Recent content by AbigailRuiz

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    vitamin for women over 40

    yes, really every woman is different. My favorite is this complex It is the first vitamin I have ever taken that I actually feel like it is helping me! And I have tried too many to count. Great quality and I love that I...
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    Losing 10 kg in a month

    it's unhealthy
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    there is no problem drinking 1-3 servings of coffee a day, it is also good for women. do not demonize coffee, unless a lot of sugar is added there
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    How much water is too much water?

    it's not bad if you want to drink so much. sometimes drink also mineral waters for normal electrolyte balance
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    Diet/Nutrition/Supplement reccomendations

    use the set of amino acids for better muscle building. You can try ready sets or combine your own energy support set
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    What workout shoes do I need?

    comfortable and useful for your type of exercise
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    Is eating clean the same as just eating healthy?

    if we speak about mental health that clean eating it's not the same as health.
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    anti-ageing foods, supplements, beauty products

    I'm 29 and I'm thinking how to prolong my youth. I can already see large wrinkles on my forehead and around my eyes. how to minimize them?
  9. A

    Anti-inflamatory nutrition

    without sugar, gluten, fast carbs more fats and proteins. use supplements with curcumin