Any Cathe beginners?


Hey everyone how are you all doing? I see you are progressing well and that inspires me to not give up. Couple of questions. What are the STS series? Is that what you do after doing the beginner DVDs? Also I was using the Workout Manager to track my workouts but I couldn't put in Calories Burned because I don't know how many I burn while working out. Is there some way I can find this out?

Still trying to get the hang of the Workout Manager. I don't know my body fat and have no way of finding out and I don't know what to put for the goals for the Body Fat, Neck, etc.

Anyway, on day 4 of my first week back on the Basic Step DVD. Will keep you all posted. Again, thank you all so much for the friends request and the welcome and the advice. God bless you!

Can't believe the weekend is almost always feels like it just starts! Good thing I have tomorrow off. :)

Checking in with STS Disc 19 completed and I'm over halfway through the program! YAY! I already am noticing strength improvements which is awesome! I also added on a short cardio (The FIRM Calorie Explosion) after the workout today.

Kettlebells can be an excellent strength training program. You want to make sure that the workout or class is taught by someone who is certified on proper instruction and use of them.

STS is a comprehensive strength training program/system available by Cathe. It's a 3.5month (or 6.5 month depending on what you want to do) program to build and strengthen muscles. It is $$ but you get 40 workouts so you are doing a different workout each time. It's just another workout option that is available depending on what your goals are and what you like to do. It would be best to do other strength training workouts before jumping into STS so you learn proper form first because it kind of assumes you already know some of that.

After the beginner DVDs, you can pretty much do any of Cathe's DVDs - just up to what you like to do and what you want to focus on.
Forgive my lack of posting- my life is nuts, and is it showing in my workouts! First week in Sept was great- did the Sept rotation through to Saturday, lost 1.6lbs at WW (woo hoo!) then fell totally off the exercise wagon last week- stayed the same at WW (that's okay too) and did the step portion from Body Max 2 on Saturday morning- which is lots of fun! So I did just body max step & abs & stretch- a decent 45ish min workout.

I think I will need to resume my 30 minute workouts for the week and continue the ww counting. I am working full time and going to grad school- this Saturday I am leaving the country to go on a medical mission to Jamaica and will be gone for another week. Won't be doing any running, step or anything like that, but will be working and sweating my a$$ off- I think that counts!

I am looking forward to the workout blender- then I can create some of my own 30 minute workouts!

Jen- love looking at your ticker- you are an inspiration!
Elle- keep up the yoga
Nancy- Your ticker is moving too!
Ana- welcome!
Hi all; hope everyone had a great weekend! I really enjoyed my weekend- went to an FOP picnic and I got to see a lot of friends I haven't seen in years. I have to admit, I am so glad I have been working out - saw some of these people and I didn't recognize them due to the weight they had gained over the years, so that has also given me a lot of motivation to continue with the workouts! I weighed in this weekend and didn't lose any, but at least I didn't gain either - I think I have hit a plateau as I haven't lost any weight for the past two weekends that I have weighed. I am determined to work a little harder at my workouts this week and see what happens next weekend - then, if I don't lose any weight I'll be checking with you all to see what else I can do! :confused:

Nancy: Great job on being through 1/2 of STS! It doesn't seem like you have been doing it that long! Is STS something you think you would do over and over or just several times a year? I keep watching for it to be on e-Bay for a good price, but so far, everyone wants $250 or better for it and I just can't afford that kind of money right now.

Bridget: Congratulations on the 1.6# weight loss last week and I'm with you, at least you stayed the same at WW this week! How did you get involved in going on a medical mission to Jamaica? I hope you have a really great time (even though you are working) and most of all, have a safe trip! We expect to hear everything about it when you return. I saw your comment about the workout blender, so I decided to check the website out since I haven’t been there in a while—too cool! I can’t wait to try it either, this should be really great to be able to customize our own workouts!! WooHoo!

Ana: I've been using the Workout Manager for a while and I still have trouble navigating around it. Seems like I constantly find new things out about it. When I first started using it, I had the same problem with BMI so I googled it and a lot of the weight loss web sites will have a calulator you can plug in the data and it will give you your BMI. If I recall, you need your weight and height.

I hope everyone else is doing well!
I tried to post over the weekend and lost my post for some reason. :mad:

Yesterday I did Shiva Rea Daily Energy segments: Earth, Fire, Forward Bends, Shavasana. I'm really loving this DVD so far.:)

Bridget: Have a wonderful and safe trip!

Phoenix: congrats on getting past the halfway point on your STS rotation!

Ana: I stopped using the workout manager. I just find it easier to use a wall calendar and stickers to track my workouts. The WM is great if you want to track how many calories you burn but that's not too important to me right now. I'm on weight watchers so i have a points booster that tells me how many extra points i burn depending on the activity level and time.

Jennifer: Sorry the scale is stuck right now, but on the bright side, at least you haven't gained.
Hi all, checking in with my workout. Several weeks ago I upped the amount of weight I am carrying to 5#'s and today with the humidity, I really feel it! I was feeling spirited last night so I decided to ride my bike up to my parent's house. I hope everything is gong well with everyone and I will try to check in later on tonight.
Quick Check-in: I just came back from my WW meeting and i lost 2.8lbs last week.:D The weeks where my weight stayed the same or i gained a little were the weeks that i wasn't diligent about tracking so it's motivation to keep tracking.
New Beginner

I'm a new beginner and would like some people to talk with and put a foot in my rear when needed. Can I join your group?
Hi Mylindak,
You are more than welcome to join this check-in.:) If you are a beginner or just getting back to working out regularly, you will find a lot of motivation and encouragement here. I look forward to getting to know you.
What kinds of workouts are you starting off with?
Hi Elle
I'm started with Basic Step 3 weeks ago. I couldn't finish it at first. Now I can do the whole routine. Last week I did the routine twice on a 6"step for half the 4" for the last half. I'm gradually working in the Body Fusion. I can't do all of it just yet. Today I did Body Fusion and had to wait out for the lunges on the last rotation but other than that I did the exercise.

I have a bad back so I can't do jumping and running. My back is the reason I've put on all the weight.
Yesterday i did Shiva Rea's Beginner Flow DVD. I rearranged the order of the sequences so i started with the more energizing and ended with the more relaxing.

Mylindak: Great job on getting started and all the improvements you have made so far! Body Fusion is a good workout to gradually work up to since there are seperate step and weight segments. It's easy to measure your progress. When i started working out again i began with BS/BF for the first month and then started adding in other Cathe DVD's. Right now i'm on a bit of a yoga kick but i'm still making progress. Keep up the good work!:)

Hi to everyone else! Seems like everyone is busy but hopefully you are all keeping up with your workouts.
Hi all, just checking in before bed. I weighed in this morning and lost 2.6#! Finally, I was beginning to worry about getting over the hump as I hadn't lost anything the past two weeks!

Elle: Great job on losing 2.8# - keep up the great work! I am still excited about my yoga class coming up in November, but I haven't really had the time to sit down and focus on the art of yoga yet. I've been printing a lot of the basic moves off of, so at least when I find a breather I can try to manage the basic positions in the confines of my own home before trying it out in public. . . :eek:

Mylindak: Welcome to the group! You will find all the encouragement and butt kicking that you need in this forum! I think we all started out with Basic Step and then moved to Body Fusion before adding other Cathe DVD's. As a matter of fact, I have a small collection of her DVDs that I have purchased just by talking to the folks here in this forum. If you need to know anything, need some motivation, need to have a foot up the bootie - trust me, they ALWAYS come through in a pinch! Glad to have you with us and look forward to watching you progress!

I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the fall weather! Hope all the hot and humid crap is done for the year! Have a great week and look forward to reading everyone's posts!
Hey gang
I am in Jamaica checking in to Montego Bay now and going home on Sunday. I have gained weight I'm sure, there is lots of carbs in the native foods, lots of fried stuff, & I haven't had a decent cup of coffee in a week!
Will share mire with you when I return home.

Quick check in for me - things have been busy here for the last few weeks but I'm still getting my workouts done. I just finished STS Disc 24 today and that completes Meso 2!! Woohoo!!! I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it when everyone else I started it with has dropped off. This week is recovery and I'm looking forward it to and starting Meso 3 on Sunday.

Hope everyone is doing great!!
Hey, just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I have been going out and hanging door hangers or work the past several days, so I have missed out on my lunch walk, BUT I have been walking up and down very large hills going from house to house and have been walking anywhere from an hour to two hours, so I guess that makes it ok.

Nancy: Great job on making it through disc 24! You have to feel awesome and I bet you look pretty damn good too by this time. Enjoy your recovery week and we look forward to hearing how Meso 3 goes.

Bridget: Glad you are enjoying Jamaica and hope you have a safe trip home on Sunday! You deserve the break so I wouldn't worry too much about putting on a little weight. Can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get home!

Has anyone looked at the video clips for the new videos and is anyone planning on pre-ordering any of them? I don't fully understand about the downloads as I don't have an up-to-date ipod to be able to watch them on and the only place to do so would be on my computer, but heck, if I have the DVD who needs to watch it on my computer? I am kind of bummed that the workout blender only works with the downloads (DUH!) I don't know what I was thinking, but since I don't have any downloads because I purchased the DVDs, guess it won't do me any good, but it looks really neat! Whenever you all try it, let me know how you like it - maybe I need to come into the 21st century . . . .

Hope all is well with everyone!
Kind of quiet in here lately! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and for my fellow Canadians, a great Thanksgiving weekend! I can't believe it is almost over - the time just went by way too fast.

I started STS Meso 3 this week and I think it is going to be my favourite! I'm going to hold off until I do the other two workouts this week (plyo legs is tomorrow). It's heavier weights and light reps with lots of rest in between sets.

I've also been adding in cardio since I really need to work on my cardio endurance. I did Turbo Fire: Fire 30 Class yesterday and will try to do that after the STS workouts if I have energy left. Today was a pure cardio day so I did 4 Day Split double cardio premix (Higher Intensity Step + Lower Intensity Step). It was great because I finished the whole thing! This workout was my first one with Cathe last year and I could barely complete one of the step workouts so it's awesome that a year later, I am able to do both!

Thanks! I feel great. Results haven't really been great but I suppose that is because my eating has been off track the past few months. But I'm feeling really good and can feel changes even if I can't see them yet. :)

I pre-ordered all the workouts back in August and can't wait to see what they are like. I went with the downloads only because I just like that idea and it saves space. :) There are other devices around that can play them - you aren't limited to just the iPod. I have a media player device that connects to the TV and it plays all kinds of formats including MP4 and that's what I use.
Happy Thanksgiving Phoenix! My weekend was very busy with TWO Turkey dinners! Yummy!

My yoga classes were beneficial to me as well as the students this weekend. I taught the beginners how to do Sun Salutations. I also incorporated a lot of challenging asanas into the advanced class. This required me to do a lot of demonstrations, particularly the "yoga pushup" in the Sun Salutation since a lot of beginners usually have trouble with that part. I got in lots of pushups during the two beginners classes and i could feel it the next day.:)

Everything is going well but i've been really busy so i haven't had a lot of time to visit the forums. I will catch up on posts when i can.

Have a great day,
Another busy week but managed to get in all my STS workouts and some cardio ones too. Week 1 of Meso 3 is now complete! Really like Meso 3 even though the plyo legs workout is a killer! OMG. I've already noticed some strength improvements already which is awesome.

Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and getting the workouts in too!

Today was STS Disc 28 and the start of week 2 of Meso 3. It's hard to believe there's only a few weeks left. It went by fast! I also added on Turbo Fire: Fire 30 and Stretch 10 class workouts since I need more cardio and feel great.

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