Why can't I get over being sick already!?


Should I be worried if I've basically been sick since Halloween? I have felt better for a couple days and then I get slammed feeling sick again. It's not even like it's like I feel majorly ill--it's like just a neverending cold. I had fever for a couple weeks, went on an antibiotic, and the fever at least went away, but I'm still sick. This time it's congestion (I've been congested the whole time), headache, and a sore throat (hurts to swallow).

I guess I just want to complain because I'm tired of being sick all the time. :( Oh, and I'm tired of being tired as well--I'm very sleepy all the time, too, but especially when I take cold meds. x(

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif[/font]
I've been reading about your struggles with being sick for months now and I'm very, very worried. This is not, I repeat--NOT normal. I was sick a lot last year and it turned out that I had been ignoring severe sleep apnea. No wonder I was always sick--I never slept so my immune system was 100% shot. Now, you probably don't have that (do you snore horribly like I did/do?--that was what got me to finally get help--my SO had had it!)

Anyway, not to scare you, but I think you need to have a test or two done. There HAS to be a reason why you're not getting better. Are you getting enough vitamins/sleep? I'm not a doctor so I can't give you any good advice. Only that I sincerely sympathize with you and I can't wait until I get to read a post from you saying that you feel like you're back to your old self. Good luck and feel better soon, darling!


Maybe its a sinus infection that won't let go. DH had one of those. Like a never ending cold. Headache, sore throat, fever, congestion. An antibiotic cleared it up for a bit, but then it came back. Some nose spray stuff from the Dr finally did it. Check with your doctor.

Hope you feel better soon,

Please, please, please go see someone and have tests done. There is something going on and it could be a very easy thing to correct but you won't know until you go. I know all too well about not feeling good for long periods of time but I stay on top of it. There are enough challenges in life and many we can't control but your health, you can do something about. Let us know how you're doing and if you make an appointment with the doc. I'm sending many, many healing hugs to you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

Hey Lainie! It does seem like you are ill a lot. You had better find out what it is. Don't put off going to your physician - if it is nothing, then at least you will know for sure. Get well soon...


Do I have to fly in and take you myself girl?:7 Please sweetie, yes, you should be worried enough to go in and ask for bloodwork for sure. There are all sorts of things that could be the underlying cause.
I just read the strangest thing about our lack of vitamin D causing fatigue in women. Just a thought, my point? Please, please go.:) And hugs and get well kisses on top of your head... :*
"Should I be worried if I've basically been sick since Halloween?"

In a word, "YES!" You are a fit, young woman, you should not be feeling this crummy for so long! It could be allergies, strep, anemia, a multitude of things. Kids bring home lots of germs, but scary things happen too. Please, go to a doctor and tell him/her everything that you've been experiencing and for how long and have bloodwork done as well. If for no other reason, do it for your kids and DH. They all want you at 100%!

Please, have yourself checked out ASAP. Don't wait another week. Something is not right with your body. Please post an update for us too!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
You have small children, don't you? When my kids were real little, I got colds all the time. I felt like it was one right after the other. I still get them (in fact, I have one now that I got from my 13-yr-old), but they're not as bad. I do agree with the other posters who think you should see the doctor. But I think you're probably just adjusting to all the cold viruses you're now exposed to through your kids and their environment, too. Why don't you try some saline nose spray to help your sinuses in the meantime?
Back in 2001 I got a fever and flu symptons, which rapidly progressed to full blown pneumonia. This was end of February. Got and xray with my mammogram, and doc put me on antibiotics. By April, I still felt like crud, had one of those peak flow things done, and it was really bad, and normally being a swimmer it is great. So Doc was looking through things, and said, hey wait a minute, 2 weeks before you initially got sick, your daughter had strep. She then surmised that my pneumonia was from a strep form, and the antibiotic they gave me would not knock it out,so no wonder I felt so bad. So I was given a different antibiotic, which really made me feel bad, but it did the trick. Recovery was tough, was finally able to start swimming by the end of May. Just talked with a friend today that was hospitilized because the antibiotics she was taking could not rid her of the infection and she needed special IV antibiotics.

So don't ignore this, seek help.
Thanks, everyone, for your advice and kindness. I feel so nasty tonight that I will probably take some meds and go to bed in just a few minutes.

I do have 2 little boys and I've figured I am probably catching all the bugs they bring home, though they haven't been sick as much as I have--maybe I am just more susceptible or something. I also have allergies, but this has felt different than my typical allergy troubles.

I plan to see the doctor on Monday.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif[/font]
Lainie, I hope you see a doctor soon. It could be something very simple like anemia and then you'll wonder why you waited so long. Just wondering what's wrong with you the past couple months could drive a person crazy and make you imagine all kind of terible things are going on with you. Your husband and boys need you too and have probably been worried about you also. So do it for them if you can't for yourself.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and hope you feel better real soon :) .

Yes, when kids are younger, you tend to be sick more, but this is more than that. Allergies could be tied to it, people I know are having a real tough time this year with allergies, but still, a full work up and press until you find an answer is due. Also, at this time, don't push the work-outs. Scale back, keep stretching, and remember, you have the rest of your life to get back in shape, right now you need to get better.
{{{{{{{{{Lainie}}}}}}}}}}. Yes, please get thyself to a doctor and ask for tests. Several things come to mind -- everything from a virus which can hang on forever, to mono, to allergies, and everything in between. And if you're sleep deprived you won't be able to heal yourself. The importance of rest is always so grossly underestimated. You take good care and make your doctor work for you!
If you do go to the dr and you get tested, make sure there is an actual bacterial infection before the dr gives antibiotics. These meds can make a cold or any virus much worse. It seems like some dr's don't even bother testing for bacteria, but give antibiotics anyway. (at least in my experiences)

Plus, I hear apple cider vinegar is supposed to work wonders for illnesses. Since you have taken antibiotics in the past, you should follow up with a good probiotic.

From Thanksgiving until almost xmas, I had a bad, bad cold. I drank herbal tea everynight and apple cider vinegar throughout the day. Plus, I doubled up on garlic...a natural antibiotic.

Hope you feel better soon!!!
Thanks again everyone for your advice, thoughts, and prayers. I'm back from the doctor. Apparently he doesn't think I look too bad--throat doesn't look too bad, chest is clear, etc. Apparently I feel worse than I look. So I just feel like crap from some random virus, probably. He wants me to get blood tests done (mainly because of the fatigue) but I have to fast first, so I couldn't do it today. I think I'll do that on Wednesday so I can go when my toddler is in nursery school again.

Meanwhile I just have to take care of myself--thanks for the pointer about apple cider vinegar, Sara; I'll have to get some of that.

I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to start the 4DS rotation I had planned to begin today or if I should rest. At least I know my chest is clear, and I seem to remember reading here that if it's only the neck up you can work out. I'm so tired, though. I will see how I feel when I put my little one down for his nap after lunch.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif[/font]

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