My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the forum....


I share my success with all of you because I could NEVER have done this alone. I'm not done with myself yet, but......

My weightloss story:

I suppose my weight issues actually began shortly after birth. I found out several years ago that I didn’t walk until I was 15 months old because my legs initially couldn’t support the weight of my upper body. My mother believed a fat baby was a happy baby, and having some excess fat would be useful should I ever get sick and be unable to eat for a few days.

Throughout my early childhood my weight continued to grow, but my first vivid memory of actually understanding that I was "fat" and feeling "fat" came in the 4th grade when I was 9 years old. The whole class had to have their height and weight taken by the school nurse, and although I don’t ever recall having a conscious thought about being bigger than the other kids, that day I did. I remember the feeling of panic getting up on the scale and somehow knowing I was going to be heavier than everyone else, and I was. I weighed in at 104lbs. I withdrew from everything at that point, hoping if I was quiet, no one would notice the "fat kid" in the room. I didn’t play sports or interact in groups as I didn’t feel I fit in with the other kids.

I continued to remain inactive, eat unhealthily, and remain a loner for the next few years into my teens. My weight continued to grow. I was 199lbs by the time I was 16 years old, which limited my dating experiences. I met and married the first man that asked me at 16 years old. I got pregnant with my first daughter about a month after getting married, and my weight continued to grow with the births of my two daughters, and continued to grow after. Now I was ridiculed by my family as I was the heaviest member of the family. So I withdrew from them as well. I was probably in the range of about 250lbs, and still gaining yearly. Eventually, my first husband left me with two small children and we divorced.

My weight hit it’s all time high of 375lbs in 2000, and my doctor showed me my chart, and showed me how my weight was jumping 30lbs + each yearly visit, and that if I didn’t do something about it immediately, I’d be dead in three years. Even then, I didn’t immediately do anything about my weight. I’d wanted to many, many times over the years, but it just seemed too out of control. It wasn’t as though I had 50 or 60lbs to lose, I had over 200lbs to lose. It seemed impossible! So as always, I continued to ignore the problem, and figured, "well, you have to die from something!" So I did nothing.

Then in March 2001, my life took an unexpected turn and I lost my job of 8 years, and I felt I was at the lowest point in my life. No job, obese and dying from it, I felt like I’d hit rock bottom. A month later in April I was still jobless, and while flipping through the channels one Friday morning I saw the Denise Austin workout and I watched for a few minutes. Something that day made me say, "I’ll do it! I’ll start losing this weight!" I discussed what I wanted to do with my husband and he suggested I take time off from working and just concentrate on my health. So on Monday, April 23, 2001, for the first time in my life, I exercised. I could only last about 10min that first day, and I sat on the floor and cried at how out of shape I was for the remainder of the show. I vowed that day to keep coming back until I could complete the entire show. By the end of the first week, I was up to 20min, and by the end of the 2nd week, I could do the first 30min show. I then began to work on completing the 2nd half of the hour, and by the end of 30 days, I could complete the entire Denise Austin 1hr program. I did this 5x/week for the next 2 months and lost a total of 25lbs.

I then found Cathe’s MIS (Maximum Intensity Strength) at, and at 350lbs, began weight training. The weight began to melt off at a rate of approximately 6lbs/week just from doing MIS 3x/week and Denise Austin the other 2 days/week. I then found Cathe’s site and began ordering videos, PowerHour and CTX Series, and once adding Cathe’s cardio from CTX, the weight sizzled off! I was dropping no less than 8lbs/week every week, and gaining strength and stamina beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. My body began taking shape, I was losing cellulite and replacing it with smoother looking skin. Health problems I’d had for years such as swollen ankles and bronchitis were gone. I looked and felt better than I’d ever looked my entire life. I was getting daily advice and moral support from the Cathe forum which kept me focused and motivated. "They" were always there for me and carried me when I thought I could walk this journey no further. I continued to add more and more of Cathe’s videos to my routine. And my body continued to take shape and shed fat. I had to modify ALL of Cathe’s cardio in order to complete it, but even with modifications, I was consistently shedding pounds and inches each week.

About the time I got down to 250lbs or so, I began to really pay attention to what I ate. Prior to that, I just tried to maintain about 1800 cal/day, no more than 25% fat. But as I continued to lose, I wanted to really fuel my body with healthy foods, so I began to really pay attention to what I was eating, how much fiber it contained, were they empty calories or calories that would fuel my body for my next workout? So it’s been, and still is a learning experience. You can’t replace a lifetime of poor eating habits overnight, so the journey is both a long one and an educational one, as I learn something new all the time.

My story doesn’t have an ending yet as I haven’t reached my goal, so here is where I am right now, in Feb. 2003, 165lbs and still counting. I’ve lost a total of 210lbs and 70+ inches (chest, waist, hips measurements), but the journey is not over, I’m still traveling, but with the support of Cathe’s forum (my cyber bestfriends) and Cathe’s workouts, I know I’ll reach my goals of attaining "my healthy weight" and being fit and healthy for the rest of my life.

Thanks for letting me share my story, and thanks for the difference you all make in the quality of my life!

I feel like we are old friends just from chatting on this forum, yet I never knew much of your story. You are living (and working) proof that overweight individuals are not restricted to lifting 1 lb. pink dumbbells and marching in place as their only means to being fit and healthy! You amaze me. And look at how far you've come! You are one of the harderst working members of this forum that I know! I remember one of the first times I was ever on this forum, probably about a year ago from now, you had posted a rotation you were doing and I remember thinking to myself, "This gettingfit@38 chick (your name then) must be one strong mama!" I cried when I read the above post. You are just amazing to me Donna. Thank you so much for sharing this story!
RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the f...


I've been struggling with the same 10 - 15 pounds for the last few years. I haven't made any headway on the fat loss. I exercise on the order of 10 - 15 hours a week - about 1/2 at home and 1/2 Aikido. I've gained much muscle so well. I marvel at the nice bulges on my arms and legs. But my spare tire around my middle (nearly all of my extra lard is between my upper thighs and my waist). I'm really going to push hard with my friend Cathe. Wow! You've lost so much in 2 years. You are an amazing and inspiring person.

RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the forum....

Hi Donna...
I printed off your post and am going to give it to my mother to I am going to set up her new exercise area in her basement this week...and she is going to start Cathe next week.....
You are a brave woman with tonnes of determination.......and I am sure you will continue to be inspiration for my mother as she is begginning the travels that you started on April 23rd..2001....By the way that is the day I gave birth to my first daughter Haley....So you kinda both share a birthday that seems to be your 2nd birthday.....You got the best present ever.....Courage....and you have succeeded....and now you share your wealth of knowledge and determination with others.....and I hope you realize the impact you actually have alot of people who read and post on this forum....
Thanks Again...

I hope in 2 years mother will have the same success that you can share with us today!!! She too is starting at 350lbs

God Bless You and may he guide you with continued strength for the remainder of your journey....
I will keep you posted on my mothers journey
:7 :7 :7
Donna you are awesome!!!

Your story is so inspiring. I am sharing this with the members of my church. I've been talking to many of them about healthy lifestyles, but many of them think their current size is hindering them from moving on. We recently started a "Gospel" themed aerobics class, so some ladies are starting to get moving. I hope your story can inspire them to keep pushing themselves and to make some healthy changes in their lives.

p.s. Can you post your website. I remember seeing it recently, and like the expression goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Congratulations for all your hard work and dedication!!!!!

Lisa :D
Hi Donna,
Even though I have read your story before it still brings tears to my eyes. You are a true inspiration. It shows you have a lot of good commmon sense!

You are the Cathe poster girl! It really CAN be done, can't it, the hard way. We are all proud to know you.

Donna did it, now all of you....Just Do It! :7
Donna, the girls echo my thoughts about you as well. It goes to show what determination and hard work can do.
Is that your son is the pictures on Connie's site? He is very good looking.

Your Total Body Blast partner

I think what you're doing with your Mom is wonderful! You'll be able to offer the support she'll need when the going gets tough, and that's important. Support is everything when the journey is a long one! Please keep us informed/updated on your Mom's progress, and maybe she'll let you post her pics here so she can watch her own journey!?


Wanda, I am going to strangle you! :) My hubby is JUST TOO excited to hear he looks like my son! :)

He says to tell you, "It's the beer that keeps him young!" And he says, "thank you!"

But no, that is my darling hubby, who wears his 39 years very well! :) And if one more person calls him my son I'll never be able to get his head through the front door! :)

Hi Donna! I first read your story a few months ago as a lurker on this forum. I had been reading about how advanced Cathe's workouts were, and wasn't sure if I could handle the intensity, but after reading your story, I felt I could delve into these awesome workouts. Am I glad I did! I love these workouts and this forum. With moderation, I can complete a full workout, except for the step. But I know through patience and practice my two left feet will once again become one left and one right! Thank you once again for posting your story. You are truly an inspiration! By the way, not only does your hubby wear his 39 years, you do to as well!

Hi Donna! Again your story brings tears to my eyes! You are such an inspiration! I was getting ready to email you to ask you to please share your story on our forum, but you beat me to it;-). Thanks for sharing. Cathe
You're an inspiration to us all. It was after I read your story a few months back that I decided it was time to get up off my butt and get back into working out consistently as I did before I became pregnant.
I thank you for reminding me that just because I'm heavier now than before, it doesn't mean that I am too heavy that I can't get up and move.
Donna, thank you!!!

Your story and your pictures are the greatest testament I've yet seen to how powerful the human will and spirit can be (and how motivating La Cathe is :)!)

You are just a beautiful, beautiful woman in EVERY way, and I cannot wait to have the chance someday to meet you on a Cathe roadtrip -- where we are gonna present you with some kinda fabulous prize, girlfriend!

Your Greatest Fan in Atlanta!
RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the f...

Wow Donna! I've read your story before but it just keeps getting better & better! You just amaze me with your total committment and dedication to never giving up. So many people give up when the going gets tough but you have perservered. I look sooo forward to the day that I meet you in person. CONGRATULATIONS and keep on keepin' on!!!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the f...

As I've told you (over and over and over) you're the reason why I took the Cathe plunge and haven't looked back since. Most overweight people I've encountered couldn't conceive of experiencing joy from pushing their body to its limits and instead stick to videos like WATP and Richard Simmons (zzzzzz). Once I read your story I knew there was someone else out there like me and Cathe wouldn't be 'too tough' as others advised.

Thanks again for being such a source of inspiration (and great rotations!)
RE: My story: thanks to Cathe &...

Hi Donna... :)

A friend was talking about the horrors someone had gone through having had their stomach stapled and it ended up with me telling her about you and your journey and she was very impressed with your stick-to-itivness. :)

You have come a long way and have added years to your life that you can spend with your children and oh so young ;-) husband.

You have made an impact on my life.

RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the f...


Thank you so much for sharing your story. What an inspiration you are!
I found your pictures through Connie's link. I think that you are beyond a doubt the most inspiring woman that I can imagine. It has taken so much determination for you to change yourself so much. Too many people go for the pills, surgeries (or other "easy fixes") that are not going to give them the healthy wonderful results that exercise will provide.

I have passed your story on to my friend that needs to lose weight. I sure hope that she will get the exercise bug. I know that it has added so much to my life and obviously yours too.

You have an incredibly supportive DH! He deserves the big head for all the "your son" remarks just for being such a wonderfully encouraging supportive DH while you have been making your fitness journey. You don't have to tell him but, I also wondered if he was your son. Go ahead and tell him. He's wonderful too! Let him know it. I say that with an ironic twisted smile. I am 41 and 2 years older than my DH. From the beginning of our time together everyone has assumed that he was older than me. Ha! Someone once called him "my father" when we were still in our mid 20's. We have fun with that.

Truly you are so remarkable! You really make me wonder why in the world you can lose over 200 in less than two years and I can't lose 10 pounds in 2 or 3 years. Perhaps, I don't have the "my life depends on it" attitude that would be there for a greater loss, but I'm going to think of you and your inspiring story whenever I lose my resolve. While you are busy changing your own life and health, remember that you are inspiring countless others now with your phenomenal success! Perhaps you can do a Cathe infomercial instead of the scam infomercial that was offered to you.

All my best to you and your wonderful DH!

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