM and i loved the change of scenery. The eye candy didnt hurt either:D Samantha CRACKED me up the entire time (As usual)...
  11. J

    Sex and the City 2!!

    Is anyone going to the midnight showing tonight? My best friend and I are going tomorrow and Im so looking forward to it! Who else can't wait to see it? Might have to sneak some champagne into the theatre for this one:p
  12. J

    How long for results with clean eating ?

    Hi Robin! :) Thanks for the responses. I am eating 1800 cals on the days i do cardio and 1400-1600 on the days i dont. Maybe that is too many? Im being very attentive to my portions and the majority of my meals is veggies. Im not going to give up or anything. I know it takes as long to get...
  13. J

    What are your fitness plans today?

    You had a busy morning Cathe! Im doing back and bis wk 1 STS cycle 2, abs and 30 mins on the spin bike:) in fact, i should get off my butt and go do it now! jes
  14. J

    How long for results with clean eating ?

    Hey all. Ive been doing Cathe workouts since 2004 (off and on) and am pretty well versed in the diet and nutrition experiments. I looked/felt my best when I was eating clean and doing lots of workouts. Ive been eating VERY clean with low carbs/low glycemic index (only fish,eggs, beans, green...
  15. J

    OK I just have to ask--who's watching RH NYC?

    OMG Kelly is batshit insane! Im really sick of the drama with her though. I wish something more interesting would get thrown into the plot. Should be interesting next week when Jill arrives. In the previews, Alex looks to be on the verge of tears! AND she brings BOBBY. Bless that man. jes