Recent content by chewy15

  1. C

    Buff Badgers May 1

    Good morning, Tonight will be a short run, probably about three miles. Crazylegs on Saturday went better than I expected. I was nervous beforehand and started out faster than I should have, so by mile 3.5 I walked a little. But I still cut four minutes off my time from last year! I was pretty...
  2. C

    Buff Badgers Thursday 4-27-06

    Good morning, I almost didn't find this new forum! I haven't exercised yet... was too sleepy to get up extra early. I brought clothes so I could run over lunch. Laurie, the Crazylegs is a lot of fun. You start on the Capitol Square and then run on the edge of campus around to Camp...
  3. C


    :) Not yet! I've got 26 years as a Boilermaker vs. almost two in Madison. Love the city, really enjoy working at the school, but I think I've become more of a Purdue fan since I moved away!
  4. C

    Runners check-In 4/26

    Good morning, I haven't checked in in a few days because I haven't gone for a run since Saturday. I planned to run last night after my trig exam (I'm taking night classes so I can hopefully go to grad school eventually), and as the afternoon and, later, the test wore on, I got a really bad...
  5. C


    Good morning, I took yet another rest day yesterday — that was three in a row, although I guess I don't really count Sunday since we were putting up fencing all day. That's how I'm easing my guilt :) Anyway, I ran about four miles this morning. It's almost to the point where it's light enough...
  6. C


    Good morning, I didn't end up working out yesterday. I meant to get up early today and do something, but I hardly slept with all the wind. It was making my dogs go crazy — they were on and off the bed all night. I have an exam tonight so I'm going to wear workout clothes to class, then go to...
  7. C


    Good morning, I haven't worked out yet today, and I may not. I had a really busy weekend and am still sore! Saturday was my 10-mile run, which went pretty well. It was hard, but I felt pretty good during it. I was hobbling around for a few hours after, though. My brother and I had softball...
  8. C

    Runner's Check-in Sat 4-22

    Hello, I've had a busy few days at work so haven't had much time to check in. I ran five miles on Tuesday and Thursday, and last night I did Kick Max and Muscle Endurance upper body split. I'm happiest to report, though, that I just finished my last training run before my half-marathon...
  9. C


    Good morning, I ran five miles this morning. I didn't get to work out yesterday; I stayed at work late, then had to work on homework when I got home. Susan, Circuit Max is one of my favorites! It really is surprisingly tough. Have a great day, Ellen
  10. C

    Buff Badgers 4-19-06

    Good morning, I haven't worked out yet today. I was awake to go for my run, but it started to thunderstorm so I stayed in bed and went back to sleep. That's the best sleeping weather, I think. I might go for a run on campus at the end of the day, or I might go home and do Kick Max and part of...
  11. C


    Hello, This has been a super-busy day at work. I wish the weekend were closer. This morning I ran five miles on the treadmill. I'm trying up my mileage the next couple of weeks, before I taper for the mini. Nothing else is really going on with me... just work work work. Take care, Ellen
  12. C


    Good morning, I had a pretty rough run on Saturday that kind of set the stage for the rest of the day. Right after I got home from my run, feeling tired and wheezy, my boyfriend and I decided to do some yard work. Then we had to go to my mom's to help her put up some new fencing. By the time...
  13. C

    Runners check-in 4-17

    Good morning, I had a pretty bad longish run on Saturday. I had intended to do 10 but made it only to about seven, with periods of walking interspersed in the run. I couldn't get my breathing to regulate and felt like I was really huffing and wheezing... not fun! So I'd run a few minutes and...
  14. C

    Runners Check-In April 14th

    Good luck to everyone on their long runs this weekend. I know we're supposed to have beautiful weather here in Wisconsin; I don't know how it is everywhere else. And good luck to Laura on her half! I will not have time to work out today. I'm hoping to do 10 or 11 tomorrow, although some...
  15. C


    Good morning, I probably won't work out today. I have a 10-mile run scheduled for tomorrow, and after work I have to go out to my mom's in Stoughton to pick up my dogs — they're staying there today while our roof is being replaced. So no time for me to squeeze anything in. Did anyone else...