So much wonderful news at once!!


Congratulations to all of you! All these healthy babies being made. How cool it would be to know the sex before its born. I talked to a friend last night as I just had a feeling on something. I guessed she was having a boy (she isn't telling a soul but since I guessed :)) and like alot of women here is a little nervous about being a 'boy mom' after she has only been a 'girl mom.'
Anyway, best wished to all! So much good news all at once, this is really exciting!

Joining Bridge to CONGRATULATE everyone here for their pregnancy announcements. Gee, I went away for 12 days and came back and it seemed like EVERYONE was pregnant!!! Happy & healthy pregnancies to you all. Keep us posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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