Questions for Sheila, re: ab work, breathing exercises


Dear Sheila,

I heard somebody mention a few posts back about special breathing exercises you can do during pregnancy in preparation for labor as well as ways that you can train your abdominals to be thoroughly effective in pushing the baby out and during labor.
I'm considering trying a VBAC delivery this time around and any info on this subject as well as recommended reading would be terrific. Even if things don't work out as planned, I know that I will at least have given it my best preparation.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Liz N.
Hi Liz,

Here are three exercises that will help prepare you for the pushing stage of labor.

Imagine that you have a balloon in your lower abdominal area. Take a deep breath inflating this imaginary balloon allowing your belly to protrude. Be careful not to let your chest rise. Exhale slowly and compress the air out of the balloon. Force any leftover air out completely. Now that you’ve learned how to effectively work the muscle you will use to push out your baby, contract and release this muscle and breathe normally.

Start by leaning back into a Resistaball or pillow which is between you and the wall. Curl upper body into "C-shape" by pushing against pillow with lower back. (i.e. contracting your abs). Imagine "pressing your belly button into your spine" or "giving your baby a hug with your abs." Return to starting position and repeat 10-15 times.

This exercise teaches you how to coordinate the muscle groups and the actions necessary to effectively push out their babies during the second stage of labor. It combines abdominal contractions, exhalation and pelvic floor relaxation.

- Place your hands on your belly and inhale. You should actually feel your hands move as you inhale and fill your belly with air.
- Exhale and pull your navel to your spine as you contract your abdominals while simultaneously totally relaxing your kegels (i.e. “drop your kegels on the ground!”)
- Hold this position for five seconds as you continue to exhale.
- Return to the starting position

As for your question regarding information on VBAC.... (For those of you who are not familar with the term, "VBAC" means a "vaginal delivery after cesarean.") I recommend you visit The following is a description from the website's home page. "This website provides childbearing women and maternity care professionals access to research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC* (vaginal birth after cesarean."

Good luck and please keep us posted.

Sheila Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness Programs

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