

Hi Everyone,
I have a question .....pretty much for anyone who wants to answer this.Yesterday my sister-in-law(who is 12 weeeks pregnate) started to spot.Now, she as already had one miscarriage and was a little nervous about this one.She as been feeling really good the last couple of weeks.
My mother in law took her to see the the doctor yesterday and she said that the chances are 50/50 right now.She had a internal check done and the uterus was still closed.
I have no idea about any of this stuff because when I was pregnate I never had a problem.Now I think this this as everyone in a tizzy.SO she is scheduled for a emergency ultrasound sometime today as soon as the doctor could get her in.
My question would be there any of you guys who had any problems like this? Is this a common thing? I know that miscarriage are but I am hoping that she is going to be able to carry this one.She as all this maternity clothes already,clothes people have given to the baby.And her boyfriend is a military pilot and is over seas for training and won't be back until the end of July.Any way any input on this topic would be great.
Hi Lori! I have had three miscarriages and know very well what your sister-in-law is going through. Unfortunately, everytime I started to spot, I ended up losing the baby. Once even after having an ultrasound and being told that the baby was still viable. By the next day I was having a D & C. On the other hand, I have heard many, many stories of women who have spotted and even bled, and gone on to have a heathy, full-term baby (including my mother-in-law). I'm afraid that this one is up to a higher power. She's lucky to have so many people caring about and supporting her. I hope things work out for her.
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
Thanks for your reply.I just got off of the phone with her and she just got back from her ultrasound and they say that the baby is fine.I forgot to ask her if they said where the blood was comming from.
She said that the heart was beating very fast and she could see the babies toes and fingers moving and she is a week futher along then she thought.I hope everything work s out for her also.She is a good person and she deserves it.
Hi Lori! I'm glad to hear that the baby is fine. I have a friend who bled for three weeks during the early stages of her pregnancy and although it did not look very promising at one point, things turned out okay and she had a healthy boy. I wish your sister-in-law my best.
HI Ctahe,
It is really good to hear from are my idol (of course).her and the baby are still doing great.Hopefully this will not return in the near future.

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