Work woes! (long)


I don't know if some of you remember but I recently went back to work in Nov after taking a yrs Mat leave (canadian). When it was time to go back to work, there were 3 part time employees at my work that had been there longer then myself and were all magically willing to work full time hours in order to keep there jobs b/c when I went back someone had to go. Of course, none of them really wanted to work full time. There DH's make enough money that none of them have to work, they just do it to get out of the house.
In thee end, he ended up letting another girl go who hadn't been doing her job for a while and that was fine. Then there was another fulltime girl who was off having surgery but in the end she didn't return. Which left me, another full timer and 3 part timers. Everything was fine at first and although I wanted to be on my old shift (where the other full timer was) it wasn't possible b/c thats where 2 of the part timers needed to be. I have adjusted to being on the other side of the scedule and get along with my new coworker. Not only that I punched Christmas last yr and was looking forward to having it off this yr.
In the meantime, when the last full time employeee left, the parttimers got the pick of the schedule b/c they work around their husbands shedule, while myself and the other full timer were left, waiting for leftovers. Does this sound weird to anyone else? It just so happened that nothing changed and everyone stayed where they were.
Now...since Jan the other full time employee as left. And he is just twidling his thumbs not really in a hurry to hire anyone. Says that he isn't going to just hire anyone off of the the meantime, he isn't going to have a very easy job of finding someone b/c he is looking for someone with an accounting background and not willing to pay them what they are worth.
Now...that leaves me (full time) and 3 part timers. I have covered my share of the shifts this month and takin 3 OT shifts as well. While the others just do what they want.
Last night my boss calls me while I am at work and wants to know if there is any problem with me going back to the other side of the shift (my orignal) b/c one of the part timers can work more on my schedule. I don't know what to think of this! Part of me doesn't want to be hard to get along with it but lets face it, Im the only one up there doing my share and I am the one getting the shaft. This girl wants to come over on my side so that she doesn't have to pay a sitter, needless to say, she can afford it and I have to pay a sitter why can't she?
I feel like I am getting tak'in advance off. Part timers are suppose to be there to fill in the blanks and cover holidays right? Why do the part timers at my work seem to have the upper hand and are being catered to all the time?
Im half thinking about lying to my boss and telling him that I can't do the other side of the shift b/c my baby sitter took another child on the opposite days that I need her. I could also be truthful but I don't think thats going to get me anywhere.
I feel like telling him how I feel and asking him how many more shifts is she willing to work on this side b/c I can tell you, she certainly isn't going to work the whole shift. She may cover a couple of more and thats about it.
I have to say, I am not impressed about this. He is gonna end up pissing me off and being short one more employee. Im not a yo-yo, Im not going to go bouncing all over the place. Now I just have enough nerve to stand up for myself.

What does everyone else think? Am I just being hard to get along with?

I dont think that you are being difficult at all. I can see where you are coming from. Usually the way it works is that the fulltime employees get plugged in first and then the part timers and the per diem get put into the holes. That is what my impression of how schedualing usually works not vise versa.

I would tell my boss how I was feeling about this whole thing. I think sometimes its better to just get things out in the open. It also depends on how comfortable you are talking with your boss and if its even going to make a difference. I wouldnt take to getting bounced around for other employees. If you let your boss know that you are willing to move days all the time he may take advantage of that. I would also tell him that you cant change time because of child care issues . Why should you have to keep moving to accomadate him? Being a good employee is to be flexible but if it means rearranging your life its not worth it. If it makes you feel better why dont you tell your boss your willing to move days around if it works better for this other woman but you would only do it on a day to day thing.
I dont know if this helps you at all. But, i wanted to tell you that you look great for just having a baby. :)

It does sound like you're being taken advantage of in that you're willing to put in the extra time and effort req'd in order to keep the company going. I've done this myself and when my boss says he was in the middle of hiring people it just kept taking longer and longer and getting worse as he was being way too picky. Meanwhile I was the one staying late and making sure deadlines were being meant etc..

It got to the point that over a period of several years there was no improvement and no thank you for the extra effort. I think you have to decide that you can be a good worker and still not feel guilty leaving work on time to have a balanced home life, especially now that you're a Mother.

Once either deadlines don't get met or work gets behind they'll figure out they better get off their butt and hire someone or roll up their sleeves and pitch in.

You should talk to your boss but not from an emotional point of view because life is not fair so comparing yourself to other co-workers will not go over well. You can only go to your boss with hard facts. If you want to change shifts b/c it's convenient for you then do it, if not don't. If others are not pulling their weight make sure you don't finish their work for them and then you're just being taken advantage of. Workers have to be held accountable. I finally got sick and tired for covering for my workers and have stepped back and mind my own business as your boss won't care in the end as along as the work is getting done, not by who or how late you have to stay to get it done.
As a manager, I would appreciate you making an appointment to see me (ask him for 15 minutes of his time - everyone can spare 15 minutes) - then outline your concerns in a logical, unemotional manner. Instead of saying it's not fair (even though it's not), explain the difficulties of rearranging sitters, etc. Let him know that you really do not want to cause problems, but that you really need to continue on the schedule you are in order to be able to plan in advance and make sure that both work and home run smoothly. (You cannot do your job as well if you're worried about your son - it's that simple). Before you go in, put together a list of your issues and possible solutions (don't just complain, see if you can come up with a way to resolve the issue - he will definitely appreciate that).

The reality is that as you have been accomodating in the past, he has no reason to believe that you will not continue to be accomodating, so if someone wants a different shift, it's not hurting him to ask you. He will continue to assume that it's okay with you, until you let him know otherwise. Just make sure that he knows that you really would like to help him out, BUT, it's just not possible.

I hope this makes sense and good luck!
I've been all sides -- a fulltime employee, a part-time and a maanger. (Actually it's more difficult to accomodate the schedule of a part-time person than a fulltime.) What I'd first suggest is that you stop comparing your situation (hours, money, husband's situation, etc.) with your co-workers -- it's very counter-productive. Instead, figure out what works best for your schedule and then request that. If it's not availabe, just suggest that if it ever does become doable, you'd be interested in changing/switching shifts then. Good luck. Deb
Thanks for all of your responses everyone.
The thing is, it really doesn't matter to me what side of the schedule I am on, but if I move again...whose to say I won't asked to move again b/c someones husbands schedule got changed? I can't keep moving back and forth. The other thing that kind of bothers me is that if and when I transistion to the other side, someone as to work 2 weekends in a row...who do you think that will be? ME! She isn't going to do it.
Im just irked b/c I should be the one being catered to, Why do the part time employees get full rein of everything while I just sit there and take the crap. Im working this side of the schedule b/c this is where the part timers needed they want me moved back again.

It sounds like the other side of the schedule is where you wanted to be in the first place. If that is still the case, I would go for what works best for you, making it clear that you are only available to work every other weekend (or whatever you are willing to do). The boss can ask you down the road to switch again, but that doesn't mean you have to say yes.

I fully agree with the statements about how you approach this (or any other issue) with your boss. Coming in emotion-free with solutions is key.

A final thought: if you are chronically unhappy and feel you have been taken advantage of since your maternity leave, perhaps it is time to look for a new job altogether.

Good luck!

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

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