Recent content by Flex

  1. F

    Patiently Canadian...

    Outside of Ottawa I received mine on Thursday, Dec. 31. Yay!!
  2. F

    Ankle injury - need cardio recommendations

    Thanks Jenni, lots of good info. I was wondering about biking, as I do have a stationary bike at home. I think I'll give that a try as well. One other thing, do you weight train? If so, did you continue weight training even with the ankle injuries you said you've sustained. Maybe with very...
  3. F

    Ankle injury - need cardio recommendations

    Hi Cathe, I'm enduring an ankle injury due to overuse (pain, inflamation, etc). I've been following the R.I.C.E. formula for about two weeks now in order to deal with it. Question: When I feel ready to resume cardio, are there any recommendations you have as to which of your cardio...
  4. F

    question about multiple workout days

    It is only the warm-up and step portion of SJP (about the first 20 mins. of the workout. You wouldn't do the hi-low or weights that follow the step routine.) Then, you would segue into the kick/punch intensity portion of KPC. (the last portion of that workout and the ab section at the end)...
  5. F

    Cathe or educated crowd-strengh work

    Hi Cathe and others, I have a quick question about the Pure Strength series and the upcoming gym-style workouts in the Hardcore series. I generally like to work each body part twice per week in my strength training (e.g. once of my rotations includes doing Pyramid upper and lower body once...
  6. F

    Sub dumbbells for Slow & Heavy squats?

    Hi Cathe, I have a question regarding the legs portion of the S&H series. I need quite a bit of weight to fatigue me on the squats. I was using 40lbs. of plates on each end of the barbell which proved far too heavy to get over my head without a squat rack. Can I sub dumbbells for the...
  7. F

    Prone jack-knife on stability ball.....uhhhhhhhhh

    I've been doing the Pyramids for 4 weeks now. I can't do them, and I'm strong. I'm not great on the ball in general though.... I have serious balance issues. Kate
  8. F

    Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition

    Hi Lisa, I'd go with the Pyramids as well. I've been doing them for about 4 weeks now and they're just awesome and provide great results. Plus, you can cut the workouts in half on time-pressed days by only pyramiding up or only down. I also have Slow & Heavy but haven't done it for a...
  9. F

    Troy barbell set... IN CANADA???

    It's so annoying! I live in Ottawa and it's impossible to get anything unless it's online. Then, with the Canadian dollar being what it is, it's way too expensive for me to afford. The barbell alone with the cuffs seems reasonable. Why bother buying plates if you already have them? You can...
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    Hi Cathe, I've been a "user" of yours for about 2 years now. I tried the pyramid workouts when the series first came out and really wasn't too keen on them. (I had been doing Power Hour religiously and was a little too addicted to it.) I have recently "tried" the pyramids again and I must...
  11. F

    Officially obsessed with StepBlast

    Hi Cathe, I never post but I had to tell you that I'm officially obsessed with StepBlast. I've been doing all your workouts for the past two years and find there's a few I latch onto and can't give up (e.g. Power Hour is like my bible, I've had THE BEST results with it. Even though I mix it...
  12. F

    "Foggy brain" while "eating clean"

    Sounds like you're not eating enough. I'd definitely incorporate some fruit in there earlier in the day.
  13. F

    Help - Plantar Wart

    Yikes, I had one years ago. The only thing that worked was seeing a chiropodist (sp?), who treated it with liquid dry ice (I believe). I also experienced where the callous/scab fell off, and then I was left with the little black dots. Those just eventually went away, and I haven't had any...
  14. F

    e-diets- Has anyone tried one???

    Thanks Danielle, That is very helpful. The Weight Watchers program online is exactly the way I was thinking of going. I'm looking for more of a maintenance program (I lost about 75 lbs on my own last year, but have been slowly gaining some back) after I lose a few lbs. I know WW can...
  15. F

    e-diets- Has anyone tried one???

    I'm wondering if anyone has tried an e-diet tool? Specifically, I have looked at Weight Watchers e-tools, Dietwatch, Healthetech, and the Personal Fitness Planner available through Fitness Any comments or suggestions? Thx! Flex