Exercise and fertility question


Hi, I was just wondering if any of you had experienced fertility issues related to too much/too intense exercise. I have been exercising at an advanced level for about 2.5 years, 7 hours a week. I typically do an equal mix of cardio and weights. I have never modified cardio workouts and typically lift as heavy as possible (safely of course). I haven't changed anything about my exercise/eating habits lately, and haven't changed anything at all that I know of for that matter, but I haven't had a period for 39 days and counting. I was on the Pill previously, up until February, but had two normal periods thereafter (though light). I did take a home pregnancy test a few days ago and it was negative. I'm wondering if exercise might be the culprit? I know that my body fat % is not terribly low, so that's not a problem. Just wondering if any other advanced exercisers have experienced amenorrhea or prolonged cycles due to exercise. I have cut out interval training for the time being, due to the chance I might get pregnant.

Thanks for any input!

Hi Holly,

I would bet that going off the pill in February has more to do with this lag between periods than your exercise! I went off the pill a year ago, and my first couple of periods were right on time, but then the irregularity set in! At one year later, I'm just now beginning to feel like my cycles are pretty well back on track--they were all over the place for a while there (44 days was my longest wait)!! I think it is pretty typical for your body to go through some adjustments when going off the pill, especially if you were on them for a long time (like I was). YMMV! :)

I agree with Sandie. The problem is probably more related to going off the pill. When I went off the pill my cycle was never regular, also going as far as 40 some days. I even ended up doing fertility treatments because my cycle never regulated after a year and I was trying to get pregnant. I am just hoping everything returns to naormal after I finish breastfeeding.

Give your body time to remember what its suppose to be doing.

Thanks for the feedback. That seems to be the consensus of everyone I talk to...the body is just adjusting after the Pill. I'm glad I decided to go off it now rather than waiting, because I had no idea it could mess up my natural cycle so much.

Thanks again!

I went off the pill (after 4 years on it) last March. My periods went from pretty predictable to very unpredictable over the next year. And then this spring I had a period that lasted 18 days! ACK! So I saw my Dr who suspected an ovarian cyst, and this was confirmed via sonogram. She thinks that was why I wasn't conceiving, and put me BACK on the blasted pill for three months so it would shrink. Now I am at the tail end of that and I get to go back off the pill in a few weeks. Not sure if it shrunk. I guess my point is perhaps a cyst is causing your irregular periods? They are usually palpable by a Dr.
I don't think I have a cyst...I go to my ob/gyn and have pelvic exams yearly and they haven't mentioned a cyst.

I talked to the nurse practitioner and she said it's not terribly unusual to not have periods for 3 months after quitting the Pill, so hopefully that's really it. But it's been over 3 months by now. I guess I'll just have to be patient.

Thanks for the input!

Holly (45 days and still no AF...sigh)

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