

Can someone explain to me what a fibroid is? My last ultrasound showed that I have a small one. I asked my doctor what that meant and she said "it's just a growth, nothing to worry about". I stopped worrying at that point and didn't ask further questions, but now I've started worrying again - "just" a growth? I know they are common, and I feel kind of dumb for not knowing, but I really wish I knew what they were!

Fitnik, I saw in your post that you have some too -- hoping you might have some knowledge to share...


Hi there,

They are basically muscular tissue that seem to grow at will and are "fed" by any blood supply to the uterus. The first I'd heard of mine was when I went in for my scan last week! They are non cancerous and cannot be removed in women of child bearing age as they can bleed quite badly and may require an emergency hysterectomy! Mine are really big (2 the size of coconuts, the 3rd slightly smaller) - they grow during pregnancy because of the incresed blood supply to the uterus but should shrink after the 1st trimester when the baby dominates the blood supply.


BTW, they are a lot more common in women of colour for some reason - yikes...

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
RE: Fibroids

Thanks, Fitnik, you have set my mind at ease. I hope yours will shrink soon -- don't want them taking all the baby's food!

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