Playground Boot Camp


This is from a thread on VF - exercises you can do at a playground:

1) bench dips
2) "walking" on lower monkey bars (those that are just a few feet above the ground) by swinging from hand to hand
3) same as #2, but shoulder dips
4) negative pullup if you can find a metal bar that's parallel to and close enough to the ground
5) pushups off just about any surface
6) isometric wall squats against signs (i give 'em a good yank first to make sure they're solid)
7) lunges on sidewalks - walking or static
8) pulling yourself up using only your hands on a ladder (really hard)
9) doing hanging crunches (hanging leg raise) off horizontal poles that are high enough above your head that your feet are off the ground
10) swinging from hand to hand on overhead monkey bars (really hard)
11) traditional crunches on bleachers or benches
12) step-up lunges on bleachers or steps
13) explosive movements like vertical leaps (i think mine is 1/2" )
14) t-pushup (regular pushup, then you rotate your UB so that you're resting on one hand and have the other extended straight above your head)
15) inchworm (got this one from NROL - New Rules of Lifting)
16) unweighted squats
17) pullups and chinups if there's a bar high enough up

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
If I didn't have a 2 year old that might run out in traffic, I'd be tempted to give it a try! ;)

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
excellent ideas! i'll have to try it when my nieces and nephew come. i've always been afraid that i'd break the monkey bars down.

I just spent a week at family camp and had a blast at the playground - THESE ARE AWESOME IDEAS. Swinging on Monkey bars is FUN!! And pull ups - have you tried pull ups on Monkey Bars HB? I LOVE the hand placement. Grab the bars and pull your head up in between them. For me...they are much easier this way - what fun - fun - fun!!!

Get out there with those kids and have fun guys!!! (your kids will love you for it too.)


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