Chalean Extreme Initial Impressions

I am painting a room and listening to the motivational CD. Wow, I am really impressed. I think that is one thing that is missing from so many weight-loss/fitness programs.

I really was worried about paying over $100 for everything, but now that I have it all and have seen how well-put together all the materials that came with the DVD's are, I think was actually a pretty good deal.
Jonahnah, I had not noticed that in the STS clips (looking straight ahead during deadlifts). Maybe people feel they need to look right at the camera?

I have not watched the workouts yet, but my plan is to start Chalean Extreme after completing STS. Chalean will be my strength training workouts during triathlon training, and they do look like they are pretty well-rounded compound exercise circuit training workouts, according to the exercises in the guidebook.
"The one thing that really p***s me off is that every single DVD (and the CD) have circular scratches (in the direction of the 'tracks', not deep, look superficial) on them, and some have deeper, small scratches on.

I haven't previewed the DVD's yet, but IMO, even if they play fine now, they might not in the future or on another DVD player because of this. And even if they do, IMO, it's completely unacceptable to pay for new merchandise and not get it in perfect condition.

I'm steaming about this!

I wonder how/if it's possible to get a satisfactory solution to this (ie: DVD's in perfect shape)? Especially with BB's less-than-stellar phone CS (and I ordered through the BB site directly with a discount code, so have no 'coach' to trouble shoot for me). Others on VF have noted the same damage (yes, I consider it damage). I think some are just choosing to live with it (unacceptable!)."

Kathryn, this was the first thing I noticed, too. Thus far mine have played, but I have not actually watched any of the workouts in their entirety.

Beachbody should be prepared to replace these discs if needed, don't you think?
Mine also have the scratch marks on them. I plan on starting this rotation on Monday and following it with STS! :D I'm excited.
I am painting a room and listening to the motivational CD. Wow, I am really impressed. I think that is one thing that is missing from so many weight-loss/fitness programs.

I really was worried about paying over $100 for everything, but now that I have it all and have seen how well-put together all the materials that came with the DVD's are, I think was actually a pretty good deal.

I haven't listened to that yet. I'm going to put it in my car and listen on the way to my hair appointment today:D

I watched the kitchen dvd. I thought it gave some excellent pointers. It's true Chalene uses a lot of convenience foods, but I think her suggestions were very helpful and useful. The snack ideas were better than what most people eat, and her portion control ideas were excellent. She stressed portion control and how important it is not to torture yourself with any diet.
Ladies, my DVD's are perfect. So I would definitely get with Beachbody and demand replacements, because that's really not fair!
Cynthia: Thanks for your review- very helpful. Mine should be here any day and I'm excited to preview them and see how I can use them.

Bummer about the scratches, everyone. I am going to make sure I check mine as soon as they arrive.
I am very happy to read this. Frankly Chalean's swinging hips freak me out a bit so does her over eager personality. Heck to me very few people meet my expectations with regards to home fitness workout like Cathe does. I anticipate seeing this workout at Target in a few months on sale for $50.
10 percent discount

Lisa, here is the code for discount which is GLOBAL_TEMP01

I got mine and I am so pleased with CLX, because it is so well put together. And I am so excited that CLX, like all BeachBody DVDs are closed captioned for the hearing impaired! I have sold all Cathe DVDs because of that. So it is so nice to be able to understand if I am doing it right in the right form and knowing what weights I am supposed to use like (light, medium, heavy) and so nice to hear Charlene's inspiring words! :D
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I just finished listening to the audio CD. I'm keeping it in my car and plan to listen to it several times.

This is one of the best fitness purchases I've made in 2008. :D:D
I just finished listening to the audio CD. I'm keeping it in my car and plan to listen to it several times.

This is one of the best fitness purchases I've made in 2008. :D:D

Cynthia~ You are making my day! Mine are due to arrive Saturday! Keeep the great info coming! :D
I just finished listening to the audio CD. I'm keeping it in my car and plan to listen to it several times.

This is one of the best fitness purchases I've made in 2008. :D:D

*puts fingers in ears*

LA LA LA LA...I can't hear you!!!!!!!!!!:p
I watched the kitchen dvd. I thought it gave some excellent pointers. It's true Chalene uses a lot of convenience foods, but I think her suggestions were very helpful and useful. The snack ideas were better than what most people eat, and her portion control ideas were excellent. She stressed portion control and how important it is not to torture yourself with any diet.

I thought she did a good job as well, though she does rely on convenience foods quite a bit (precut apples? Come on! Not only are they oxidizing as they are sitting there, but how freaking long does it take to cut up an apple?!). Good info especially for people who are not already eating clean. (though her idea that you can go all out with the 'buttery spray' because it has "0" calories shows even she believes the advertising: how much is a serving? I wonder if it's like "Pam," where a 'serving' is either 1/3 or 1/5 second spray--and that's the only way they can 'round down' to 0 calories).

I didn't know much about Chalene before this, except for a few Turbo Jam workouts somebody passed onto me and that were not at all my cup of tea. I'm very impressed so far. I've previewed the first two DVD's so far (except for the band basics). I really like Chalene's demeanor, and her form pointers, and the music (not a strong beat, so it's easy to follow your own pace. BB does a good job with this!).

When I first heard that Chalene was coming out with a weight workout, I had visions of the moves I'd seen in one of her Turbo Jam workouts: overhead presses with light weights, while shaking our hips! I'm so glad to say the feel of this series is MUCH different.
Ladies, my DVD's are perfect. So I would definitely get with Beachbody and demand replacements, because that's really not fair!

Really? So there's hope?

Have you looked at them directly under a light? (When I'm near my DVD player, where the light isn't strong, I can't see the scatches/whatevers, but they are obvious under my light).
I doubt it.
P90X never went retail.
Nor did Slim Series.

I agree. I think SS is one of their oldest and most popular series. Didn't they just revamp the Slim in Six series? Update it because it is one of their hot sellers? I thought I read that somewhere.
I didn't like Slim in Six. I liked the lower body work in SS. The upper body work set me back. My upper body strength dropped significantly after 4 weeks doing SS. I plan to use the lower body work and supplement it with different upper body work.
Yep, looked at them in the light to really make sure, every single one of them, because everybody scared me. They are completely scratch/smudge/line free.
"I doubt it.
P90X never went retail.
Nor did Slim Series." (sorry not sure how to properly quote someone??)

I agree also!

I checked my DVDs in strong sunlight and mine are perfect so there is hope!

I am so impressed with how this program is presented & explained. The packaging is beautiful & functional, the material is well thought out and well presented and for the most part the workouts flow nicely. I'm loving the length of them. I love some of Cathe's workouts but honestly sometimes the endless reps & sets just create a dread factor for me and then I won't do them (o.k. I'm a weinie LOL). I'm more likely to pick up a really heavy weight if I know I HAVE to fail in 12 reps and not 3 sets of 20 reps. Watching the workouts I get a feeling I'm going to feel really WORKED out but not WIPED out - if that makes sense.

The only negative I can even comment on is seeing the camera man several times in the workouts. I guess that is a Beachbody thing but I wish they would stop - it's very annoying to me :) On the plus side, I don't think I'll notice them when I'm actually doing the workout because I'll be concentrating on eeking out that last rep.
....., though she does rely on convenience foods quite a bit (precut apples? Come on! .......

If I dont feel like cutting my apple, I just bite right into it. :)

I remember being so astonished the first time I came to the USA and saw pre-grated cheese in a bag at the grocey store. :) We get it here in India now. (I guess that is what being a "developing" economy is about) We dont have precut apples yet!
When I first heard that Chalene was coming out with a weight workout, I had visions of the moves I'd seen in one of her Turbo Jam workouts: overhead presses with light weights, while shaking our hips!

:D :D :D

I just got out of my chair, tried shaking my hips and doing over head presses. Never again. It will have to be one or the other.

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